My soon to be husband (in 5 months) has two adorable dogs. What bothers me is that she jumps up on you all the time, she follows him around 24/7, and she whines and snores consistently. Isnt that crazy?! Just like it would be a mistake to get involved with someone with children who hates hates hates children.. My sister has five dogs same thing. Some of them also found it odd that, as a dog owner, Im perfectly fine with the fact that some people dont like dogs. My cat (had before we met) is and indoor/outdoor cat. This whole allergy thing started out when his parents looked after our cat during a month-long overseas trip we took when a friend of mine could no longer live up to her commitment in the last minute. He's allowed to be Continue Reading 31 Kevin Mcelroy Author has 4.8K answers and 1.4M answer views 2 y We have been going rounds about the animal for quite some time. Wishing you the best! Its been a battle since that day 4 years ago. I have tried about everything possible and still tonight he says hes not getting rid of the dog. Sometimes I think Americans have went insane. I have never controlled how much he drinks and this has become a big argument in our house. So, I have to follow him around to make sure hes on the right track. Maybe hes just adjusting to the new place. Her dog came from a Romanian shelter and they wanted to kill her but she got saved. She was the alpha over him. Now, you cant leave the dog home alone for any longer than ten minuteshe destroys the carpet ripping and clawinghe craps in the house BC the grass is too long for himand oh dear god when theres snow?? But a change as simple as teaching your dog not to beg or keeping your cat off the bookshelf could remedy the issue. He sees Mesa as his child, I see Mesa as an animal. But I cant handle this. they have killed children. I feel like thats sort of evil and that she lied about who she was. Her reasoning is that she wants to know what the dogs living arrangements would bebut she was not even willing to call the shelter herself to verify that she could take a look around first to see if she could agree to the new home. Mainly because I decided to focus on my relationship instead of a small dog problems even if it could be seen as a big one I finally decided not to let it but just let the dog into my heart more each and everyday. I cant make any comments about his dog because he always defends Nd puts the dog above me. I just cant see that if your guy or girl likes animals that there is going to be some real animosity unless deep inside they really sont like animals at all. More power to you girl! Should he hit the puppy? I believe people who let their animals do these things are harbouring their own issues with people and secretly enjoying the pretend power their out of control mutts are giving them. Youd put an animal above a marriage? Good dog! Its really sad because dog owners who do this never care about how anyone else feels or about their own cleanliness and surroundings. I should have SAID no! I tell my mother to stay married to this man means I will never have another pet, which I greatly dislike that thought, but I know my spouse will turn it into a human rather than respecting the species for what God has created. The dogs were all rescued one at a time. Reading some of these posts has been an eyeopener. Besides she was using those back legs to get into it and was dragging herself out of it. Take care. !! He thought it was an endearing moment. I am seriously thinking of telling him to get lost because I dont need the constant complaining, especially since he has no control over his dog but ignores how well my dog listens. Now, let us go back nine years in time. Do you have friends or family that might take him? i have three chihuahuas who i had long before me and him met and the first thing i asked was if he liked dogs. Good marriages (and relationships) dont just happen. In February, we bought our dream house. I havent been able to talk to my bf much about it as Im scared it will lead into a huge fight and hell breakup with me over it. That wont change Kelly. How is this going to work with 2 dogs?! I cant get the thought out of my head that he got to keep his and i didnt and mine died. I also have allergies so Ive always had the rule that no pets in bed and no dogs on any furniture. Really glad I found this page. I want to focus on our marriage and we want to travel together, I moved to the US for him, so we want to visit my home country regularly and also visit other places. Why in an apartment (AND WHY WITH SMALL CHILDREN???). We couldnt even cuddle on the couch b/c Fido would get jealous and jump on us and whine, and frantically claw us apart! Please advise ? The exact same goes to you my dear :) I can understand why any partner would rather turn to animal companionship with a tongue so vile and sharp. LOL This is why he isnt allowed in the upstairs area of our house, and hes definitely not allowed on our furniture. If you can ascertain the exact reason why your husband/boyfriend wants to rehome the dog, you might be able to persuasion him not to do so by resolving that particular issue. But they always had strict boundaries, training and manners. I work too many long hours and its not fair to the pets. I had to pull him off and fix the gate back stronger. This is so frustrating. The dog doesnt bark insistently. When the dog is not around, (because his dad will take the dog to camp with him) everything is great, but when the dog comes back its terrible. Does that lazzyness (sp) apply to other issues as well such as keeping the house clean? So this is not exactly regarding to your comment, but towards mainly the women with dogs having these issues in their relationship. The dog is 10 years old roughly and does not listen at all. I told him if he brings the dog to the house, I will have no alternative but to put him back to the basement. It is unfortunate that so many people treat their dogs like humans instead of the animals they are. A woman said they were so sick of his dog, his friends stopped coming over. Im willing to work something out with the dog/chewing situation