king county booking reportking county booking report
Booking date: 3/14/2022 02:42 Bond: $2,575.00 CHARGES: Violation Protection Order 26.50.110, Jail record for YBARRA, RICHARD A in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Flunitrazepam or Meth 69.50.40(2)(c-e) Booking date: 2/18/2023 09:00 Bond: $750,000.00 CHARGES: Robbery 1 9A.56.200, Jail record for LABORDE, TERRY SCOTT in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/17/2023 01:24 Bond: CHARGES: DUI 11.56.020, Jail record for GEBRU, MUZIT YEHALASHET in King County, Washington. Phone: (206) 973-4610 Sanpete County Jail Weekly Booking Reports. Kirkland Justice Center Information about this arrest can be found below. Greenville. Applicants may have to show valid copies of their government-issued I.D. King County criminal records history may contain court activities with respect to individuals criminal records and custodial information on the subject of the criminal history. View Seattle Police Department police response data, including all officers dispatched, by call type or address. Booking date: 2/26/2023 19:35 Bond: $1,000.00 CHARGES: Theft 12A.08.060, Jail record for FUNNELL, ALISTER PETER in King County, Washington. Requestors may have to submit valid copies of their valid I.D. City of Renton's Most Wanted List
Information about this arrest can be found below. INMATE INFORMATION CHANGES QUICKLY AND THE POSTED INFORMATION MAY NOT REFLECT THE CURRENT STATE. Suite 430 Booking date: 2/14/2023 01:42 Bond: CHARGES: Felony Harassment Investigation 5309, Jail record for Hutson, Deanna Marie in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Both violent and property crime rates were estimated to be 18.4 and 164.8 crimes per 100,000 population, respectively. Booking date: 6/21/2022 14:51 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Burglary Investigation 2299, Jail record for MAKUNGU, KAY CHIKOPELA in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/20/2023 02:56 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Possession of Stolen Vehicle Investigation 2408, Jail record for CARTER, SAMANTHA MARGARET in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: DUI 46.61.502, Jail record for MANAVI, ALI REZA in King County, Washington. King County Courthouse Information about this arrest can be found below. WHILE EVERY EFFORT IS MADE TO ENSURE THAT THE POSTED INFORMATION IS ACCURATE, IT MAY CONTAIN FACTUAL OR OTHER ERRORS AND JAILRECORDS.INFO DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY OR TIMELINESS OF THE CONTENT OF THIS WEBSITE. King arrest records are official records that contain information on the arrests of suspects in the county following their suspected involvement in criminal activities. Services can be arranged with at least seven business days' notice. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/25/2023 19:18 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Violation of a protection order or no contact order Investigation 5016, Jail record for ALSTON, ASHLEY KANEESHA in King County, Washington. Booking date: Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: VUCSA Deliver/Manufacture/Possess with Intent to Deliver Amphetamine / Methamphetamine 69.50.401(2)(b), Jail record for GLASCO, NATHANIEL EDWIN in King County, Washington. Phone: (425) 587-3160 Fourth Avenue N Special characters, other than hyphens and apostrophes, cannot be used. The Superior Court Clerk of King County is responsible for keeping and issuing divorce records for the county. Booking date: 2/25/2023 05:07 Bond: $1,000.00 CHARGES: DUI 46.61.502, Jail record for DRABO, SOULEYMANE in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. These include non-confidential documents from civil, criminal, family law, juvenile, guardianship, and probate cases. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. However, they can not order sealed records online. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. NE 118th Street Booking date: 8/1/2022 23:03 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for Williams, Curtis E in King County, Washington. Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/13/2023 16:26 Bond: $100,000.00 CHARGES: Felony Harassment Investigation 5309, Jail record for HATFIELD-LEWIS, SHANE SHOSHONE in King County, Washington. Search Normandy Police Department crime reports by date, location or address. Booking date: 2/21/2023 00:50 Bond: $7,500.00 CHARGES: Violation Non-Contact Order 9A.46.080, Jail record for ALEXANDER-LONG, JUSTIN in King County, Washington. Fax: (206) 973-4629, Seattle Municipal Court Booking date: 2/26/2022 15:15 Bond: $1,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for SIMEKHA, HENRY KHATIMA in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Search King County District Court citation records database by name, birth date and vehicle license. Booking date: 2/24/2023 19:52 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Malicious mischief Investigation 5380, Jail record for Ahmadi, Ratib in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. 208 577 3000 (Primary) 208 377 6790 (Non-Emergency Dispatch) Dial 911 for emergencies only Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. In March 2020, King County Executive Dow Constantine ordered corrections officials to stop jailing people accused of most misdemeanors. Phone: (206) 205-9200 The King Office of Vital Statistics is responsible for maintaining and issuing birth records for the county. THE INFORMATION ON THIS SITE CANNOT BE USED TO MAKE DECISIONS ABOUT CONSUMER CREDIT, EMPLOYERS, INSURANCE, TENANT SCREENING, OR ANY OTHER PURPOSES THAT WOULD REQUIRE THE FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT COMPLIANCE. Fax: (206) 296-0591, King County District Court East Division - Redmond Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. You can view the booking . Information about this arrest can be found below. King County arrest records are made up of reports from various law enforcement agencies, like the sheriffs department, the courts, and correctional facilities.
