Games on a table. HJ boys looking at NS propaganda postcards. A man in uniform (prison guard) enters the frame and demonstrates the operation of the guillotine. Children eating outdoors during celebration, long table, party hats. Snow-covered and war-damaged Poland, 1946. Architectural detail, CU from under an archway, partial view of a dome. CU, Smigly-Rydz with scepter shakes hands with another officer. CUs of engravings on arches, church, broken statue. Later records may also name traveling companions and relatives "back home" or in the United States. In 1953 she made another voyage to Korea and transported home veteran troops before returning to her regular Bremerhaven-New York schedule. Man on ground hoists materials to men and women on scaffolding. Men outside shovel the glass from the windows of the American Consulate. EXT, VS night time scenes of the Jewish quarter of Warsaw on fire. People disembark the train in what seems to be a deserted field. Store workers moving a display.Older, poorer orthodox man, scenes of the old market place. Uncover essential details about your family in these passenger lists from New York City, the largest city in the United States, between 1820 and 1957. CUs shell damage to building. Manned by a civilian crew, she operated out of San Francisco in 1950 and into 1951 steaming to the Far East carrying combat troops in support of the Korean War. 01:13:05 A funeral procession through the streets of Warsaw. **, Staged scenes inside a peasant couple's home. Nazi posters with Hitler. Man approaches a gravesite with flowers. Cut to nurses comforting elderly women who have most likely lost family members in attacks. MS, near a statue of Jesus, two women pump water from a fountain that is still working. Several displaced persons gather around the Canadian representatives at their desk at the processing center (staged). Port: MS of part of the ship the "US Army Transport General William M. Black," passengers wave from the deck of the ship to the camera, a banner on the lower deck of the ship reads: "America Welcomes Its New Citizens," camera pans to upper deck of ship where a banner reads: "Ship to Freedom." Arts and Architecture magazine. Men ride an open elevator. A young girl in traditional central Polish dress walks by on cue, and the bear jumps out of the bushes, feigning to attack the young girl. It casts a rather ominous shadow on the white tile wall behind it. More city scenes of Prague, streets, buildings. City. Balbina was photographed immediately after giving birth to twins at the bombed maternity hospital in 1939 (Photo Archives W/S 47218). Hospitals and churches were ultimately targets and women were machine gunned from planes while digging potatoes for their hungry families. Outdoor caf - Kranzler. Troops with rifles and packs goosestep to monument. Man standing next to large machine. LS, amusements along river - children playing. VS, CUs of the children lauging and enjoying themselves during the performance. 01:21:03 CU profile of Smigly-Rydz flanked by two Catholic officials, including Cardinal Hlond, whose antisemitic pronouncements at the time fueled longstanding anti-Jewish attitudes among Polish Catholics (see more of Hlond in RG-60.4016). The mine featured is the Giesche Zinc Mine and Refinery. CU on the book "Beyond Tragedy" by Reinhold Niebuhr. HAS, policeman directing traffic (pedestrians, automobiles, trams, horse/buggy) with Warsaw in the distance. The buildings surrounding this look basically in tact. Girl with baby doll, kids playing indoors with blocks, stomping down wooden slide. Storefront of a housewares store. Emigration refers to people leaving a country to go to another. CU, fish in a tank. Shots, street scenes. The General Buckner, with 1,375 passengers, left the New York Port of Embarkation (at Brooklyn) on March 4 and is expected to arrive at Bremerhaven on March 11 or 12. Castle in mountains, train in FG, river, fast train, mountainside. MS, a horsedrawn carriage passes a palace in Warsaw. Polish military teens pass wooden crosses along (assembly-line style) at a cemetery. TTY: 202.488.0406. His photographs appeared in Life Magazine. 