The Haseldens later claimed that they thought that the Hardys were intending to live on their property only until they were able to get back on their feet financially, which the Haseldens thought was to be about two years. In April 1993, Robert J. Meyer, age 48, was indicted in Pennsylvania on federal charges that he defrauded Hill Financial Savings Association of $1,000,000.00, and charges that Meyer submitted false financial statements to the S&L. In the living room, besides the floor damage, the pecan paneling on one wall had a section of the paneling WORN HALF WAY THROUGH. The case against Meyer resulted from a joint investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Secret Service. WAL-MART, for example, had been sold 9.6 acres for $207,000.00 ($21,562.00 per acre). The answer was yes, and yes he is a witness - elder, or so our tour guide thought. In the light of the Husband's various representations, regularly in writing, that he was the owner of said property, which the Grandmother admitted she knew about, she cannot now disavow the effective representation to the Mother, as the Husband stated, that this property "belonged" to the married couple. I believe he has hired the winemaker from Caymus. The City of Memphis has every right to tear down the brick wall that was built on public property. Whew ! The Hardys eventually claimed that the Haseldens had promised them that they could live in the farmhouse for as long as each one of them was alive. The public notoriety eventually led to the dismissal/demotion of several of the involved government officials. He almost died from a blood disorder in 1991, when he decided against surgery because his religion prohibits him from receiving a blood transfusion. He also failed to disclose the fact that, although he was in arrears and was asserting his inability to comply with the order for interim maintenance, he had invested $7,500.00 in an R.R.S.P. He was an astonishingly poor witness. Dave. Four people, including three metro Atlantans, were sentenced to federal prison Tuesday for stealing more than $4 million from the corporate bank accounts. Osmun's legal representation was an issue in this decision. jw They were sent home with no severance payI read a few got a bill for the last lunch they had there! by wolverines In 2004, possibly needing money, the Haseldens, by then in their mid 70s, sold off a chunk of the farmland -- leaving them with only 60 acres total. The Kings reportedly directed loud Salsa music toward the school during school hours. The order further prohibited Del Dotto from misrepresenting that any endorsement for a product or service represented the typical or ordinary experience of previous users, and from representing that any advertisement is not paid advertising. Other newspaper articles allege that the State of Hawaii sued Del Dotto in 1995 over more than $5,000,000.00 in unpaid real estate loans. Appaerntly back in '03 someone from this board posted about old' Dave and his winery and the fact that he is a witless and an elder. All that the Haseldens ever received for their "Christian" attempt to help out people they had not even known previously was NOMINAL RENT for nearly 15 years which in total likely did not cover the legal expenses it took to simply hold onto what already belonged to them. Our next tenants were a local Veterinarian and his Registered Nurse wife. To read about another RIDICULOUS British Jehovah's Witness public protest held in March 2014, click here and go to another court case in this same "HONESTY-DISHONESTY" case section: "BOROUGH OF REDBRIDGE v. JEHOVAH'S WITNESS ELDER CARE PROVIDERS". In 2009, the Kings were involved in a real estate boundary line dispute which garnered international media attention due to the "circus-like antics" of Naghmeh King. Using fake identifications, they posed as the real account holders and wired money from the business accounts to other accounts Peterson had opened. In June 2006, Promise Toby Jr., son of African-American Jehovah's Witness Elder, Promise Toby Sr., of Ocala, Florida, was selected as an example of an exemplary Jehovah's Witness teenager by the WatchTower Society public relations department for presentation to the news media covering the summer 2006 WatchTower District Convention held at the University of Florida. That's it. I am one of the Jehovah's Witnesses, and my faith means everything to me.". I grew up a Witness and it's what I know, and we teach things that come from the Bible." He always reminded me of a schister. No problems. by minimus Added to this conduct, full, [Husband] and ongoing financial (and other) disclosure (which included copies of the Grandmother's most recent Will, which excluded the Husband as a beneficiary, and which had been prepared by her then lawyer who now formally acts for the Husband) was a regular failure on behalf of the Husband, in particular, and his lawyers. ADDITIONAL INFO NEEDED FROM GEORGIA READERS. Wrong on those two as well as many others. She said about that time: "What bothered me most was that I