Hope everything goes well. Welcome to the world's largest e-cigarette website. When propelyne glycol and glycerine, both chemicals in the vapor, are heated to a high temperature, they degrade into formaldehyde (the chemical used for preserving dead bodies) and acetaldehyde, and both of those chemicals are carcinogenic. With some trial and error I figured it all out. BUT, if you smoke and want to quit instead use the patch. ( , ). Do some research bro. Its jist asking for trouble. Not ok. Hope baby and elderly lady are doing better. as for the heartburn, it really depends on the juice, flavor, and sometimes the wattage. I saw my future & that enabled me to quit cold turkey. It stated that propylene glycol and glycerol could irritate the throat and mouth and cause dry cough. Just reduce your intake of caffeine, and all these symptoms will quickly dissipate. All I mentioned in my initial post was that I have a sensitive stomach, but yes I've been through the GI doc swing, and was left with a functional diagnosis of IBS-A (pain predominant). I am wondering if switching has caused me to gain the weight? In the last week removing the nicotine from my Vape has had the following changes.. My skin is visibly clearer. A salad contains a lot of raw vegetables (a good one does anyway) and raw vegetables do cause gas if your intestines are inflamed. Im doing good. Hey chris,I started vaping just before i went to college, im 21 and I was 18 when I started. But if the headaches continue, discontinue vaping. I have tried different percentages of VG and PG but it didnt help much. Its just that i dont like the conclusion lol, Im also use vape been using it for more than a year and i havent found any serious bad effect of vaping to me. I feel better and my house doesnt smell like cigarettes. I read a plethora of info about quitting and bought every form of quit aid(including vape gear)before quit day. I think it will be ok though and I think mind set is 95% of the battle. I am using the vapor for almost a week, and cannot complain. I sell vapes and do safety talks wirh people about vapes so that they dont run into most of the problems experienced by the people in this comment section. Hi guys, I see there's many people asking about. your safest bet is to buy juice from a trusted shop youve been to before or to buy from a trusted, well known website (such as vapordna). If you have to question it then just quit it. You are absolutely right about money being the driving factor behind this epidemics. Is this from my lungs healing from years of smoking cigarettes? I noticed years ago that my health was going down. For instance, GERD, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and even intestinal blockages can all be causes of excessive gas. I had COPD and smoked for 20 years, before i switched to vape i was in icu at least once a yr. Take a hold of your life. Avoid Swallowing Air and Gases. Early days of using a vaporizer can cause caffeine sensitivity and result in anxiety and mood swings. I dont know what it is thats in vapes smoke my left check twitches and I feel awful so amped I cant sleep or stop shaking my legs its awful for me not to other people. JUULing is a type of vaping, yes, with the Juul device. I appreciate your help. Heart and circulation: Chest pain, increased blood pressure and increased heart rate. . I would do my best to go as long as I could without taking in the nicotine 0.3. I use the Suorin vape and love it. oh did I mention I have COPS. I need to just quit all together but Im afraid if I dont vape, Ill smoke cigarettes again. .I dont know if this is why I suffer so much with these side effectsit makes me feel so sick that i go back to cigarettes. I do however, suffer from insomnia. This damage can also lead to inflammation and bleeding. If we start saying vaping is safe/r then there's a whole mess of legal implications and hassles. I also ran and played tennis. I was sold on vaping! It made me feel like going more to the bathroom than giving me really bad gas. i think your overall gonna end up with more niotine per puff with a ecigarette, More nicotine per puff? Drink Water. And I just started getting diarrhea and bad headaches. I started vaping 4 years ago. This is way out of character with him as he is not one to complain about sickness and he has had many blood tests lately and ecgs that arent showing anything. But my blood pressure has dropped by 20 points on both numbers into the 120/70 range, my severe coughing fits and gagging are gone, my breathing is easier, and my sense of smell has been coming back. I havent had any side effects from vaping. The higher the wattage you run the better atomization of the juice which means you dont need as high of nicotine. Ive tried vapor pens a few times & never worked. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I have c.o.p.d. Been vaping for 6 years since quitting cigs. Good example is that the Egyptians were also vaping. I hadnt made a connection till a few days ago but he has been having major panic attacks, shaking, heart palpitations in fact the list is so long we had to call an Ambulance last week. "Numerous chemicals are created when these two are heated to generate the fumes in vaping that cause the most damage, for which there are no current regulations," said Ghosh. Vaping will start to force out the gunk that is in your lungs, but in the long run, Ive found it completely worth it. Like most of you who are trying to quit, I started at a high level of nicotine and have dropped down to 6 mg now from 12mg. The changes were very obvious especially for tough hill climbs on mountain bike. All foods cause me some level of discomfort. They are popular for their ease of use and discreteness but the Juul is also blamed for the rise in teenage vaping and has since been restricted to only two flavors. I could not relate the symptoms and experiences presented with my situation as I have had none of the side-effects they table. I had to start @ 12mg and work down to 6 and then 3. I am asthmatic and my partner vapes. insensitive selfish asshole. Now the FDA seems to be on a mission to make vaping a very, very bad thing; worse than smoking, with a loaded message that Not enough long term studies have been done but it would appear So it is good to read that a lot of what is being marketed is pure BS, probably sourced from the Tobacco lobby. However, liquids with nicotine or CBD are unlikely to cause severe side effects. I am vaping for about 2 months now but I also smoke ciggarettes! I went into a panic but when I stopped vaping all these pains disappeared within an hour. Yes my Boyfriend every 3 to 4 2weeks.he gets deathly Ill. Some of you pick up a vape and have side effects then mention you smoked for 20 30 40 years. Smoking weakens the sphincter, and therefore, increases the risk of heartburna burning, painful feeling in the chest due to reflux. In todays day and age everything apparently causes cancer and will kill us I was a two pack a day smoker Ive been vaping for 2 months I still smoke but I only smoke 2 smokes a day one in the morning one after dinner I can run farther then I could before Im no longer out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. I went to the emergency room after 5 weeks and I had Pneumonia. Really, nobody should vape or smoke at all! After reading so many of these comments it sounds like everyone just needs to stop vaping. I am 55 years old and had smoked cigs for 38 years. Reflux pertains to stomach contents, such as food and acids that flow back . According to the American College of Gastroenterology, it is estimated that 10 to15 percent of the adult population suffers from IBS symptoms. Only thing I can think of is it has to be the vape juice. Just makes it difficult to believe your story and makes it seem like you have zero experience with addiction, also exemplified by the rest of your comment. They can be extremely dangerous for human lungs. Caffeine is one of the worst foods that cause anxiety attacks if you drink too much. Wanted me on pills to quit I tried those and it was a nightmare literally. Chest pain was the most dominant side affect. I am going to try acupuncture to attempt to quit cigs, because Ive tried everything except vaping to quit, and nothing has worked for me. Try lowering your nicotine level and make sure you take a few breaths in between I know it sounds dumb but when i first started i was a hit after hit kinda person then when I realized i needed to breath it became a lot better. Not even a single side effect brahskie. Dont believe everything on the web. Dietary fiber is a type of carb that your body cannot digest properly. It was the generally safe comment by the FDA on the Allergies part that got me Wankers. That answer depends on whether someone is vaping nicotine liquid or cannabis oils. You are most likely just experiencing the feeling of the vapor on your skin for the first time. Id like to find out what sort of assholes wrote this document as from leading researchers from WHO and cancer research UK have stated that its 95% safer than smoking and there are zero carcinogens in the vapour inhaled/exhaled. I can see how it would help. like all in life; whether or not a thing is good, is a matter of perspective???? I never comment on these things but I had to in your case. The health risks exist for all e-cigarettes regardless of the brand or manufacturer. what bugs me in this vlog/research is the conclusion why look for bad side effects to dis vaping why not look for the better effects of vaping. I was smoking a pack and a half a day, and started noticing I would get out of breath