01:02:15 MCU of 10+ children on sleds, getting ready to go down a hill in tandem, they start the line up and just keep going, very playful shots. Snow-covered mountains of Zakopane, tracking shot down the mountainside. and our loyal RootsWeb community. Several additional shots of the ceremony. MCU, refugees in smaller groups, talking to each other as they wait for entrance to the building. Seeking House Records of the 90th US Congress. One with guitar. The Holocaust Encyclopedia provides an overview of the Holocaust using text, photographs, maps, artifacts, and personal histories. This is a different location and church than the church featured in the first scene of this story. Play sequence continues until 01:12:47:00 where the subject shifts to scenes of the rural countryside, the camera pans landscape: establishing shots, subject returns to children on the river playing and pretending to be sword fighters. Two young girls look at an umbrella display in a shop window; shots from inside the women's clothing store to the street and people outside reflected in the windows. 01:09:04:10 Chaos on the streets of Warsaw. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 23rd of March please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day . A Polish soldier confiscating the remains of the wreckage of a downed German plane. MCU he tips his hat to the Field Marshall, looks very stern, does not smile. Woman stacks sod. Repeat of the horses rushing down the hillside, driven by soldiers, rather random/staged looking battle scenes, one of the soldiers is on a field phone in one of the MCUs. 01:05:54 Children at party, close shots. All are wearing traditional Polish peasant dress. Automat, stone coffee pot, street scenes, caf, waiter, shop windows. Soldiers marching. Scene of men leaving the factory on bikes, some women, some children, and several Austrians (non DPs) are in the group as well. CUs, roof. MS of young girls doing needlework in a classroom. Ruins People and clothing line seen through windows of the damaged building. Cut to scene behind the American Embassy where, according to Julien Bryan's book "Siege", all the Americans were during the Siege. INTs wire factory (ECA slates throughout). This map was created by Philip Stapp. Pianist gets up, takes a bow, conductor introduces trumpet player, french horn player, and trombone player. Shop windows, no sign is visible in its entirety. LS, entrance to mansion (embassy?) MS, policeman on horseback, using the horse as crowd control, people are gathered. 01:07:23:25 CU of a bearded Russian Orthodox priest reading from a book of scripture outside the church, the pages of the book are blowing in the wind. Polish cavalry on maneuvers in an open field. VS in Linz, Austria: trolley cars, street scenes, etc. 01:09:38 Peasant farming, German family, hay. More LSs of Nazi elite, including Goering, Goebbels, Hess, and others standing in middle of Nuremberg's square. Polish soldiers are milling about, several military vehicles. Shots of another hospital with a makeshift maternity ward in the cellar hallway. Several children are running around near the platform, some look curiously at the camera. Camera then pans the building, which looks deserted, although the bombing has not damaged it. Marketplaces - women selling flowers. Route: Quebec to Liverpool via Greenock. They pass a man with a movie camera. Two men conducting business in a dark doorway. EXT, MLS, ships unloading coal at port of Gdynia. Another shot, passengers on board the train reach out the window to receive hunks of bread from people selling it from baskets on the platform. Procession of automobiles arrives at church, spectators line the streets. Ceremony continues in the courtyard with President Moscicki, there is a bust of Pilsudski on a pedestal on the red carpet. Commander: Captain E. A. Shergold. Cranes at work, INT coal burning. Visitors inside the exhibition are seen looking at art in Room 3, including Otto Dix's "War Cripples" on the north wall (CU). CU of tram stop at 01:13:03:15: "PRZYSTANEK TRAMWAJOW MIEJSKICH" Inside the street car, passengers look out window, read, etc. The Prague Castle. St. Vitus Cathedral. The Venezuelan mission representative locates Venezuela on a large map of South America for the family, as they look on and ask questions. Several people standing on a train platform as the train pulls into the station. Few cars parked in the plaza. Ships that made one voyage only to Australia carrying displaced persons were the Brasil, the Canberra, the Charlton Sovereign, the Marine Jumper, the Mohammedi, the Nea Hellas, the Liguria and the Volendam. Country road and horse drawn carriage carrying bundles of hay. Views of streets and cars moving along. Man leaning against railing over river. On 1 March 1950 she was transferred to the Military Sea Transportation Service (MSTS) as USNS General M. B. Stewart (T-AP-140). CU of a young girl wiping tears from her eyes as she looks at the corpses. Kazimiera was photographed by JB in 1939 mourning the death of her older sister, who was killed in a field in Warsaw during a German air raid (Photo Archvives W/S 50897). Other streets of the Jewish quarter in Krakow, man selling balloons outside the Hotel Muller (sign on wall plaque next to doorway). 