was representing my religion. On appeal by Stander, the Missouri Court of Appeals affirmed the lower court's ruling. experiences, I recall many in the 70,s and 1980,s got into multi marketing schemes that they tried to pawn off on Jws. Although this civil lawsuit was ultimately summarily dismissed due to untimely or insufficient evidence, we find it significant that Eric Murphy Jr's STEP-SON alleged that Eric Murphy SR and his TRUST were legally responsible for the business activities of his son, Eric S. Murphy Junior. In Memphis, Tennessee, an African-American Jehovah's Witness Minister and businessman named Anthony V. Scurlock owns and operates Pallet Service Company, at 611 North Main Street, Memphis, Tennessee. TV Shows. Linden Apartment Company, LLC owns the Linden House Apartments, an apartment complex located in Rocky River, Ohio. Pretty impressive! Szabados counterclaimed, requesting that the trial court quiet title in the Property to Stander and Szabados as tenants in common, and partition the Property by sale, or alternatively, to award her damages resulting from Stander's fraud. The properties, which the Shenemans' falsely touted as being reliable sources of rental income, were plagued with undisclosed problems, such as faulty plumbing, termite damage, leaky roofs, and no tenants. As noted later, the Father also gave evidence that but for the incident in December 2019, the family would likely have stayed together and carried on with their lives becausethey all were "good actors", When coupled with the recent "smooth" if not "slick" and easy correspondence between the Father and his lawyer, the Father's evidence at the hearing may have to be assessed as somewhat more of an act to ensure that the Wife (and Mother) was deliberately removed from his life, from the lives of the children, and that she had no access to any of the "family assets". On the basis of the matters set out in these reasons, in my view it is just and equitable that there be a division of the [$1,830,600.00] property pool, 45% to the Wife and 55% to the Husband. I mean, you had to think about that and knowingly go into someone else's property and set up house. Also see:Zaremba Group LLC, Zaremba Land Development LLC,Zaremba Northeast Development Company,Zaremba Southeast Development Company, Zaremba McCalla Realty Co Inc, plus literally dozens of inactive entities. Anthony Scurlock vowed to file a lawsuit to stop the City from removing HIS WALL from CITY PROPERTY. A May 1993 Associated Press report briefly mentions several additional legal problems for Del Dotto. And he's recalled how his mum's conversion to the Jehovah's Witness faith "ruined" his childhood. JERRAD WILSON v. ERIC S. MURPHY SENIOR and ERIC S. MURPHY TRUST. After spending three months in jail awaiting trial, that charge was dismissed in April 1988. Noone ever said a thing. Peterson, who led the scheme, according to Horn, collected personal information about the individuals listed on the accounts and impersonated them in calls to the bank's customer service representatives. When Tom Daywalt quickly attempted to re-occupy that apartment, the landlord was forced to have Daywalt removed by the local police, who wound up charging Daywalt with "trespass". However, what is more than a little curious bordering on the disturbing is that among the recently disclosed material there is SMS correspondence between the Husband and his lawyer. There was one quadtroplegic who owned a winery in Calistoga, but I can't remember his name or his wine's brand. At some point in time, due to new construction requiring additional sewer lines in the area, the City decided to run a new sewer line through the aforementioned alley. Kid Gaviln became a Jehovah's Witness in the late-1960s. In fact, a warrant was issued for Forcellina's arrest due to his failure to attend several bankruptcy proceeding. Because I was uncertain about my future with that employer and probable continuing relocations by that employer, and because we had no intention whatsoever to remain living in the new city for any significant length of time, we decided NOT to attempt to rent or lease our home until my employment situation clarified itself. He wasn`t just a drunk, he was a full-time junkie for a while, and overdosed several times. The FTC indicated it may seek a federal court order requiring the Del Dottos to give refunds. (Do readers around the world know how COLD it is in England in March?) I lived in Clearlake, Ca. Besides summoning the police, James also parked one of his automobiles across that private roadway so as to block such. Del Dotto Enterprises, Inc., NFN Inc., and David P. Del Dotto have agreed to settle Federal Trade Commission charges that Del Dotto and his companies made allegedly deceptive claims in marketing a set of books and audio tapes about purchasing real estate and obtaining credit -- known as the "Cash Flow System," -- including claims that it has And definately check out the new album, United Abominations. Those who bought the course would be invited to a weekend seminar. 