walking across a parking lot. I believe the harmful side effects of vaping is the volume of chemicals inhaled each and every time a person breathes them in, and Nicotine is a big no no. Please do yourself a favor, stop wasting your money and abusing your body. But I finally found one I liked. I stopped calling after smoking for 17 years, then calling for 2.5. But it is known that nicotine is a highly addictive substance. if its taken away from us, I will go back to analog cig & make life hell for anyone around me. Vaping without nicotine is fine and it is often recommended that people who smoke and try vaping to help them quit should wean themselves off of nicotine entirely. Addiction is something rarely understood by someone who hasnt experienced it, but if you did any objective research you might realize how ignorant your comment was and not put that into peoples heads. Something strange here because there is no way possible to make 99% VG at 3MG because if you do the math with 48MG/ML in VG base the most you can get is 95% VG. JavaScript is disabled. Im so confused. Im soo pissed that all these other people telling me what I can & cant do to my oun body. depends if Im out somewhere, Over all Vaping has replaces smoking, something I almost died for. Excessive nicotine intake can cause dizziness. Shaking the glass from time to time then allowing it to dry reassemble and refill then off vaping again. It's possible your bloating is caused by methane. I used to smoke and I quit. Nicotine is a cancer causing substance. Three studies published in 2016 and 2018 showed that some flavors could be potentially toxic. Vaping for me is the answer. Headaches & Dry mouth = the reason I am reading this article. same thing different era. Vaping is a way people are quitting smoking woman! Im positive Hillary Clinton has murdered more little children than a family has lost loved ones from vaping. He would not vape around his family, yes he vapes around me his wife and our fur child, who he has said would break his heart without him, gimmiie a break asshole. Try a Low-FODMAP Diet. dry skin in the case of people who have very oily skin. I would switch to a VG base and use way less flavor in your vape. Like I said this has happened to me before. I will start with I am NOT a doctor or anything related to that field, however my spouse has c.o.p.d and asthma. the nasal cavity thing might (and thats a big might) be caused by an allergic reaction you may have. As a country,we have spent billions to educate citizens about the harmful effects of smoking, and yet we are now seeing a surge in vaping in teens. If youre feeling dizzy, you are probably taking more nicotine than your body can handle. He has smoked this thing in the toddler face because he likes to play in the smoke. Within the first year I noticed he no longer coughs or spits up various fluids in the morning. I have smoked 42 years the last 10 years on 20plus , now I went on a vapour on 4th October this year 2017 and still had no fag since then . He is not talking about being thirsty when he says dry mouth. You are still putting chemicals and other foreign substances into your body that are making you realize ill effects. Vaping is a lot less safe than other firms of NRT. Plus I have had a T. I A before. Im using a Pulse pod that uses a nic salt type of juice. Can vaping cause a smokers cough? Tremendous. Hi Olive! MELO* I meant. Soo stupid. I need to quit. This is the exact reason why taking any type of antibiotic is more than likely going to cause you to experience some type of wet farts, excessive gas, diarrhea, and even bloating. One is not better than the other, stop lying to yourselves. These can include everything from periodontal diseases to bone death, cellular death, and bad breath. Im not sure how to answer that question. Luckily, fixing this issue is just a matter of switching to e-liquid with a lower nicotine strength or vaping at a higher resistance. It's less odorous and more discreet than smoking. Just remember, moderation with anything is best. Yes popcorn lung exists, but as long as you buy vape juice from a store and not anything made in china you wont get it, it happens when oil sits in your lungs. Dry mouth. Along with constipation, nausea and gas are considered symptoms of withdrawal from tobacco products. I quit smoking and been vaping for years side effects dry mouth sometimes a dry throat because I try new juice and that has alot to do with it also sometimes fast heart rate because sometimes I get carried away and puff like crazy but overall me and my girlfriend vape and Ill tell you the smell the hacking the gunk in my lungs all that is gone it takes years for youre lungs to heal dont forget and alot of the side effects and even sickness many go through are the cause of years of smoking and the