but weve tried everything we can think of. We hired a personal trainer who we did lessons with together as a team and we diligently kenneled her to work on house breaking and we let her sleep in the living room. My first dog was older when they met and therefore very sedate, the second dog. Anything helps Thank you. He has had training and about every option there is for this issue and he just cant stop. Look the dog fanatics are crazed control freaks who cannot exist with ordinary people and use the dogs, who cannot talk back, to affirm their need for adoration and control. How long do puppy blues last and how to overcome? If you want to change the way you do something with your petsfor example, allowing Fido to sleep in the bed or taking more frequent walks with your pet and your partnertalk to your partner before taking the plunge rather than making a decision and expecting him or her to abide by it. Many times hes said if I reprimand the dog he will choke the life out of me. So then we bought a tether type thing to chain her up. I dont get to sleep with my boyfriend and I rarely get to cuddle him or get any love or attention from him because all he ever does is cuddles or hug or kiss the dog. and to imagine I used to love cats and dogs.. had many over the years but I really am done!!! Hi. Why would anyone want to be with someone like that, pets or no pets? i hate being home just because i dont want to be around her. So, it should be done gradually and piecemeal. Investing some money on this is so worth it in this situation if you really wanna keep the dog, especially the dog has bitten someone already. Of course, my bf thinks this is all cute and wonderful. The house smells like ammonia and I cant be in that environment, my throat starts to hurt and its just disgusting. Woah. All the lights were off and my dog greeted me as usual, I ran in the room grabbed what I needed and I heard the front door open. Now I demanded some things change, whereas before he was able to do whatever and be left alone the dog came into this house pooping everywhere, being defiant, acting super and extra needy, etc. I cant help that, he was like that when he came to me from his last family. They are smaller dogs and use his house as a toilet. And in the end he was the one that left me and I was finally free from that promise. Cant imagine having a baby with anyone else. Cant wear anything dark or I have fur on it. How does a person get to the point where they are more affectionate toward an animal then their spouse. If she didnt get her way, shed start washing her private area for a very, very, long time. Also, perhaps its not even necessarily your dog that he is annoyed by, but the way you are *treating* your dog. That part has changed as he literally broke us financially. This is a new relationship with the girl I am currently dating, so I dont want to throw in the towel just yet. I would like to contribute with my personal story about mistakes that we make when we enter a relationship being a pet lover, but also give a word of compassion to those who find themselves in the same situation that I do. Tell that guy to pack his clothes and his dog and cat and GET THE HECK OUT!!!!!! Perhaps its time to move on in your life. My blood boils because she is a very smart dog and knows this is wrong. My bf told me soooo many times that he was trying to find a home for his dog & that once we bought a house the dog was not moving in no matter what. He then comes back into the room I am in, starts cussing and ranting about how he is so sick of seeing dog piss in the floor and that I can either get rid of the dog or he will do something about it, incinuating he will either get rid of it or kill it. This brings me to the current day. Like ever, even be on the bed and they didnt spend hard hours in school for nothing. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I left my marriage over the dog being his first thought, his first everything along with being stepped on with his snide comments and put downs. I knew he was cuddling her and letting her lick his lips. Even tho hes an chow chow, hes very sweet to other dogs and her. . I admit I have also spent considerable time and energy to train them to live with us in harmony. UGHHHHHH!!!!! Wow, what a slap in the face. Before we even met he has had a medium sized border collie/labrador cross and a cat from a previous relationship. His mouth was literally on my sons face. I can certainly feel your pain. In my whole life I have met 2 or 3 people who are pet owners (very responsible ) but do not let the pets on furniture and can distinguish between a person and a pet. But apparently it was too much to ask, because we have had so many massive fights about it. I would have put up with the other two cats. gets channeled to the dog with yelling. and its not like that. I do love him as he is the best dog he can be, but his natural instinct is to try to eat our cat, and Ive never wanted him to live with us. It was a very easy life to live with him and I loved him very much! my girlfriend doesnt like my dog on the bed because she sheds,but she lets her dog sleep on the bed. Im frustrated with the urination problem. There are enough responses here that a website for dog widows/widowers seems viable: I dont think there is anything. She cares to please me now. I know hes not an animal person and that I cant change that on him so Im really having a hard time with this and dont know what to do. The reality of relationships is, you really need two fairly like-minded people for them to be a success, at least certainly when it comes to day-to-day lifestyle. We had moved in together knowing he couldnt have his dog, he said he was okay with that. As for human loyalty. I really feel your pain. I love him and we have been together for almost three years and counting. The dog is 100% dependent upon the human and knows it is. From the beginning, Mango slept in our bedwhether between us or just near me. It wasnt until another dog came into the picture (my girlfriends roommate at the time) and all things started going south. He is not a good guy; people who hurt dogs