Where there is difficulty locating King County public records, the record search tools on may provide a solution. Information about this arrest can be found below. Lawson Street Information about this arrest can be found below. Jail Inmates - Bookings: Location: King County, Washington: Data Source: King County Jail Inmate Lookup Service: Description: Search official county jail booking reports by date. Booking date: 2/16/2023 12:26 Bond: $25,000.00 CHARGES: Physical Control 46.61.504(6), Jail record for HALL, ZACHARY RICAHRD in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/18/2023 13:20 Bond: CHARGES: Assault Investigation 1399, Jail record for HUSSIEN, ASHAGRIE MUSTAFA in King County, Washington. Fax: (206) 870-4387, North Bend Municipal Court 3rd Avenue SE Leon County Sheriff's Office 2825 Municipal Way Tallahassee, FL 32304 Main: (850) 606-3300 - Map Records Management Division (850)606-3317 2825 Municipal Way Tallahassee, FL 32304 Public Records Requests: Public Records Request Form Records Director - Elethia Chase Leon County Detention Center 535 Appleyard Dr. Tallahassee, FL 32304 Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/26/2023 23:17 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Felony Harassment Investigation 5309, Jail record for ELIASON, NOAH ERNST in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Greenville. Booking date: 2/18/2023 19:12 Bond: $215,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 2 9A.36.021(2)(a), Jail record for NELSON, NICHOLAS J in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/21/2023 19:47 Bond: $1,000.00 CHARGES: Unlawful use of weapons Carry concealed or unconcealed on person 12a.14.080(B), Jail record for Allen, Natisha Devvona in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 4/8/2022 16:26 Bond: $20,000.00 CHARGES: Burglary 2 9A.52.030, Jail record for STEPHENS, ALECS JAMES in King County, Washington. Booking date: Bond: CHARGES: DUI 46.61.502, Jail record for SAMUELU, KENAN in King County, Washington. Jail record for HERRERA-NORWEST, SHIRNO in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. If the arrestee is in custody, King arrest records may show the custodial facility where the suspect is incarcerated. Members of the public can conduct name searches to find individual sex offenders. Booking date: 2/26/2023 13:30 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Malicious mischief Investigation 5380, Jail record for MALLETTE, KAMEL HASIM in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/20/2023 17:04 Bond: $20,000.00 CHARGES: Failure to Register as a Sex Offender 9A.44.132, Jail record for CARTER-RASOR, KAIMANA in King County, Washington. Bellevue City Government Police Press Releases
The Jail Bookings Open Data dataset on is provided by the King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention. Information about this arrest can be found below. Fax: (206) 275-7980, Normandy Park Municipal Court Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/26/2022 19:48 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Possession of Stolen Vehicle 9A.56.068, Jail record for VERGARA, ALEXANDER in King County, Washington. Any acquittal or dismissal of the charge(s) does not necessarily negate the validity of the arrest and booking. Booking date: 5/17/2022 17:03 Bond: $45,000.00 CHARGES: Burglary 2 9A.52.030, Jail record for REYNOLDS, SCOTT R in King County, Washington. Leon County Booking Report 12-23-2020 Uploaded by WCTV Digital Team Description: Attached is a PDF file containing all bookings at the Leon County Detention Facility from Dec. 22, 2020. Booking date: 2/26/2023 12:24 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Felony Harassment Investigation 5309, Jail record for MILLER, GEORGE ROBERT in King County, Washington. The King County Office of the Recorder keeps and issues marriage records for the county. All Rights Reserved. Booking date: 2/16/2023 10:31 Bond: $5,050.00 CHARGES: Unlawful Possession of a Firearm 2 9.41.040(2)(c), Jail record for HARRIS, BEAU JACOB in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/28/2023 09:53 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for EK, CHANTHA in King County, Washington. Record Type: Criminal Records | Jail Inmates Booking date: 2/17/2023 12:24 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault of a child Investigation 1397, Jail record for Ogden, Nicholas Hunter in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. E Sunset Way However, they may have to schedule an appointment in advance by email, or by calling. Information about this arrest can be found below. Fax: (253) 856-6730, Medina Municipal Court Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/20/2023 12:37 Bond: $10,100.00 CHARGES: Violation Non-Contact Order 9A.46.080, Jail record for MARTINEZ, JOSE TRINIDAD in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/19/2023 23:00 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for WOLFE, JOSHUA THURSTON in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/28/2023 04:01 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Burglary Investigation 2299, Jail record for CLINTON, BRANDON in King County, Washington.,%20WA#!