4 0 obj . (11)Prescribe and define the duties and powers of the several officers of Shriners International and members (representatives) and the powers and duties of the several officers of subordinate lodges or temples. . . . . . 159 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF FORMS OF SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL.. . 2020 204.7Commercial Activities. . . . . . . A Representative entitled to a mileage allowance shall be paid within 10 days after the close of the Imperial Session by checks or electronic funds transfer prepared from the report of the Mileage and Per Diem Committee: Amend. . . 1972, 1999 (9)He shall receive notice of, and may attend, all meetings of the Finance and Audit Committee and he shall receive copies of all records thereof. The possibilities for having fun as a Shriner are endless. . . (8)He shall, with the approval of the board of directors, arrange for the prudent investment of all idle current funds of the corporation not needed for immediate payment of obligations under current appropriations. . endobj Imperial Court History. . ARTICLE 3 . 9.3Sessions. . bylaws of Shriners International, a temple flag as defined in Article 21 of the bylaws of Shriners International, or the Imperial Potentate's flag. 21 Oath of Office. . . 2016 (11)For violation of Shrine law or for conduct unbecoming a Noble of the Order, he may suspend any Noble from membership or office in Shriners International or in a temple until the conclusion of the next Imperial Session, or for a shorter time. . . With the written approval of a majority of the Imperial Chief Rabban, the Imperial Assistant Rabban, the chairman of the Jurisprudence and Laws Committee, and the chairman of the Finance and Audit Committee, he may make additional contributions out of the general funds of Shriners International in the name of Shriners International in cases of disaster. . 42 Amendments, Alterations or Additions. . . . . Shriners. . gYpV:+ Certificate of Appreciation. (2)He shall keep all permanent records with respect to the business of Shriners International and reports of its committees; he shall prepare a Shriners International directory and distribute it pursuant to resolution of the board of directors; and he shall keep all other records customarily kept and required by the board of directors. . . The articles are divided into sections, which are numbered; and then further subdivided into subsec- tions, which are lettered with lowercase letters in parentheses. In 2015, the bylaws of Shriners International were amended [see 324.1(d)] to allow the Imperial Potentate to grant Special Dispensations for a temple to allow participation in any stated, special or annual meeting of a temple electronically. . . . . ARTICLE 5 Purposes 5.1Purposes. . . . 20, 206.1 206.2 206.3 206.4 206.5 206.6 206.7 206.8 207.1 207.2 207.3 207.4 207.5 207.6 207.7 207.8 207.9 208.1 208.2 208.3 208.4 208.5 208.6 208.7 208.8 208.9, Officers. . . . . . . . For access, try . . . . . 2023 Hillbilly Constitution and By-Laws (pdf) Download. . . . . It is incumbent on the senior member present to ensure that there are no deviations or modifications to the approved protocol. . 32, Associations of Temples . . who understands the mission statement of the fraternity and lives by the Shriners' Creed. Imperial Council Education and Development (I.C.E.D.) . Amend. For Technical Assistance contact: Noble Maurice Calhoun (Moe.Calhoun@gmail.com) PP Wesley Minter (PP-Minter@das-mint.net) Please follow the login instructions below. . Representatives Ad Vitam . . Over the past years, this program has achieved high levels of acclaim, with ninety-five percent (95%) of the Deserts (individual states or specific regional areas) throughout the Domain (Jurisdiction . . Hello Brethren, Was wondering if there are any Texas Shriners from the Khiva Temple in Amarillow, TX. . find a chapter. Any system, even vendor provided, used for electronic voting will be required to anonymize a voters information without the need for intervention. However, if more than one Representative is a candidate for an Imperial office, the board of directors shall establish a procedure in accor- dance with Iowa Code 504.708 for the Imperial officers for the ensuing year to be elected by the Representatives. . . . . . . . . 200Hl2aS0q+S0?r mj!.`b E2c`~"(` 6tX endstream endobj 103 0 obj /Filter<>/PubSec<>>>/Reference[<>/Type/SigRef>>]/SubFilter/adbe.pkcs7.detached/Type/Sig>>>>/Type/Catalog>> endobj 104 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]>>/Rotate 0/Type/Page>> endobj 105 0 obj <>stream Change of Address. Both of these locations are easy to get to for most of the Midwest Shrine Centers. Add. . H\0~ . A quorum consists of 150 Representatives at least 85 of whom are members of different temples. Yours In Faith, David Wantland, PP 2010 President C.I.P.P.A. . . . . . We are a non-profit volunteer association under Shriner's International that organizes and runs motorized competitions for Shriners and Shrine Temple units at the Annual Shriners International Imperial Convention typically held in July of each year. . . . . . . 