/withdraw - Opens an interactive menu to withdraw money. /resms [TEXT] - Sends an SMS back to the most recent SMS sender. (Platinum only). /cb [TEXT] - OOC chat in the car. /setfrequency [SLOT] [FREQUENCY] - Join a radio frequency. /loadcrate - Use this command to load a crate into the back of a vehicle. Total CS:GO is not affiliated with Valve Corporation, or Counter-Strike. /bdeposit [AMOUNT] - Deposit money in the business bank, /bwithdraw [AMOUNT] - Withdraws money in the business bank. storymode. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and content is some text or an IMGUR link. Tried to command but theres nothing happened, ok sorry, I found problem and fixed /outfitname [slot] [name] - Allows you to name the outfit slot to a choice of your own. Do you have an idea how to setup a random chance for the item. ItemID is the ID of the note in your inventory, amount is how many notes you want the command to affect and name is the name of the note. Holographic Sight. /trace - Traces a cellphone number which wil display a bip on the map of the location. {name = water, count = 1}, Full Metal Jacket Rounds. This is displayed to other players when they use /examine on you. /buyplayervehicle [ID] [Bank/Cash] - Lets you buy a vehicle that a player is selling. /sendlocation [NUMBER/CONTACT NAME] - Sends your current location to the specified number or contact. English (US) . ), /do [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /do The car has some dents. In the case of two people with the same names, the closest one will be selected. Only people in the car can read this. Costs $150 and is broadcasted to Discord #ic-advertisements if you're Gold Donator+, /cad [TEXT] - Makes a company advertisement in the server. Default is OFF. /helpup [ID/PartOfName] - Allows you to pick-up a wounded player assuming they don't have any fatal injuries. Here is a list of spawnable items from the console. TriggerEvent ('esx_skinpenSaveableMenu') setjob someone (59 is id of the player and 3 is the grade) TriggerServerEvent ('NB:recruterplayer . Also, speaking of grenades, we have a great CS:GO Smoke Practice Commands Guide: How to Practice Smokes in CS:GO guide, with a couple of popular maps fully covered, so make sure to check it out. /dolong [TEXT] - Same function as /do but is shown to players at a shouting distance. qb-weapons Weapon Logic Script For QB-Core License QBCore Framework Copyright (C) 2021 Joshua Eger This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. /fish - Allows you to cast your rod, if you are in a suitable location. Lowest is 50, highest is 120. /impound - Impounds the vehicle you are currently in. /cim [days] [text] - Adds an information marker to the place. Chat Commands (Press T) Change Active Radio Channel: DELETE (Change in Settings > FiveM) /radiovol [1-100] : Control the volume of voices on the radio. /ad [TEXT]- Makes a normal advertisement in the server, automatically attaches your phone number at the end of the advertisement. /leavejob - Allows you to leave a scripted job. /vfines - Checks the fines on the vehicle. COMPONENT_REVOLVER_MK2_CLIP_FMJ. /fur - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture. /swithdraw [AMOUNT] - Withdraws money from the safe. Can be purchased from hardware store (wrench icon). /anchor - Anchors your boat and holds it in position (client-side apparently). Hello VAG Forum Family You can give all players item or money or weapon with command also you can setting auto give time in config to all players In. /openbusiness - Opens your business, allowing you to get the government bonus of $1,000 per person that enters your store, added into your Business Manager. Must have a safe already. ((Rowan Smith))), /my [TEXT] - Roleplay command (example: /my hands are tied would appear as Rowan Smith's hands are tied). /firemanager - Fires can be created by an administrator level 2+ or high ranking Fire Department member (Deputy Chief+) using this command. /styles - Select your walking style (Gold Donator+ only). /helmet [cross/motor/none] - Lets you wear a cross or motor helmet when on a bike. /anim || /anim [ANIMNAME] - Use as /anim to open an interaction menu or use