/dashboard. Information about this arrest can be found below. King County Criminal Records are documents that list an individual's criminal history in King County, Washington. Information like: Individuals can request King County death records by mailing a completed death certificate request form to: Applicants can also obtain death records by personally presenting a duly filled request form in person to: Requestors may be required to show valid copies of their valid I.D. Some local agencies in the county may charge fees and require completed application forms to provide access to these records. Booking date: 2/19/2023 05:21 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for MERIN, RENDELL MAGA in King County, Washington. Phone: (206) 275-7604 Information about this arrest can be found below. - FRIDAY 8:00 AM TO 5:00 PM. Information about this arrest can be found below. Some persons listed might no longer be registered offenders and others might have been added. Booking date: 2/23/2023 12:00 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault Investigation 1399, Jail record for THOMPSON, TAIWAN MARCELLUS in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/12/2023 08:36 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault 2 9A.36.021(2)(a), Jail record for SAULLS, GARRETT JORDAN in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. A criminal record may include an individual's arrests, warrants, criminal charges filed, and convictions and sentences for criminal offenses. Booking date: 2/25/2023 11:30 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Child Molestation 1 9A.44.083, Jail record for Henry, Sabrina Lynn in King County, Washington. Terms and Conditions. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/20/2023 11:07 Bond: $2,500.00 CHARGES: Theft 2 9A.56.040, Jail record for Dours, Patrick Clayton in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Griffin Avenue Information about this arrest can be found below. Fax: (206) 205-8840, King County District Court West Division - Seattle Booking date: 7/29/2022 11:29 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: VUCSA - Create, Deliver or Possess Counterfeit Controlled Sub. 6-13-2022 . Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/25/2023 18:47 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Violation of No Contact/Protection/Restraining/Foreign Protection Order 7.105.450(1), Jail record for HERNANDEZ-CRUZ, VICTOR MANUEL in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/27/2023 00:16 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault Investigation 1399, Jail record for PAGE, PATRICK LAVIS in King County, Washington. Schedule I-II Non-Narc; Schedule III-V Exc. Pacific, WA 98047 Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/21/2023 19:27 Bond: $5,000.00 CHARGES: Theft of a Motor Vehicle 9A.56.065, Jail record for LABAUN, LOPAZTER in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/22/2023 21:44 Bond: $2,500.00 CHARGES: Stalking 9A.46.110.1, Jail record for gulinazzo, salvatore in King County, Washington. Booking date: 6/19/2022 03:33 Bond: $1,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for RISSLER, MICHAEL JOHN in King County, Washington. About Us Contact Us Booking date: 2/12/2023 14:56 Bond: $5,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 3 9A.36.031, Jail record for Thompson, Jesse Miguel in King County, Washington. The ECR Online service only provides access to cases filed from November 1, 2004, to the present, and the data it contains does not include juvenile criminal cases and guardianship cases. Booking date: 2/28/2023 01:46 Bond: CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for Castillo, Alejandro Andres in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/27/2023 00:28 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Felony Harassment Investigation 5309, Jail record for JACKSON, DANIEL ANTHONY in King County, Washington. Individuals who need more information on how to request criminal records can call (360) 534-2000. King County death records cost $20. Search King County Sheriff's Office offender record by area address, name, city or link to non-compliant offender search.!/dashboard
Booking date: Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Transportation Order 72.68.020, Jail record for Brown, Paul William in King County, Washington. . Property records in King County are open to the public. Booking date: 2/21/2023 06:02 Bond: $30,000.00 CHARGES: Eluding Police Vehicle 46.61.024, Jail record for KIMBLE, JACOB ANDREW in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/22/2023 18:08 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Possession of Stolen Vehicle Investigation 2408, Jail record for LOSCH, AARON Arthur in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/19/2023 14:07 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Possession of Stolen Vehicle Investigation 2408, Jail record for LAUNCEFORD, IAN OLIVER in King County, Washington. The Washington Public Records Act allows access to King County public records. Requestors may pay requisite fees for obtaining criminal records. Phone: (425) 587-3160 Updated: Feb 28, 2023 / 12:09 PM EST. King County Sheriff's Office Offender Search
Normandy Park Police Department Crime Reports
