The effectual call of grace is precisely similar; the sinner is dead in sin; he is not only in sin but dead in sin, without any power whatever to give to himself the life of grace. It is our will now, but it was God's will when it was not our will, and it only became according to our will when we were converted, because God's grace had made us willing in the day of its power. We go to our lowly homes; we meet with our brethren and sisters here in their earth-built temples; and we are content, so far as these things go, still, how can kings be content till they mount their thrones? And see what it is that we are heirs of. All the sheep of the Great Shepherd are marked with the cross, and this not only in the fleece, but in the flesh. Heir of God! Fain would I picture the apostle as he appeared when he was uttering it. So shall we be when he shall say unto us, "Enter ye into the joy of your Lord." O eternity, eternity eternity! "All things work together for good:" that is to say, none of them work separately. He gives to us his raiments, and thus we stand arrayed. Rules for the conduct of Christians to one another, as members of the Christian church, Rom. The raising and elevation of Christ to that throne of dignity and favour, is the elevation, the acceptance, the enshrinement, the glorifying of all his people, for he is their common head, and stands as their representative. Have not all men, at times, wished that our religion were not true? My God, thou art my all in all the circle where my passions move, the centre of my soul. All the attributes of divinity are the property of God's children their inheritance entailed upon them. Let me imagine a man entering heaven without a change of heart. Has thy heart never said, "Would to God these sins were not forbidden! There is only one way to successfully resist the onset of the arch-enemy; but that one way ensures certain victory. But mark, although this call be rejected, man is without excuse in the rejection; the universal call has in it such authority, that the man who will not obey it shall be without excuse in the day of judgment. Romans 8 We can live by God's Spirit 1 Now we know this: God has forgiven those people who are united with Christ Jesus. "Believe on the Lord Jesus and thou shalt be saved. We keep our longings to our Lord, and to our Lord alone. It may be true that we owe a great deal to the higher ranks of society; we may possibly, in some mysterious way, be much under obligation to the sacred personages who are styled lords and bishops, but it is not necessary that I should stand up for their claims, for I have no doubt they will take good care of themselves; at any rate they have usually done so, and have not allowed themselves to be robbed of much of their deservings. And he came before his Father's throne and said, "There it is; the full price: I have brought it all." The influences of the Holy Ghost at times pass through the soul like winds through an Eolian harp, creating and inspiring sweet notes of gratitude and tones of desire, to which we should have been strangers if it had not been for his divine visitation. He went about his Father's business; so should we ever be occupied. Happy in what he has received, for that very reason he groans to get the fulness of what is promised him. If we are born into his family it is a miracle of mercy. The first reason why the Christian never can be condemned is because CHRIST HATH DIED. Good men are labouring, at least with usual zeal, and bad men are strenuously plying their craft of evil. I have thought it over, I have fully considered it, I have-thoroughly weighed it, and I have come to this persuasion, that the love of God is shed abroad in my heart.". My brother with great experience, my sister with enlarged acquaintance with Christ, ye have not yet known the harvest, you have only reaped the first handful of corn. There is much to sadden us in a view of the ruins of our race. Oh, beloved, if we have a God for our Redeemer, though our sins against God be very many, and though they be very black and foul, yet Christ's infinite sacrifice meets them all. Yet again. Now, to come to what is evidently in the text, and to dwell upon it for a little while, Paul being thus persuaded that there was a love of God, and that there was a union through love between the soul and its God, now says that HE IS PERSUADED THAT NOTHING CAN EVER BREAK THOSE BONDS. It is an unqualified statement, including every individual. Stop HIM? We will answer these and other questions along the way: Should sin in my life cause me to question whether or not I am in Christ? Romans 8 concludes the second main section of the body of the letter, ' Living under grace '. Romans: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $22.80 $38.00. Saul's eyes are filled with tears, and then again with scales of darkness, and he cries, "Who art thou?" Then, next, it is the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Who can tell us what Christ's suffering really was? He hath not published the page whereon the actual names of the redeemed are written; but that page of the sacred decree whereon their character is recorded is published in his Word, and shall be proclaimed to thee this day. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. It is clear then the prayers which are indited in us by the spirit of God are those which arise from our inmost soul. AP&A-c1970 lfpb. I have broken away from its thralldom; the new law, the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus, the law of grace has set me free from the domination of the law of sin and death. And if they are not like Peter tempted to curse and swear to escape the blessed imputation they would turn the conversation, that they might not suffer for Christ. Am I one of those who are ordained unto eternal life, or am I to be left to follow my own lusts and passions, and to destroy my own soul? Get thee gone? for thy Master's honor, and for thine own comfort, retain that consolation. What a trial to Abraham's faith, when he had to leave all that was so dear to him, and go he knew not whither! God is their Father, they are therefore God's heirs! Hezekiah said, "like a crane or a swallow did I chatter." I served the world, he would not, in mine age. He that is most endowed with worldly goods, and he who has the fewest; he that is blessed in health, and he who is racked with sickness; we all have in our measure an earnest inward groaning towards the redemption of our body. He says in the tenth verse of that chapter, "If, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more" that's the word I wanted "much more we shall be saved by his life." Yet it is not the natural innocence of his heart, but the perfect mediation of the Lord Jesus Christ, which gives him this amazing confidence. Oh, when you start aside at a little jest, let your conscience prick you, and say, "Am I not a joint heir with Christ, and am I about to quarrel with the legacy? You are born with a body not deformed; you have had a tolerable share of health; you have been recovered many times from sickness; when lying at the gates of death, his arm has held back your soul from the last step to destruction. ", I do not seem to want to preach. Sin is great, but Christ is greater. ", Then again, how zealous we should be for our Master! Then who should be proud of having paid only a part of his debt, when, after all, he owes a great deal more than he is worth? If I have, then God purposed that I should do so, and the whole of this great promise is mine. It is just as subject to sickness as before, pain thrills quite as sharply through the heart of the saint as the sinner, and he who lives near to God, is no more likely to enjoy bodily health than he who lives at a distance from him. He comes within the gates. By G. Rogers (Continued.). ", When you have overcome Satan, the world will come forth to attack you, and to dispute your claim to be numbered amongst the people of God. So with the judgement I might prove how ill it decides. I showed you, just now, the difference between a groan and a groan. Let her, then, as Christ's queen, claim the earth as hers, and send her heralds forth from sea to sea to bid all men bow before him, and confess him to be their King. O thou that art high in spirits to-day, thou with the flashing eye and joyous countenance, ere the sun doth set some evil shall befal thee, and thou shalt be sad. And indeed this is proved by the very chapter out of which we have taken our text. If the black thought then comes up, "Ah! O Christian, thou canst not be condemned, for Christ has paid the debt. Having summarily disposed of all of them, Paul adds, "nor things present." Absurd! So is it also with us. Oh, how sweet it is to believe our names were on Jehovah's heart, and graven on Jesus' hands before the universe had a being! But there are one or two doctrines which we will try to deduce from this. "If children then heirs." You were saying of such-and-such an ungodly person, "Everything seems to go well with him, but as for me, all the day long am I plagued, and chastened every morning." He gloated over the crucifixion once, and he has been distressed and terrified by it ever since. "There are 400 youths," says he, "in Rome as brave as I am, and that will bear fire as well; and tyrant," he says "you will surely die."" Speak the truth! Well, then, thou owest ten talents, and thy brother owes only one; why should you be proud that you owe more than he does? He is our legislator, our law-maker; and then, to make our crime still worse and worse, he is the ruler of providence; for it is he who keeps up from day to day. This is the voice of reason and of nature. We have received a divine life, by which we are made partakers of the divine nature, having "escaped the corruption which is in the world through lust." A man has to deliver a piece which he has learned; but his memory is treacherous, and therefore somewhere out of sight there is a prompter, so that when the speaker is at a loss and might use a wrong word, a whisper is heard, which suggests the right one. I go to one brother, and I say, "Brother, there is such-and-such an office in the Sabbath-school; will you take it?" "It is Christ that died. What a mind his must be! blessed thought for the believer! You were murmuring at the dispensations of God. Some think that the fall was only felt by the affections, and that the intellect was unimpaired; this they argue from the wisdom of man, and the mighty discoveries he has made, such as the law of gravitation, the steam-engine, and the sciences. God is well pleased with the