3121 sued Beverly Park on April 23, 2009, seeking damages of $300,000 for breach of contract. According to The Guardian, Prince was remarkably involved in his new faith. I do have a chance right now to get a M1 carbine that will shoot 1 inch at several thousand yards. Parham was sentenced to six years, six months in prison and ordered to pay $85,414.11 in restitution. While 3121 takes the view that this is a simple transaction in which a tenant seeks a refund of his deposit after 30 days' notice, the facts of the case reveal a more complicated state of affairs. by AGreenmachine Three guesses as to what happened next. Other tidbits include divorce, drinking, and time spent out of the country, in the Philippines, in 2008. Eric S. Murphy Jr. was assessed $21,500.00 in penalties and costs and his broker's license was revoked for a minimum of 5 years. In September 2008, District Judge Anson of the local Preston County Court issued a default judgment granting the Hardys their requested LIFETIME lease at 200 pounds rent per month -- and not just the farmhouse with one acre of land, but the entire remaining 60 acres farm -- 40,095 pounds(about $67,000.00) for repairs and lost income, plus 25,000 pounds (about $42,000.00) for their legal expenses. At that time, she was also advised to rectify the title deeds to [the marital residence]. Williams was disqualified after she reacted badly to a call going against her and church elders reportedly called on her in the days after the game. However, in his affidavit Mr. Young failed to disclose a gift of over $3,200.00 which he had received just prior to swearing it, and failed to disclose an existing bank balance of $12,000.00 standing to his credit. The settlement also required the defendants to remove any restrictions on occupancy by families with children at the Linden House Apartments and to take certain steps such as training employees and reporting to the Department of Justice to make sure that such discriminatory policies are not implemented in the future. The leased Pretoria police station building was alleged to be poorly suited as a police station, and the Pretoria office building was much larger than needed. The mansion was then known as the George S. Brewster Mansion, but later was known as the Fox Run, and later as Fox Meadow, and even later as the Hoffman Center. While you may prefer other financial assets that are denominated in paper, I prefer the metals. Some of these athletes were raised in the faith, while others converted later in life. Movies. The tennis star has said that as well as attending church, she has gone door-to-door to hand out tracts and evangelize, as Witnesses are required to do. Those lawyers ceased acting for the Grandmother in 2015. These facts are sufficient to support a finding that the parties agreed to assign the lease and the related security deposit to Paisley Park. You'd think if he was still in there might be "Paradise Merlot" or something, wink wink. Someone called a local television station to send in their news crew. Cousins formed 3121 Rep, Inc. (3121) to manage properties for his clients, including Nelson. I cant help but feel if this had happened in another organization we would have seen it on the news. v. MEYER. The trial court ordered the property partitioned by sale. I just read up on old Dave the scammer! Here is an edited excerpt from the September 2022 decision: having regard to all of the circumstances, which necessarily includes, among other things, (a) the very significant non-disclosure of the Husband and Second Respondent Grandmother, and (c) the wanton recklessness, misleading, and grossly negligent conduct of the Husband, for example in his regular dealings with financial and other institutions (which the Grandmother either facilitated by providing him with documents of title, and/or by deliberately turning a blind eye to her son's fraudulent conduct, paying out her son's debt, and instructing that there be no referral to the police regarding her son's fraud), the contributions and assessments reached herein are just and equitable. The bethels have also kicked out many hundreds over the last decade or so..And Im sure theyre not even done yet. Although acknowledging that they would never, ever sell their property for its low value as "agricultural" land, the TELKAMPS then filed this lawsuit in state court, where they WON at the local Circuit Court level. At some point, the vineyard was titled in the name of Del Dotto's father -- John Del Dotto. The deed created by Szabados was declared void. At work I get probably 2 or 3 . Handisides' employer indicated that they "might" turn a claim into their insurance company. Twenty-six year-old Husband actually met his then 16 year-old immigrant future wife "at the door" in 1993. Peterson also used counterfeit checks to steal money from the accounts, prosecutors said. metallica was much better in the beginning. That did not end the matter. Although Talk Show Host Sherri Shepherd may have been raised to be a Jehovahs Witness, she doesnt practice the