01:10:05:25 A young priest is present as well. A woman walking out the door holding a book. 16 20 mm AA gun mounts. Shop window in Warsaw during the arrival of Smigly Rydz. Men seated at table in discussion, upright plaque on table, one man stands and speaks. People file through a hallway looking at posters, checking their coats. Re: Seeking passenger list for USS General Stewart, 21 March 1951. The exact location of this camp in France is not known. A plane in the sky. CUs hay. MS of three orthodox Jews on a street corner talking to each other, across the street in BG there is a sign for the shop "Salomon Diamant"- a men's clothing store [duplicate footage on USHMM Film ID 3001]. Goats grazing in brick ruins. The family then walks across a bridge (recreation of the 1939 scene). Baby in carriage. Photo of Polish leader displayed in shop window next to shoes. National Archives and Records Administration in Washington, D.C. More floats process. One of the young men packs his suitcase as all the family gathers round to view their newly created identity papers and make plans for the future. Man meticulously shines a woman's shoes. MCU a woman carries a chicken, several other refugees. MS of dignitaries at the reviewing stand, everyone is wearing top hats, including President Moscicki. The Reading Room at the Shapell Center is open to the public. Driving on Autobahn. EXT, MS, miners exiting building in Zakopane, Poland, drinking water. CU, women entering a courtyard through iron gates, coming from the street. She maintained this pattern until being placed in Reduced Operational Status at New York 29 April 1955. Bridge. Learn more. CUs, street lamp. Sign on phone booth reads: "Fernsprecher" [long distance] and has a stamp dispenser. INT, hospital scenes- a pregnant woman lies in a hospital ward- these are scenes from the Catholic hospital that was destroyed in Warsaw during the German air attacks in September of 1939. Uniforms/gear on street. The bear then proceeds to walk into the center of the road, and approach two men on a horse drawn cart. Doors open to reveal a classroom of teenagers learning the English language. This is where the Poles would go to ski. (08:23) CU guillotine blade falling, shadow of man. 01:03:23:28 CU of a set of identity papers being created for a young woman, and her fingerprints being imprinted on the back of the paper. Photographs of young boys and a medal in a case. Nazi (Leipzig?). Men stop and read sign, then enter the building. 1. Lumber yard. Construction on buildings. Reel 3A EXT, Train station in Gdynia, Poland. CU audience listens. 01:08:24:00 Scene of destruction, birds take flight, INTs of the Catholic hospital, the nurses and mothers with newborn babies leaving the destroyed building. Building ruins. CU, woman in window talking to someone below. Teenage boys (refugees) waiting in line to board the ship, looking up at the ship that is out of frame, their ID tags are attached to pins that say; "US Committee," they are followed by a group of older ladies, a man with a camera around his neck moves out of the way of the movie camera. 01:00:13:11, MS, Krakw, Poland, Basztowa street, large, ornate, municipal building in a town square, a horse drawn carriage is in the FG. Cut to MLS, a man walking alone through the same deserted area, three men on a cart going down this same street- one man pedals the cart, two are in it. Transcription of the passenger list for the SS Rotterdam which sailed from Rotterdam to New York, arriving on 27 May 1887 with 485 passengers from Germany, Norway, Sweden, Holland, Hungary, Austria, England, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, France, Poland, Belgium and Brazil. Reconstruction. The nurses (Sisters Zurawska, Helena, and Genowefa) remembered the day when the maternity ward of the Catholic Hospital of the Transfiguration was bombed in 1939, which JB photographed (Photo Archives W/S 47210). A group of adolescent girls walk along the street toward the church, a wooden cart without a horse is parked along the road. 01:05:24 Leica factory. CU, a young boy sculpts a bust from clay. **From Julien Bryan's film "Poland the Country and the People" released in 1948, shot 1936-1937. The German invasion of Warsaw, Poland had begun over a week before, but they intentionally set the Jewish quarter of Warsaw on fire during the holiday. Building rubble. Shadow of blade falling. General MB Stewart Manifest #37 Departure: February 12, 1952, Bremerhaven Germany Arrival: February 22, 1952, New York, New York transcription donated by Rita Robinson Passenger # Passenger name Age Sex Marital Status Immigration # Citizenship 853 WITTMANN,, Alexander 63 M D I-70236 Stateless 611 Russell St., Boston, Mass. 01:16:25:00 More scenes of construction, however this building is not as large as the other building, this is a wood frame structure, and workmen unloading cement block materials from the truck; cut back to the other building featured a few shots earlier. 