38 Selectivity. . . . . . . (2)He may grant any dispensation allowed by the bylaws, except a dispensation to form a new temple. (s) Temple means any group of Nobles (Shriners) chartered by or under dispensation of Shriners International, as the context requires or permits. . . . . This corporation reserves the right to amend, alter, change or repeal provisions contained in these articles of incorporation in the manner now or hereafter prescribed by the laws of the state of Iowa. . . By Laws. . . . . . . . . . . (9)He shall send annually to each temple a sufficient supply of dues cards, in a form prescribed by him and approved by the Imperial Potentate; and the cost thereof shall be paid by the temple. . . . The following words, terms and phrases mean: (a) Association of Units means regional, national or international organizations of temple uniformed units or of Nobles who, as a prereq- uisite for their membership in such organizations, are members of temple uniformed units. ARTICLE 4 Duration 4.1Perpetual. Shrine membership was well over 55,000. . . . . . . . . . . This Statement in its self is a Scary thing to some as read! . . Newsletters and Official Communications; 2022-23 Officers; Shrine Treasurers Association Past Officers; Current STA Bylaws; Temples of Shriners International . In most countries or jurisdictions, such as the United States of America, the position on the right . . . . . . . . . . Details Date: March 1 Event Category: All Temples - Imperial Duties . . . . A regular annual Imperial Session of Shriners International shall be held as soon as possible and practicable thereafter. . (8)Demand and receive such fees and charges for grant- ing dispensations, charters, certificates and diplomas as may be by it determined to be proper and reasonable. . . . . 1985 101.10Forms. . . . ago. If public transportation was used, the Representative must attach his receipt for the payment of the transporta- tion for himself and also for his spouse, if she accompanied him. . 2 In case of the retirement of any Treasurer who is a member of this Association, his membership shall advance to his successor upon proper certification by his temple. . Membership. . Free shipping. . 202.3Seal. 20 Method and Time of Payment. . . . The Representatives to the Imperial Session of Shriners International are its Representatives ad vitam , its Representatives at large, its emeriti Representatives, its elected Representatives, and its appointed Representatives. Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth. . . . . . . . . 26 Meetings. (h) Member means a member of a temple or of an organization of temples or Nobles, as the context requires or permits. 40 Diploma For Candidates . . . Let me explain! . 0000006316 00000 n . . x(LAzzn$ Z#EG}a++[a?OE! . . . . thus attaining 23 members. . . . 0000397404 00000 n . . . . . The white Masons were the first to establish an order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. . . The Representative shall complete this form and he must present it at the time he registers for the Imperial Session. . . . . The seal of Shriners International consists of 2 concen- tric circles between the circumferences of which are the words Shriners International and State of Iowa. The outermost circle is surrounded by stars and crescents, and within the innermost circle is a panther-bodied female sphinx superimposed upon a pyramid and the date June 6, 1876 is beneath it. 0 . /Contents 4 0 R>> . Shriners - Part 13. . . . Unless otherwise provided by resolution or bylaws, parliamentary procedure shall be governed by the current edi- tion of Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised. Other Hillbilly events. . The Imperial Chaplain shall be paid mile- age and per diem expenses as if he were a Representative. Rays extend outward from all sides of the pyramid. Rules and Regulations 2018. . . The officers of Shriners International are: (a) Imperial Potentate, President; (b) Imperial Chief Rabban, First Vice President; (c) Imperial Assistant Rabban, Second Vice President; (d) Imperial High Priest and Prophet; (e) Imperial Oriental Guide; (f) Imperial Treasurer; (g) Imperial Recorder, Secretary; (h) Imperial First Ceremonial Master; (i) Imperial Second Ceremonial Master; (j) Imperial Marshal; (k) Imperial Captain of the Guard; and (l) Imperial Outer Guard; who collectively are the Imperial Divan. . . . . hb```b`0f`a` @`adXzyqa9ZD23=juuuk srsQj0L+u,wRvIC3L}riJJ^Lh8WmwEF42+G=2h P NN"=W ,%(v10 . . (12)For violation of Shrine law, for good cause, or upon request of a temple to consolidate, merge or surrender its charter, he may arrest the charter and suspend the work of any temple until the conclusion of the next Imperial Session, or for a shorter time. . . . . . . PROVISIONS RELATING TO SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL.. . . This corporation shall not have any authorized capital stock, and the incorporators, or their succes- sors elected to membership in accordance with terms and conditions of the bylaws of this corporation, shall be designated as members (repre- sentatives). . (c) Representative Residence. . . (k) Restoration means the return of all rights of membership. . 