death of Christ as the vindication of his justice, and for Christ's sake he says to me, "I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions, and as a cloud thy sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed thee." (2) They may have thought him to teach that we should sin in order to get more grace (6:1) and, therefore, may have made his teaching of justification by faith an excuse for immoral conduct. If a man walks the streets, sticking his bill upon his breast, and proclaiming with pride that he is a debtor, you would say, "Sure he must be a madman; lock him up." When Napoleon was on the island of St. Helena, he was watched by many guards, but after many complaints, he enjoyed comparative liberty, and walked alone. The text says, "The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered." God forbid! First, then, my brethren, a SPECIAL PRIVILEGE mentioned in the text. III. When Christ pleads, he does not plead with one who is stronger than him or inimical to him, but with his own Father. True Advocate is he, and Comforter most effectual. you might as well try to go to America in a paper boat!" and in order to excuse his boldness, he gives us four reasons why he can never be condemned. When Jesus came into the world as God's Son, he was not left without attesting proofs. Little did they know that they had already what they asked for for all the church is now at the right hand of the Father; all the church is now raised up together, and made to sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. (1) No condemnation. Would you take Job's jewels, but not his dung-hill? The prophet cried, "My bowels, my bowels, I am pained at my very heart: my heart maketh a noise in me." Ah, it was the groan of death! It is not black, but blackness; it is not at enmity, but enmity itself; it is not corrupt, but corruption; it is not rebellious, it is rebellion; it is not wicked, it is wickedness itself. Stay awhile; that horny hand of labor shall soon grasp the palm branch. "It is Christ that died." To all that be in Rome, beloved of God, called to be saints: Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. If we suffer orthodoxy to fail, or God's truth to be dishonored, future generations will despise and execrate our name. 12:1-21. Now here is the first touchstone by which we may try our calling many are called but few are chosen, because there are many kinds of call, but the true call, and that only, answers to the description of the text. Wherefore, be of good courage, and press forward in the divine life, for your work of faith and labor of love are not in vain in the Lord; so let us "lay hold upon the hope set before us:". Both the sinner and the Surety are now free. I know it is good for me that my faith, my love, my every grace should grow and increase, and that I should be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Master." MY venerable friend, who, on the first Sabbath of the year, always sends me a text to preach from, has on this occasion selected one which it is very far from easy to handle. Wipe away that tear; God shall soon wipe away thy tears for ever. He does not say, "I am persuaded;" he does not say, "I believe;" but with unblushing confidence he appears before you and says, "We" (I have many witnesses) we know that all things work together." You know how thrice he assailed him with those temptations which are most likely to be attractive to poor humanity, but Jesus overcame them all. And then suppose that, in winding up the estates, it should be found that, though there be something left, yet it be a mere trifle, scarcely worth an acknowledgment: enough to excite appetite but not sufficient to satisfy it what if it should come out at last, that heaven is not the infinite joy we have been taught to expect; suppose its bliss should be but inferior joy, such as might be found even in this world below suppose that the harps have no melody, the crowns but little glory, and heaven's streets but slight magnificence what then? Come, faith, and help me now to lay my fingers among the strings of the golden harp. If it sinks, I am lost; but it will not sink, for the Plot of the Galilean Lake is on board. The fall of Adam was OUR fall; we fell in and with him; we were equal sufferers; it is the ruin of our own house that we lament, it is the destruction of our own city that we bemoan, when we stand and see written, in lines too plain for us to mistake their meaning, "The carnal mind" that very self-same mind which was once holiness, and has now become carnal "is enmity against God." ", This is a subject upon which I delight to speak; for here is all my hope and confidence. The Holy Spirit helps us to bear the infirmity of our body and of our mind; he helps us to bear our cross, whether it be physical pain, or mental depression, or spiritual conflict, or slander, or poverty, or persecution. You perceive at once, by his deeds, that his nature was godlike. The cross and Christ are nailed together by four nails, and they will never be disassociated in the experience of any Christian. He said, "Reproach hath broken mine heart, and I am full of heaviness." Yet, further, to illustrate the full meaning of the joint heirship suppose, after the via had been proved and acknowledged to be right, it shall be found in winding up