move on to hurting people. But my boyfriend loved her. I just want to be able to go home after a long day at work, decompress, relax, and enjoy my life. He of course used to let her sleep in his bed like a person and she stinks like nothing Ive ever smelled. While I have a big fat belly and Im constantly complaining about my back. Without them, they push and push and there are no limits to the rebellion/ control. If you really dont have sufficient time to set aside your canine friend, check in your neighborhood. My situation has worsend since my last post. I just dont know what to do. My marriage is ending after 4 years. I wouldnt call them dogs. Except yes, the way he believes so harshly that a dog is a dog. Shes sometimes peeing in the bed or pooping on the floor even tho she was outside but I always told myself her behavior is like that because of her negative past. Please tell me if thats normal? If there is no compromise, there can be no relationship. When I have to go out of town I often have my mom watch her because I know if she is at home she will not be happy and wont do anything but sit in her crate, eat and go outside. Well, I knew her allergy was total bullshit and a subtle way of getting back at me, but it triggered my partners argument about his own allergy and it has only snowballed from there, with her support, of course. Alisa, I am not a dog nut. Vilma, I dealt with that same garbage in my last relationship so I can relate. I was fooled into thinking that my boyfriend could have become more into pets in the aftermath of something he deems traumatic to himself. Another issue is, I have been teaching the kids to not touch the dog during meal time to avoid the dog getting defensive and hurting the kids. If he shouts at a little dog because he is an insecure man , he will probably do the same to his wife or potential children. Then you need to take action to solve whatever issue the dog has with that promise on your hand, resulting in the husband/boyfriend refusing to get rid of the dog. I know he would probably have a fit. Animals get between human relationships. Hes started getting depressed because the dogs are more important than him, so I dont love him, after 32 years of marriage. I think he wants to find some other type of compromise that allows him to keep the dog in the bedroom, but I refuse to budge on this aspect. The thought of it was hurting our relationship until it ultimately ended. thank you so much for having a forum which allows me to vent & I hope there is no judgement on the readers reply but theyve been in my house for 2 years so I think Ive sufficiently given them a trial. It violates their conscience. Professional training has to happen and if you dont have the money for it dont consider getting a pet with considering the likely hood youll find a significant other one day who might not like pets or want that responsibility even if he or she can tolerate them. Friendships may be a different story in some special circumstances, but it should be a no-brainer when you love someone. It might be a little difficult for the dog at first to adjust, but that is what proper training is for. Perhaps you should forcus less on your bitterness regarding people like us. And focus on finding your own. We didnt have a honeymoon so on Day 2 he hurried around to go get his dog. Show intitiative. Then throw his ass out. Youll have to invest in Fabreeze! She is great with people, kids and other dogs never shows aggression or anything but only towards him in these situations. In fact, You will receive an abundance of complaints from the neighbors about your dogs loudness. He wont eat and acts weird. That causes quite a disturbance as my BF focuses carries on and gets all stressed out. i wanted to embark on a new relationship, and instead of prevented from doing so, because of the current interference from the cat. Absolutely not. Why is it that none of you get this until it is a human problem and then you still dont get that the dog isnt a human. Help. I work two jobs and run an at home crafts business, the boyfriend doesnt exercise her (or bathe her) so shes left in the house refusing to go outside and her energy builds, and I dont have enough energy to help her. My husband has time to go bowling, golfing, drinking, sporting events, and then he wants another dog? Every command is met with the resistance of a spoiled child. Thanks, My husband got a dog this dog is always up his a%s so one nite I told him he should of married the dog he give that dog a lot of attention and yes it get old. I remarried a man with a huge female Labrador Retriever. I offered to pay for a local dog whisperer to come into the situation as many times as needed to address a compromise but she wouldnt think of it. :(. I knew she had them, and I honestly didnt think it would be a problem. He doesnt want to get rid of the dogs even though Ive calmly discussed how hes putting his feelings before mine & care more about his desire. I tell him to get her off and he just thought it was no big deal -_- and in the pictures he was sending it felt like I was seeing a couple being all snuggly on two couches and he would tell me she would stare at when he wakes up or falls asleep. They need guidance. Could her dogs be spreading bacteria or viruses to my wife? (He made the comment she would be happier there.) The only thing she would listen to at first was sit. He wants him to be an outside dog when we get a house but I cant stand the idea. Its not even the dogs fault, this is a situation that my boyfriend has created over the years, long before I was in the picture. If we cannot solve this, we will head for divorce; and Ill be very, very clear about pets in my next relationship. So, this can be the reason why your husband/boyfriend needs to get rid of the dog. I know you arent obligated to care for a dog that isnt yours, but it would help you bond with the dog. I truly dislike it when people amphorize pets into human beings. Oh? You are ripping away something that they are bonded to, a hobby that they like, a fun animal that they enjoy. 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