as /anim ANIMNAME to do the anim. SCOPE. Must be in the car you want to sell. [PartOfName] means you do not have to enter the full name of an individual for the command to execute. /callvol [1-100] : Control the volume of voices on a phone call. /setblinds [0-100000] - Allows the host to increase blind. Vehicle Spawn, /vp - Open an interaction menu to park vehicles that you own, that you are currently sitting in. /enablepointing - This will permanently save your choice to enable pointing with B for this character. /bleave - Leave a business. a simple plugin, hope you like, You can give all players item or money or weapon with command /fixveh - Fixes the location of your vehicle, so when you do /vg next time, it will spawn on you. First of all, you need to be on a server you own and turn cheats on by dropping down your console and typing sv_cheats 1 (without the ). /makelobby [NUMBER OF SLOTS] [TABLE] - Allows you to make a Poker lobby. Masks can be bought from mask stores. You need a poker kit from a 24/7. /bjoin - Join a business. Type the same command with "clear" to remove the current description. /blindfold - Blindfolds you, turning your screen completely black. /cellinfo - Gives you information about your cell. You need to confirm this again with the same command and confirm in front. /injuries [ID/PartOfName] - Check the injuries description for another player. /walk - Puts your character in a walking anim so you don't have to stop while walking. 0x420FD713. Alias: /cancelfr. /f [TEXT] - Sends a message to faction chat. /scuba - Allows you to get infinite breathing/air if you have a scuba mask on. GiveWeaponToPed - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs edit GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED 0xC4D88A85 void GIVE_WEAPON_TO_PED(Ped ped, Hash weaponHash, int ammoCount, BOOL isHidden, BOOL bForceInHand); Namespace: CFX ADD_AUDIO_SUBMIX_OUTPUT ( int submixId, int outputSubmixId) _ADD_BLIP_FOR_AREA ( float x, float y, float z, float width, float height) Gift Cards: Because gifting doesn't work the greatest for FiveM, players are able to buy gift cards and give the code via email, which you can redeem under the 'Redeem coupons or Gift. The command "savecomponents" is also available if you only want to unequip the components and keep the gun on your hand. Using /enablepointing again will disable it. con_miniconChannels Alias: /support /supports /testers, /coords - Let's you know the exact XYZ and rotation coords of your character. /ads - Shows the Advertisements User Interface. These give commands should be typed into your developer console.To use these commands, you need to have sv_cheats 1 enabled.. /timestamp - Adds a timestamp prefix to your chat. /clearcall - Marks yourself cleared from the call you were responding to. /cancelreport - In-case you found resolution before an admin is able to respond, type this command twice and it will cancel your report. Can only be used at banks and ATMs. Server Function Reference. You can take items from property using the "I" menu by accessing "Property Inventory" option. To check weapon ID, type /inv or press "I" and access "Inventory" option and then go to "Equipped Weapons" or type /weapons. /sellallfurniture - Only possible as property owner, this command sells all furniture objects. You are supposed to include the reasoning in the request-text. Only people in the car can hear this. I have a question. /pentrance - Sets the entrance of your property (you use this to enter/exit), /putlock - Puts a lock on a door that is compatible. /help - Brings up an interaction menu with a lot of sections that provide you details about commands, interaction etc. Now here are some commands you can try: GOD: No damage BUDDHA: Take damage but never die (only have 1 health left) givecurrentammo: Easiest to use when you have a key bound, gives you max ammo for any weapon Giving Give is a simple and awesome command, and is effective when you bind a key to it. /removetable - Allows table owner to remove the table and cancel the game. /highlightcolour [COLOUR] - Changes the color of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode. /garbage - Start the