11 8 8 8 9. . . . . . 20 Imperial Chaplain. . . . The Board of Trustees manages and operates Shriners Children's medical centers, clinics and hospitals, and allocates and provides for the disbursement of funds for the construction, acquisition, maintenance control and operation of the locations. . Charity Fund Report. . . corporation or organization hosting the Imperial Session. . . Amend. . Any Noble upon his retirement from the position of Executive Vice President of the Iowa corporation or Executive Vice President of the Colorado corporation, who has been an employee of the Iowa or Colorado corporation, or a combination thereof, for a period of not less than 40 years, is a Representative ad vitam . . Nobles of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and jurisdiction : revised and adopted at the annual session, August 16th, A.D. 1933 by Inc. (Prince Hall Affiliated) Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine ( Book ) . . 323.8 of Shriners International Bylaws state that "If a Noble loses his membership in the prerequisite body . SHRINEDOM - The realm of the Shrine fraternity, including its members, governance, programs, activities, organizational atmosphere, etc. Bylaws: Of the: South Atlantic Shrine Association : As adopted September 21, 1974: With Amendments Approved on October 18, 2010: With Amendments Approved on March 23, 2018 . . . . . . . (1)He shall have custody of the seal of Shriners International, and he shall affix it to all Orders of the Imperial Potentate, official commu- nications, and other documents. Amend. . . The order grew rapidly, and soon came to have local lodges, called temples, in most of the states, and also to have a national governing body called its Imperial Council. Amend. . . . . . . . and spell "A MASON.". . . The jurisdiction of Shriners International is that set forth in the articles of incorporation, as amended from time to time. . The use of temple badges as gifts, or for exchange purposes, is permitted. Special Sessions . Imperial Divan. . PART II Provisions Relating to Shriners International, ARTICLE 2 Name, Jurisdiction, Seal and Powers, Name. In most coun-tries or jurisdictions, such as the United States of America, the position on the right of the speaker (the left of the audience) is the position of honor. . (d) Imperial Recorder. . . . The bylaws were submitted to the International Shriners and approved at the Imperial Session in Atlantic City, N. J . The Cabiri has started the planning for the 149th Imperial Session, 2-6 July 2023, in Charlotte, NC. . . . . . . . . . vided by the bylaws of The Imperial Council. . 2019 (c) Expulsion means involuntary termination of membership. . . . . . (b) To be the irrevocable common agent, representative and supreme authority in all matters appertaining to the government of the system of the subordinate fraternal lodges or temples known in the aggregate as Shriners International, located in states around the world and, as such, shall have supreme and complete original jurisdiction and essential powers necessary to such control and government to: (1)Enact and enforce bylaws and regulations for the government of itself and subordinate lodges or temples and members of the Order known in the aggregate as Shriners International, and to alter, amend and repeal the same at its pleasure. My Grandfather is/was a Shriner there and was hoping to get some additional information. . . xref . . . . . They look forward to celebrating the 150th anniversary of Shriners International and the 100th anniversary of Shriners Hospitals for Children with you. <>>><>>>] Jurisdiction. . . Dedication. . . . . . . . Goals. . . . . 2022 Information. . . . No travel agencies, vendors, circuses or other commercial groups may be in attendance at an Imperial Session of Shriners International without a contract or agreement from the convention Session shall be the report of the Credentials Committee. . . . . . . . . . . . 9.2Amendments. . . . . 1983 (10)He shall have an emergency fund of $1,000 from which he, may make contributions in the name of Shriners International in cases of extraordinary distress. /Contents 6 0 R>> . . . . . . . Appointed Representatives . . . . . 204.2Special Sessions. . . . 28 Vacancies . . . . . 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