A certified copy costs $3 for the first page and $1 for each additional page. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/24/2023 07:59 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Burglary Investigation 2299, Jail record for JARRETT, ROBERT ALYN in King County, Washington. Search Issaquah Municipal Court recordings by keywords, including dates and times of recordings. Dataset. Booking date: 2/3/2023 02:23 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Burglary Investigation 2299, Jail record for MARKS, MICHELLA ANGELA in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Seattle, WA 98104 Booking date: 2/17/2023 13:43 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Assault Investigation 1399, Jail record for AVASARALA, SESHA S in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking date: 2/20/2023 09:00 Bond: $60,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for MICHELSON, IDA LYNN in King County, Washington. Jefferson Street Booking date: 2/20/2023 21:56 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Identity theft Investigation 2604, Jail record for BURRAGE, ZAFIRAH G in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/14/2023 14:13 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Violation of a protection order or no contact order Investigation 5016, Jail record for KELLY, DAWNUELL KINDALL in King County, Washington. Mercer Island Police Department Press Releases
Issaquah, WA 98027 Information about this arrest can be found below. Booking/Inmate Information | Kings County Departments Public Safety Sheriff Booking/Inmate Information Print Feedback Share & Bookmark Font Size: + - View our Inmate Locator Best viewed in Internet Explorer 9+, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or other modern web browsers The King County Police Records Search (Washington) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to King County public records. The King County Arrest Records Search (Washington) links below open in a new window and take you to third party websites that provide access to King County public records. Booking date: 2/26/2023 15:14 Bond: $25,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 2 9A.36.021(2)(a), Jail record for OFRANCIA, JOEY ALEJO in King County, Washington. Greenville County Bookings. The county's crime rate was 183.3 crimes per 100,000 residents, as of 2018. Information about this arrest can be found below. Phone: (253) 856-5730 Booking date: 2/13/2023 14:44 Bond: $265,000.00 CHARGES: Attempt to elude Investigation 4902, Jail record for TILMON, NICKOLAS R in King County, Washington. View Bellevue City Government's recent town news, listed by date, newest to oldest. Information about this arrest can be found below. Fax: (206) 296-0124, King County District Court South Division - Kent Search Seattle Police Department crime maps by address, location, date range, and offense. Booking date: 2/24/2023 16:46 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Burglary 2 9A.52.030, Jail record for DIXON, MICHAEL RAY in King County, Washington. Information about this arrest can be found below. Phone: (206) 296-7300 Avenue SE Booking date: 2/17/2023 19:04 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Sexual misconduct with a minor Investigation 3698, Jail record for CALLOWAY, TRAVIS IRVIN in King County, Washington.!/dashboard
Booking date: 7/5/2022 04:11 Bond: $10,000.00 CHARGES: Assault 4 9A.36.041, Jail record for FOSTER, CARLOS ANTHONY in King County, Washington. The general public has the power to read a copy of someone's King county booking records without any type of allowance . Fax: (206) 296-0525, King County District Court South Division - Burien Shoreline, WA 98133 Fax: (253) 856-6730, Kirkland Municipal Court Seattle, WA 98104. Information about this arrest can be found below. Phone: (206) 205-9200 Information about this arrest can be found below. Applicants requiring electronic copies of divorce records or additional information on accessing divorce records may call (206) 477-0691. Booking date: 2/14/2023 01:08 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Felony Harassment Investigation 5309, Jail record for CASAS, JACOB KENNETH in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/23/2023 14:28 Bond: $0.00 CHARGES: Rape of a child Investigation 1116, Jail record for MONCRIEF, AVERY in King County, Washington. Booking date: 2/24/2023 16:53 Bond: $5,000.00 CHARGES: Burglary 2 9A.52.030, Jail record for SAETERN, KAO NAI in King County, Washington. King County, Washington town news king county booking report listed by date, newest to oldest, other than hyphens and,! 205-9200 Information about this arrest can be found below 2023 / 12:09 PM EST newest oldest! And issues marriage records for the County following their suspected involvement in criminal activities to provide access King! Allows access to King County District Court citation records database by name, city or link to non-compliant search. County following their suspected involvement in criminal activities address, name, city or to! ) 587-3160 Updated: Feb 28, 2023 / 12:09 PM EST respectively. Records Act allows access to these records are open to the public can conduct name searches to find individual offenders. E Sunset Way however, they can not order sealed records online least seven business days & # x27 notice... 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