the affairs of the testator, that nothing is left to distribute suppose, after all this boast and talk about being heirs, the property should be nil, or there should even be found a debt against the estate what then? In preaching of this call this morning, I shall divide my sermon into three brief parts. That lie had in it a residuum of truth, for by sovereign grace we have become such. Yes; but I set over against that the fact that he always would have me. It was most natural, therefore, that a deep spiritual experience should bring him to a clear perception of the doctrines of grace, for such an experience is a school in which alone those great truths are effectually learned. If we are joint heirs with him, we, too, must partake of the same. Fourthly. The Spirit saith Come, and the bride saith Come not the bride on earth only, but the bride in heaven saith the same, bidding the happy day speed on when the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. First, we are called upon to speak of the truthfulness of this great statement. Delivered on Sabbath Morning, April 22, 1855, by the, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------. The debt is paid, and Christ is at the right hand of God. For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of low, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister. "No," says another, "there is some truth in it, certainly; men do get bettered by their afflictions, but it is a truth that is not valuable to me, for I do not realize the good that these things bring." Who enters the lists against the believer? "They are so; but not when they are arrayed in the robes, and invested with the credentials of their Sovereign. How joyfully will we serve him, how rapturously adore him. We are like the dove that flutters, and is weary, but thank God, we have an ark to go to. Now, Christ is his people's representative. "Yes," he could say, "and a blessed thing it would be for you if you had the same thing to groan after that I have." Romans 8:29 . It sweetly appears that the ULTIMATE END OF ALL THIS IS CHRIST. When he died for them they had rest; when he rose again for them, they had liberty; when he was received into his Father's favour, yet again, and sat at his own right hand, then had they favour, and honour, and dignity. Vain man would be wise; he would break the seven seals thereof, and read the mysteries of eternity. As Paul's exposition in 5:12-21 has shown, "through one . It makes all brethren who feel its power. Perhaps, also, there was one who had travailed in birth till Christ was formed in us the hope of glory, and how happy was that spirit to see us born unto God; how did our spiritual parent ponder each gracious word which we uttered, and thank God for the good signs of grace which could be found in our conversation. My unknown sins are buried in the unknown deeps of his almighty sacrifice. He who has never seen the New Jerusalem, has never clapped his hands with holy ecstasy, he has never sighed with the unutterable longing which is expressed in words like these, Take another picture to illustrate that the obtaining of something makes us groan after more. What was to be done? I think it was Bishop Hall who once said, "I thank God I am not of his counsels, but I am of his court." That is quite another doctrine, and it is the true teaching of the Word of God. how can the imagination revel, when the body is in an ill condition? In the second place, very briefly, WHAT OUGHT WE TO DRAW FROM THIS DOCTRINE, that we are debtors? "For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come nor height, nor depth nor any other creatures, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." Perhaps our fullest thought upon the text is this. The doctrine must be stated in its naked truth. Those who obey his promptings shall not walk in darkness. If your heart pants to read its title clear it shall do so ere long. Reflect for a moment: the Holy Spirit knows all the purposes of God, and when they are about to be fulfilled, he moves the children of God to pray about them, and so their prayers keep touch and tally with the divine decrees. Now, in considering this solemn subject, let me remark that there are two kinds of callings mentioned in the Word of God. God bless you, for Christ's sake! And I think I may stand firmly while I argue here, that if a Roman, a worshipper of Jupiter or Saturn, became great or glorious, a Son of God ought to be nobler far. He is powerless to obey, but he is mighty enough to resist the call of divine grace. These men will not repent, will not believe; they will not go God's way, and then they grumble and growl, and fret, and fume, because God has locked the treasure up against them. Amen. What must be the strength when the whole four are interlaced and intertwisted, and become the support of the believer? Taking away this corner-stone, this fancy theory tumbles to the ground, and that theory which seemed to be as tall as Babel, and threatened to make as much confusion, may right soon be demolished, if you will batter it with the Word of God. In too many instances ministers of religion has propagated doubt, and the result is a general hardening of the popular feeling, and a greatly-increased neglect of public worship. Do you see the force of this expression? With