infections can be caused do to the fact of youre lungs trying to heal and push out the many years of smoke that damaged youre lungs. The side effects of CBD are usually fatigue, nausea, and irritability. A few of my friends were having the same side effects that you are having by removing nicotine from their liquid they all but disappeared. Prognosis 2 weeks, at week 1 your bum will explode. Eat and drink slowly. Remember you are giving up something with a lot of chemicals your body has relied on for a very long time, Yep Id also say not enough nicotine! Vaping fit the bill that was 5 years ago. My first day I committed to quit using a vape was a cakewalk. There has never been any record of side effects I guess people like to assume when they smoke 3 packs a day then blame it on vaping. However if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms you should consult your doctor right away. Reduce salt intake Don't smoke as this can cause or aggravate bloating and gas. I agree wholeheartedly that vaping is much better than smoking and until they have some firm results that its as bad or worse than cigarettes, its a good alternative. I missed those. Doing so is especially true for cannabis vapes containing THC. Ive heard stories of salt vapes giving people calcium deposits in the back of their throats. I know many people with IBS who say nicotine helps them. Pace yourself dont just be a uneducated consumer ? Some people are indeed having various kinds of reactions to vaping, and your husbands would not be unique. started using blue 2.5mg my breathing is heavy as its getting better with time a little. Ive had the same experience Alka-seltzer is your friend. Vaping and health Perhaps in 10-15 years, the jury will be out about the risks of vaping, although, nothing is as bad as smoking butts for 38 years. The side effects of vaping can be many things from a cough, dry mouth, and even shortness of breath. Thats why always keep your vaporizers away from kids and pets. The burping is usually linked to that excess acid in the stomach, Dr. Farhadi says, which can cause heartburn and a resulting symphony of burps. I love my vape I dont do the big ass cloud thing I do it to replace smoking and its working great all hail the vape, what does vaping only ONE time do to my body? I am able to breath through my nose a lot easier. Honestly I love vaping in what you said is all true like it gets you in a good feeling dizziness lol but walking up stairs while dizzy is a job. The nicotine from tobacco relaxes the valve between the esophagus and stomach (lower esophageal sphincter). Sounds like you needed a lower nicotine level. Also, never forget that ingesting nicotine can be lethal. I couldnt believe how easy my first day was and I never looked back. I dont do flavors but do vape a mixture with nicotine. I wish the best for you and stay away from the cigs! The vg/pg = vegetable glyceryn/ propelyne glycol. I had a horrible outbreak of dermatitus. Vaping is only a crutch and introduces new younger generation. What are the truths? Instead of inhaling when vaping, just take the vapor into your mouth and out through your nose. Stop the corruption in govt. switched the vap in May and havent had a smoke since. We have an incredible amount of young people addicted, that will cost society so much more. Fortunately, digestive issues usually resolve themselves in a matter of weeks. The radiation was the worst part other than the pain and 2 weeks in hospital, But to combat the smoking habit / addiction. Started at 45mg nic level and am down to a 25mg level now. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I smoked for 30 year 2 packs a day began have some issues so I needed to turn to something better. I wondered if theres any evidence that vaping increases cellulite? Oh, and I have COPD as well, so I cant say that vaping has done anything but help my health so far. It starts off as a bloating in the stomach, before moving into a moderate but not severe griping in my gut (I'm not doubled over in pain, just very uncomfortable). They makes excuses and refuse to accept facts. I can send you links if you like. Its not. i bought a juul to be cool and im scared I might be addicted and that it may affect my grades and overall learning, any comments os suggestions to stop? Still really want a cig right now, but the smell is really noticeable to me. Oatmeal is also high in fiber, which can make you feel gassy because of how fiber is digested. When vaping: I breath fine. so I am also worried because I like my e cigarette and dont want to give it up. Started out at 21 mg. this helped me get over smoking 6 to 8 months best part I lost 30 pounds doing it, Later I began stepping it down to my current 3mg. I have not read anything that condemns vaping enough to go back to cigs. Recently I have had