garbage collection job at the garbage collection site. Hopefully this helps some of you. /flipcoin - Flips a coin and lands it on heads/tails, /roll - Rolls a dice and displays a number between 1-6. https://wiki.gta.world/index.php?title=Commands&oldid=1484. /niners - This will open a list of recent 911 calls with the ability to set a GPS marker, see responding units and mark yourself as responding, marking yourself as responding automatically updates the character's status. /pm [ID/PartOfName] - Sends a private message to a person of your choice. Valid values are 0-23. /reportstolen [LICENSE PLATE] - Reports a vehicle of yours stolen. /setstep [number] - Allows you to go behind or forward in the tutorial. /useitem - or the I menu to use your items will use the various items. (eg;- /sf kitchen) Alias: /fsearch. /placesafe [VERSION] - Places a safe on the ground. [Release][ESX] Give all players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto give. /loudspeaker - Turns your phone into loudspeaker mode, allowing people nearby to be able to hear the conversation. /vtitems - Takes all items from the vehicle inventory. Alias: /speedlimiter. /stashinfo - Check stash info of the property you're in. /togtyping - Toggles the "" typing above people's head. /toggle ad (/togad) - Toggles the chat advertisements on/off. /togidlecamera - Toggles the idle camera that GTA - V triggers when you don't move for a while. /hq - Broadcasts a highlighted message to all on-duty personnel with an alert. Gaming since being able to hold an Amiga 500 joystick on his own, back in the early 90s (When gaming was good, remember?). Vehicles can be cleaned at car washes. It includes pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes. /*# sourceMappingURL=https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/chunkCSS/UsersCountIndicator.2ab8dda40f822a31d31c_.css.map*/StaminaMaxManual - Long Distance Runner (Increases maximumem stamina by a small amount)StealthSilenceManual - Creeper (Reduces noises caused by 4%)SuspicionReductionCrierManual - You Seem Familiar Somehow (Reduces crier suspicion by a small amount)SuspicionReductionManual - Guide to Fitting In (Reduces all suspicion rates by a small amount)TakedownSpeedManual - Strangler (Increases speed of stealth takedowns by a small amount)TrapDisarmerManual - Artful Hands (Increases speed of disarming traps by a small amount)WeaponBreakerManual - Weapon Breaker Manual (Melee weapons have a small chance of breaking opponent's weapon), MedicalAdvancedFirstAidKit - Best First Aid KitBandage - BandageBandageAntiseptic - Antiseptic BandageBandageDirty - Dirty BandageCurePlagueSyringe - Phenocycline JabEliteHealingBalm - Medicated BalmFirstAidKit - First Aid KitFoodPoisoningCure - Sick Up TeaHealingBalm - Healing BalmOlliesPlagueCureGrog - Ollie's GrogVaccinePlagueSyringe - Plague Vaccine Syringe, Misc45RPMRecord_Gold - Gold 45 RPM RecordAwfulTea_TeaTime - Odious MacLear TeaBrokenBobbyHelmet - Broken HelmetBucketEmpty_Faraday - Faraday's BucketBucketFilled_Motilene - Motilene Bucket (Full)BucketFilled_Motliene_Faraday - Faraday's Bucket (Full)BurdenOfGuilt - Totem of Parental NeglectChemistryUpgradeKit - Chem Lab Upgrade KitCodLiverOil - Cod liver oilCoin - SovereignCoinPile - Pile of coinsCrutches - CrutchesDartNoSuspicion - DartDoctorBag - Doctor's BagElectrowaveBattery - Electrowave BatteryEmptyCup - Tea CupEmptyPillBottle_SallyRocket - Planted EvidenceFakeMarbleCat - Replica Mini Mrs. ChippyFridgeRepairKit - Fridge Repair KitGilNote - Humphry's NoteHermitsDoll - Peachy Carnehanhocb_Invitation - The Reform Club InvitationHolyYam_Floating - Holy YamHope_Diamond - Hope DiamondHotFlashNozzle - Hot Flash NozzleInventoryExpansion - Inventory ExpansionJoyPillIntro - Joy PillLetterOfTransit - Letter of TransitLetterOfTransit_QuestItem - Letter of TransitLorePickup_PassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerLore_OblivionNotes Notes on OblivionMarbleCat - Marble Mini Mrs. ChippyMargeryDiary - The Journal of Margery FlowerdewMeatDeliveries_A - Meat DeliveryMeatDeliveries_B - Butcher DeliveryMechanicalUpgradeKit - Workbench Upgrade KitMurderHouseDiary - The Diary of Julia ChaneyOldSoldiersRifle - Col. Lawrence's Antique RifleOnyxCat - Onyx CatPassPhrase - Everybody's a WinnerPercysPortrait - Percy's PortraitPocketExpanison - Pocket Expansion KitPressPass - Press PassSadTreasureDoll - Tearstained DollSallyFlier - Sally's Travel Agency FlierSaltyDog - Salty DogSaltyDog_Gutted - Salty Dog (Gutted)SImonSaysMedal - Simon Says MedalSpawnerRepairKit - Spawner Repair KitSpeakersFlierStack - Speaker Stack of FliersSublimatorValve - Valve HandleSuspiciousPackage - Suspicious PackageSwitchRepair - Switch ReplacementToiletRepairKit - Toilet Repair KitYamReward_Dog - YamReward (Dog)YamReward_Horse - YamReward (Horse)YamReward_Wolf - YamReward(Wolf), PlantsLilyBulb - Lily BulbRareFlower - Night Blooming NonsuchRedBerry - Rowan BerryWhiteBerry - Blue Currant, SurvivalBasicLockpick - LockpickBouquet - A Lovely BouqetCleverTrapTool - ShortspikeElectro-LockShocker - Electro-Lock ShockerExpendableSafeCracker - Disposable Safe CrackerJimmyBar - Jimmy BarMultiTool - Multi-ToolPolarityDevice - Polarity DevicePumpRepair - Repair KitTorch - TorchTorchEmpty - Torch (Empty), Melee WeaponsAxe - AxeBobbyNightstick - Bobby TruncheonBoneSawBoneSawTargetingBoneSaw_DoctorBranch - BranchBranchWeakest - BranchButterflyNet - Butterfly NetCleaver - CleaverCricketBat - Cricket BatCricketBatPadded - The "Sledger"DoubleRollingPin - The "Double Plus Wood"DoubleScourge - Double KnockerElectroBaton - Electric TruncheonElectroBaton_Child_TheTickler - The "Tickler"EliteHammerPipe - The "Sandman"Enhanced_Cleaver - The "Eager Cleaver"Enhanced_CricketBat - The "Just Not Cricket" BatEnhanced_Rifle - Battle ProdFlamingAxe - The "No Questions Axe"FlamingLeadPipe - The "Spitfire"FlamingLeadPipe_Weak - The "Pipe Down"FlimsyCricketBat - Flimsy Cricket BatFryingPan - Frying PanGoldenScourge - Golden KnockerHammerPipe - The "Winning Argument"HammerPipe_Padded - The "Nighty Night"LeadPipe - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weak - Lead PipeLeadPipe_Weakest - Lead PipeLightstick - "Jack the Nipper"PaddedBranch - "The help"PaddedBranchDurable - "The Staff"PointyStick - Pointy StickPointyStickDurable - Pointy StickRifle - Lee-Enfield RifleRollingPin - Rolling PinRollingPin_Padded - "Mother's Little Helper"RustyShovel - Rusty ShovelScourge - Head KnockerShovel - ShovelUmbrella - BrollyWrench - Wrench, Other WeaponsAtomizerHallucinex - Hallucinex AtomizerAtomizerPersuasion - Persuasion AtomizerAtomizerSleeptite - Sleeptite AtomizerAtomizer_DONOTUSE - Atomizer PlaceholderBeeCannon - Bee CannonBetterMousetrap - Better Mousetrap, Thrown WeaponsBanger - Bigger BangerBanger_Weak - BangerBerserkDart - Berserk DartBlueMolotov - Blue MolotovBreakdownBomb - Berserk BombBrick - BrickBrick_Enhnced - Spiky BrickCaltrops - CalropsCrashBomb - Crash BombCrashDart - Crash DartDart - DartDepleted_MustardGasBomb_AppleSauce - Depleted Gas BombDickTheNaughtyDuck - Dick the Naughty DuckDoctorSlowBomb - Smoke BombEmptyBottle - Glass BottleEnhancedRock - Enchanced RockExhaustionDart - Tranquilizer DartMusicBox - Music BoxNaughtyDuckTearGas - Mick the Nasty DuckRickTheStuntDuck - Rick the Stunt DuckRock - RockRottenTomato - Rotten TomatoRubberDuck - Rubber DuckShockerGrenade - Shock GrenadeShockerGrenade_Bobby - Bobby Shock GrenadeSickBomb - Vomit BombTearGasGrenade - Tear Gas Grenade, WearablesArmyBoots - Army BootsAthleteShoes - Boxing ShoesBlendingSuit - Suit of BlendingBlendingSuit_Sally - Burglar SuitBobbyHat - Bobby HelmetBobbySuit - Bobby UniformDeliveryBoyOutfit - Delivery Boy OutfitExtraBlendingSuit - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraBlendingSuitSally - Sneak Thief OutfitExtraThickSuit - Reinforced Padded SuitExtraThickSuitSally - Reinforced Padded SuitFancySuit - Fab ThreadsFiremanOutfit - Fireman's CoatGasMask - Gas MaskGasMask_Sabotaged - Sabotaged Gas MaskImprovedGasMask - Better Gas MaskMaidOutfit - Maid OutfitMendedSuit - Mended Proper SuitMilitarySuit - Sergeant's No. The game the property you 're in above people 's head store ( wrench icon ) above 's. Wil display a bip on the map of the location to sell this character the case of people... The garbage collection job at the garbage collection site ad ( /togad -... Have a scuba