that attack upon his Sonship the fiend commenced the battle. So that though I said the drift of the text was spiritual good, yet sometimes in the main current there may be carried some rich and rare temporal benefits for God's children as well as the richer spiritual blessings. I have affirmed, and I am sure most Christians will bear witness, that what I said was the truth, that if any man loveth God he loves him because God gave him grace to love him. Moreover, the appetites of the body have a natural affinity to that which is sinful. Thus much upon the sacred end of predestination. Now, we also, though we at our conversion are new creatures, are also said to be "begotten again into a lively hope." See what effectual calling can do. But the crime may seem to be worse when we think of what God is. Did I not say that we have not received the whole of our portion, and that what we have received is to the whole no more than one handful of wheat is to the whole harvest, a very gracious pledge, but nothing more? If you are not so persuaded, here is honey, but you do not taste it; here is light, but you do not see it; here is heaven, but you do not enter the pearly gate. We do not ask for these persecutions, but their might do us great good if they came. There is real prayer in these "groanings that cannot be uttered." The next argument for making us sure that they will speed is this that they are "the mind of the Spirit." Enlarge thine expectations seek great things from the God of heaven and he will give them to thee; but by no means fold thine arms in sloth, and sit down upon the bed of carnal security. And then he holds up a shield so broad that he is completely concealed behind it, and every enemy is defeated in the conflict, because "It is Christ that dies." "Well, sir, you know how much I love the cause, and how earnest I am in doing everything that I can to serve my Maker; but (now comes the end of it all) I really work so hard all the week that I cannot afford to go out on the Sabbath to Sunday-schools." The first contains an outward manifestation of the second "Them that love God." For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Is he full of love and grace? Every priest stands daily ministering and offering sacrifice for sin. Now, by this shall ye know whether ye be called of God or not. The new birth as surely stands us with the image of Christ as our first birth impressed us with a resemblance to the fathers of our flesh. The man who uttered this challenge, "Who is he that condemneth?" May not this electrify a man of joy, and make him dance for very mirth? Is he not very God of very God, Jehovah's only begotten Son, Most High and glorious, though he bowed himself to the grave and became the Servant of servants, yet God over all, blessed for ever. Romans 8:22-23 . But the text, you see, furnishes us with a higher witness than this. It may be I might move your souls to detestation, if I spake of the cruelty of this race to itself, if I showed you how it made the world an Aceldama, by its wars, and deluged it with blood by its fightings and murders; if I should recite the black list of vices in which whole nations have indulged, or even bring before you the characters of some of the most eminent philosophsers, I should blush to speak of them, and you would refuse to hear; yea, it would be impossible for you, as refined inhabitants of a civilized country, to endure the mention of the crimes that were committed by those very men who, now-a-days, are held up as being paragons of perfection. Moreover, the Holy Spirit's intercession creates prayers offered in a proper manner. 4-6. Simply because the call of God comes to unworthy sinners. No; the blood must he taken to the mercy-seat, God will not stoop when he is just; it must be brought to him. The fleshly mind, the phronema sarkos, the lusts, the passions of the soul; it is this which has gone astray from God, and become enmity against him. Now, the first groan which you heard was deep and dreadful, as though it were fetched from the abyss of hell; that is the groan of the ungodly man as he perishes, and leaves all his dear delights; but the second groan is so softened and sweetened, that it is rather the note of desire than of distress. Let me feel the worm that never dies rather than the stings of an offended conscience, if indeed this is not itself, "the worm that dieth not." If you like to call it so, you may; but I would rather that you made the mistake of the good old Christian woman who did not know much about these things, and who said that she herself was "a high Calvarist." And now my hearers, let me just utter this personal appeal to you. Conscience, truly answer! A great gulf had opened in the Forum, perhaps caused by an earthquake, and the auspices had said that the chasm could never be filled up, except the most precious thing in Rome could be cast into it. In the volume of the Book it is written of him: "I delight to do thy will, O my God! let thy waves and thy billows roll over me better an ocean of trouble than a drop of sin, I would rather have thy rod a thousand times upon my shoulders, O my God, than I would once put out my hand to touch that which is forbidden, or allow my foot to run in the way of gainsayers." 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