01:21:09 Sequence of Goldschmidt School, showing Margot at the blackboard writing Hebrew with her teacher, Margot Segall slides board up. City street scenes, busy intersection, buses, man on bicycle passes by (multiple takes), traffic. The train moves slowly along the tracks. 01:19:51 Totem pole. Opening credit sequence. CU of a man blowing a warning whistle, cut to a large statue of a mermaid wielding a shield and a sword, an unidentified bridge and the Vistula River are visible in the BG. Used as establishing shots. Skyscrapers. Pan of a landscape-fog rising above the mountains; snow is visible on the mountains. . Knowing the names of some. Refugees and the crew of the ship wave to the camera as they enter the harbor. CU Older woman reading a newspaper. INT, women sitting at tables and sewing clothing in a large room. END on CU of destroyed household belongings in this rubble. ), bicycles in city streets, cafe tables. VS, Street scenes in the Jewish quarter of Krakow, Poland. Entrance to Industry exhibit. Stewart (T-AP-140)", "Immigrant Ships, Transcribers Guild, SS General Stewart", "PUGET SOUND TUG & BARGE; MISSION VIKING, INC.; NORTHWESTERN CONSTRUCTION, INC., OSHRC Docket No. 01:00:18:04 LS, Krakw, Poland, Floriaska street, woman and a small child seated on a park bench in Warsaw, they accompany a baby, sitting up, in a large pram. "Gdynia" sign at rail station. UGD 255/1/26/10 Passenger list of MV Caledonia sailing from Glasgow to 1950 Birkenhead on June 9th. 01:10:57 INT, degenerate art exhibition, DaDa inscription. There is a large microphone at the piano, it looks as if the performance could have been recorded, although this footage is silent, and no known soundtrack exists. She admires the fur collared coats from outside the shop with another woman. Polish soldiers stand guard; civilians come up to them and question them. These are many groups of extended families. CUs, boots. 1939, but she taken over by the Royal Navy as the HMS Archer, later became the M.S. Two men, a woman, and a dog in the car. Street traffic, buses, trolleys, cars, people. The subject shifts to a different scene: MLS, following a man in the woods, out to hunt birds with his rifle over his shoulder, camera pans up to bird's nest. Girl with kitten. Repeat of earlier two sequences in black and white. Military Guard a detachment under orders of Capt. **, Short clip, unidentified location in Poland, circa 1937. EXT Eleanor Roosevelt walking with academics, wearing hood and holding wreath and piece of paper. More shots inside the mine, the cars full of zinc ore, etc. Repeat of quick shot of an older peasant woman handing her bundles to a man who puts them on a horse drawn carriage. 01:11:35:14: Cut back to wounded in their hospital beds. 7. 01:05:18 Man drinking Coca-Cola. Master 3026.1 Video: Digital Betacam - NTSC - small, Preservation 3026.2 Film: positive - 35 mm - polyester - b&w - silent - fine grain master - A-wind, User 3026.2 Film: positive - 35 mm - polyester - b&w - silent - checkprint, Holocaust Survivors and Victims Resource Center, Women working at sewing machines; fashion, YMCA: swim team, singing, basketball; sights in Prague, DPs emigrate from Bremerhaven, Germany to the United States; scenes of postwar life in Salzburg, Austria, Relocation of displaced persons from Yugoslavia, Recovery activities sponsored by the Economic Cooperation Administration, Eleanor Roosevelt visits Holland in June 1950; Marshall Plan parade, Prague city; Czech prison; YMCA; Jaroslav imsa, Recovering in postwar Czechoslovakia; imsa, Polish YMCA and rebuilding in Prague, 1946, YMCA; music recital; rehabilitation of youth, Prague, 1946, Intertitles for The Invisible Bridge; Czech prison sequence, WWII European refugees arrive in New York City, Bryan locates individuals he filmed during the German siege of Warsaw, Daily life in Poland, street scenes in Warsaw, Nightlife; entertainment; park in Warsaw, 1936, Children living among the ruins in Warsaw, postwar, Rebuilding life: refugees board trains in Germany; learn English, Warsaw street scenes; construction; shops, women, Yiddish production (?) 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