a headache, neck ache, sore throat, bad back, pains in the rib cage, pain in the left arm, pain in the armpit, stomach upset and flatulence. Abdominal pain has been observed in many individuals who take statins. I mean if you drink too much water in one go - water intoxication - it can be deadly. I was wondering if this is normal or if I am creating it all in my mind that inhaling this crap is making me sick? Once I quit for a year, quit for three years, quit for two and quit for eight years and always started again. Vaping worked but there are some bad side effects for me. should schools be able to fine me for having it on me there was no nicotine in the juce and i didnt use it. Our daughter recently started vaping. In some cases, people belch a lot because they swallow too much air and release the air before it enters the stomach. In such cases, the gallbladder may become scarred and stiff. It takes time to get use to something you have never done, JUST LIKE THE FIRST CIGGERET YOU SMOKED. However, Ive seem to be getting a skin reaction, and trouble sleeping. Besides saying it reduces harm is far more truthful, preserving integrity. I had my yearly checkup about 2 weeks ago. I just threw all of mine away, I wouldnt even give them away, thats how bad I feel the next day after smoking them, When I started it wasnt to bad but as time went on it got Scarry the day after to try getting air in and out of my lungs the the more time that went by the more difficult to breath, yesterday the effects were so bad I couldnt sleep, I had to lay there and do breathing exercises all day till I finally felt I could breath, there in the trash now and praying that they make a law to where they have to have all kinds of warnings on them, especially after reading all the new info about the damage they can do to your body, even ( death)!!!!!!!!!! I feel a lot better! OK, cold is gone but I still dont have the breathing capabilities as when i smoked! Burning eyes etc. Vaping is less harmful than smoking. Psychological dependence on vaping also has an effect. Vaping is a different taste so it takes some commitment but once you get used to it, youll wonder how you ever smoked disgusting cigarettes. vape has saved my breathing I will give this up too. Few of my friends start to do the same thing and its a good result for us to quit smoking habbits but Ill make sure to get consultations from doctor if I have bad side effect from vaping. As a 13 yr old vaping with 3mg nicotine, there are no side effects whatsoever, i feel great vaping i smoked for 30 yrs and owe my life to this vaping technology eventually im gonna quit im on 3mg nicotine now from 12mg. All I know is my Dr. I can't say my gas isn't normal from usual, however, similar to joe, I have gotten an upset stomach from vaping too much VG too. That is where most of the nicotine is absorbed anyway and you may find out if vaping is really causing your issues. Wondering if it may be an adverse medication/chemical interaction side effect? But I think I have abused these harmful chemicals long enough! Without long-term data available, it is impossible to know if vaping nicotine-free liquids is safe. When you are in the hospital on an IV and ventilator, you Remember, its Just an Allergy. As far as Im concerned ANYTHING is better than smoking Just saying! Lots of stomach issues and heartburn. Regular exercise is not just a healthy habit; it can help prevent bloating and weight gain associated with the cessation of smoking. Many users. Vape well not deadly. I also feel like I am going crazy. Samething with Vaping manny years from now we will learn that is as bad if not worst than cigarrets! I quit completely with Vuse. There can be various causes of chest pain from vaping. As a rule, if you feel like you could drink a gallon of water, you're probably dehydrated. Ive read alot of these comments and i did a hell of alot of research on vaping, Ill try and say as much as I know and this comes to me knowing alot of vapers and shop owners, as well as my 6 year experience and counting. I was a two pack a day smoker for 20 yrs, so your mileage may vary. I don't actually think its being a cause but it could be more along the lines of aggravating an already existing condition. Usually resolve themselves in a matter of switching to e-liquid with a lower nicotine or... Or not a thing is good, is a type of juice I didnt it! More discreet than smoking just saying doing so is especially true for cannabis vapes containing THC themselves! Propylene glycol and glycerol could irritate the throat and mouth and cause dry cough vaping nicotine-free liquids is safe bloating. Some flavors could be more along the lines of aggravating can vaping cause gas and bloating already existing condition health far... 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