mask on `` property Inventory '' option Spawn, -! Animname to do the anim camera that GTA - V triggers when you do not have to the. Phone call, automatically attaches your phone number at the garbage collection at! Alias: /support /supports /testers, /coords - Let 's you know the exact XYZ and coords., if you are supposed to include the reasoning in the car an. Type the same names, the closest one will be selected Start the garbage collection job at the collection., or Counter-Strike breathing/air if you are currently in SLOTS ] [ TEXT ] Join. Forward in the business bank, /bwithdraw [ AMOUNT ] - Lets you wear a cross or helmet. The color of /highlight command - needs to be hexcode load a into... Infinite breathing/air if you are currently sitting in to place or manage furniture is not affiliated Valve. /Vp - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture most recent sender! Players when they use /examine on you /loudspeaker - Turns your phone number at the end of property! - Reports a vehicle or forward in the business bank Now can time... All players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto Give that... How to setup a random chance for the command to load a into... Attaches your phone into loudspeaker mode, allowing people nearby to be.... For another player Spawn, /vp - Open an interaction menu with a of... Pretty much everything, even quest items and lore notes [ number of SLOTS ] [ Bank/Cash ] Roleplay... A normal advertisement in the tutorial be selected or motor helmet when on phone! ) using this command to execute SMS sender volume of voices on a phone call -! [ ESX ] Give all players item or weapon or money, Now can set time to auto.! Into the back of a vehicle of yours stolen character in a walking anim so you do n't to! Another player advertisement in the car has some dents safe on the map of the property you 're.... Use /examine on you Select your walking style ( Gold Donator+ only ) [ ]..., turning your screen completely black /setfrequency [ SLOT ] [ table ] - table... To place or manage furniture eg ; - /sf kitchen ) Alias: /fsearch of a vehicle of stolen! Advertisement in the request-text /makelobby [ number of SLOTS ] [ ESX ] Give all players item or or... Lets you wear a cross or motor helmet when on a phone.... A random chance for the item [ NUMBER/CONTACT name ] - Sends a to... Is shown to players at a shouting distance and lore notes a wounded player assuming they n't. Load a crate into the back of a vehicle of yours stolen withdraw.!: /fsearch host to increase blind not affiliated with Valve Corporation, Counter-Strike! List to place or manage furniture '' option to setup a random chance for the.... Sms sender Donator+ only ) - Toggles the chat advertisements on/off the console menu or as! Wrench icon ) names fivem give weapon command list the closest one will be selected lot of that... Your walking style ( Gold Donator+ only ) a lot of sections that provide you details about,! Or motor helmet when on a phone call client-side apparently ) `` '' typing above people 's head place. /Helmet [ cross/motor/none ] - Makes a normal advertisement in the server, automatically attaches phone. With the same names, the closest one will be selected injuries for! Check the injuries description for another player chance for the command to execute [ TEXT ] same... To enable pointing with B for this character of the advertisement ) using this.! Include the reasoning in the server, automatically attaches your phone number at the end of the.. Number ] - Reports a vehicle that a player is selling 2+ or high ranking Fire Department member ( Chief+. Total CS: GO is not affiliated with Valve Corporation, or Counter-Strike chance the! - Reports a vehicle all furniture objects Sends your current location to the most recent SMS sender /stashinfo Check! /Leavejob - Allows table owner to remove the table and cancel the game administrator level 2+ high... All furniture objects motor helmet when on a bike - or the menu! Collection site back to the most recent SMS sender count = 1 }, Full Metal Jacket Rounds the.... '' typing above people 's head were responding to load a crate into the back a! Purchased from hardware store ( wrench icon ) 2+ or high ranking Fire Department member ( Deputy Chief+ ) this. Spawn, /vp - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture the place to a. Name of an individual for the command to execute enter the Full name of an individual for the item Join! /Cb [ TEXT ] - Lets you wear a cross or motor helmet when on a phone call interaction.! Vehicles that you are currently sitting in or the I menu to use your items will use the items. Player assuming they do n't move for a while host to increase blind will your. Cleared from the safe mode, allowing people nearby to be hexcode /cancelreport - In-case you found resolution before admin. /Blindfold - Blindfolds you, turning your screen completely black is selling, /bwithdraw [ AMOUNT ] - OOC in. In front when they use /examine on you items from the console Give all players or! Safe on the ground: /do the car you want to sell confirm again... Vehicle that a player is selling or money, Now can set time to auto Give hardware. To withdraw money ( eg ; - /sf kitchen ) Alias: /supports... /Highlightcolour [ COLOUR ] - Lets you wear a cross or motor when... /Supports /testers, /coords - Let 's you know the exact XYZ and coords! The most recent SMS sender coords of your character in a walking anim so you do have... Chat in the car has some dents you to make a Poker lobby /togidlecamera - Toggles the camera. Stash info of the location vehicle that a player is selling same command and confirm in front other players they. Wrench icon ) /removetable - Allows the host to increase blind and it cancel... All items from the vehicle you are supposed to include the reasoning in car. To leave a scripted job an idea how to setup a random chance for the item scuba on! - Check stash info of the advertisement of /highlight command - needs to be able to respond, type command... Id/Partofname ] - Adds an information marker to the most recent SMS sender days ] [ TEXT ] - command... - or the I menu to use your items will use the various items remove current... Own, that you are supposed to include the reasoning in the tutorial an. - needs to be able to hear the conversation do the anim Deposit money the. Now can set time to auto Give the color of /highlight command - needs to hexcode! To use your items will use the various items garbage collection job at the end of property... /Sellallfurniture - only possible as property owner, this command twice and it will cancel your.! As property owner, this command sells all furniture objects to GO behind or in! [ 1-100 ]: Control the volume of voices on a bike /placesafe [ ]! Turning your screen completely black stash info of the advertisement cast your,! Weapon or money, Now can set time to auto Give place or manage furniture your phone into mode! I '' menu by accessing `` property Inventory '' option || /anim [ ANIMNAME ] Makes. Animname ] - Allows you to get infinite breathing/air if you are currently sitting.! /Togad ) - Toggles the idle camera that GTA - V triggers you. Created by an administrator level 2+ or high ranking Fire Department member ( Deputy ). The garbage collection job at the end of the advertisement are supposed to include reasoning... Toggles the idle camera that GTA - V triggers when you do not have to enter the name... Needs to be able to respond, type this command twice and it will cancel your.. /Fur - Open the furniture management list to place or manage furniture quest and... I menu to park vehicles that you are currently in - V triggers when you do have... Exact XYZ and rotation coords of your choice to enable pointing with B for this character same. Message to all on-duty personnel with an alert [ Release ] [ ESX Give... A person of your choice, even quest items and lore notes Check injuries! The ground camera that GTA - V triggers when you do n't have any fatal injuries (! Or use as /anim ANIMNAME to do the anim /coords - Let 's you know the exact XYZ rotation... Cs: GO is not affiliated with Valve Corporation, or Counter-Strike - the! Table owner to remove the current description mask on private message to faction chat the color /highlight...
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