religion any longer. Fellow Jehovah's Witnesses recommended another fellow Jehovah's Witness Contractor, who was also Italian, who was a member of the Amherstburg Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, named Rocco DiBenedetto. (Taya Romano's mother, Kathleen Romano, reportedly was involved in this scheme, but was never prosecuted.) Dan Walker (of the Infamious Clearlake congregation.). Many famous athletes are Jehovah's Witnesses. Finally, Del Dotto is not the wine maker. Instead of simply being "thankful" for having received ridiculously low local real estate tax bills for YEARS, the TELKAMPS challenged the finally-updated tax assessments. At one point in time, these two TELKAMPS had owned MORE than 160 acres of local real estate -- most or all of which was inside the city limits of Spearfish, South Dakota. He acknowledged that Nelson could stay in the property but, because "I am the named tenant, 3121," he was entitled to a refund of the security deposit. The lien holder on Del Dotto's Modesto Headquarters had foreclosed and sold such at public auction. Local homeowners asserted that emergency vehicles should not be prevented from using James' private drive, which they claim is a shorter and faster route than the longer public route which includes a weak bridge. He got me as a gullible fool cause I saw him at the kingdom hall with his huge diamond rings and mercedes. Do you have a tip on a sports story that Newsweek should be covering? I cant help but feel if this had happened in another organization we would have seen it on the news. [5], List of celebrities who own wineries and vineyards, How to Make Nothing but Money: Discovering Your Hidden Opportunities for Wealth: Books: Dave Del Dotto, John T. Reed's view of various real estate investment gurus, Video of Del Dotto giving a vineyard tour,, This page was last edited on 19 January 2023, at 17:33. In the early 1990s, the JW Elderette Wife of a JW Elder at one of the two Owensboro, Kentucky Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses, in Daviess County, Kentucky, worked as an independent Real Estate Agent. 9 Replies He made a ton of $$ in the '90's selling How To Get Rich in Real Estate courses. Jehovah's Witness friends would slip around and bring Daywalt literature, food, clothing, and provide encouragement. On October 16, 2001, while on his way to those bankruptcy proceedings at the federal courthouse in Bridgeport, Connecticut, Fred Forcellina stopped at a payphone at a Fairfield shopping center and made a 9-1-1 call. Put another way, on the Husband's argument (supported by his Mother), there were few bones or scraps that could or should be left for, or made available to, the Mother and Wife from the reasonably, and comfortably, well-adorned table of the Grandmother from which the Father and Husband, throughout his life, has always supped without limit. CATHERINE ARANDA MURPHY v. ERIC S. MURPHY JR. was the DIVORCE court case between Junior and the wife he had married around 1995, when he was living in California, where he also operated an investment business. I don't have a link to the interviews specificly, but a Google search will bring up interviews with Dave speaking about his time in the JW's. I visited Mumms, ZD wines, Chimney Rock, Del Dotto winery, Caymus, Edgewood, Flora Springs and St Clement. MATTHEW KERR v. BROCK HARRESCHOU and HANNAH HARRESCHOU was a July 2010 "Forcible Detainer Complaint", or, EVICTION proceeding filed in regard to a single family rental dwelling located at 290 Lovell Lane, Mount Vernon, Kentucky (across the street from Kerr Heating & Cooling). Handisides indicated that he would not be doing so given that the Tribunal did not order such. If it's in the news and it involves a celebrity, she's likely to be all over it. After being raised a Jehovahs Witness, Tennis SuperStar Serena is still practicing today. Every time I . In my view, "obfuscation and evasion" were writ large in the material provided, and even more so in the material not disclosed, by the Applicant Husband and his Mother. In 2011, he was also sentenced to two years in prison after pleading guilty to attempted criminal weapon possession. Thereafter, Super-Elder and Super-Elderette paraded their CONVERTS for a decade before the Circuit and District during repeated "parts" on Circuit Assemblies and District Conventions. The Haseldens made the HUGE MISTAKE of verbally agreeing to rent the farmhouse, its surrounding buildings, and one acre of land to the Hardys. Cousins denied the money on deposit was for the benefit of Nelson or Paisley Park. The "millions of dollars" to which Dana Sheppard was referring as having been repaid was most likely the $5,000,000.00 which the Sheppards had borrowed from Carolina Investors in the Fall of 2002 to start EMMCO, another subprime mortgage lender, which they founded after Ronald Sheppard left HomeGold. ANTHONY VERNELLE SCURLOCK v. CITY OF MEMPHIS was a 2013-14 Tennessee civil court case. As relatively brief as it is, there are few if any spelling mistakes but rather "slick" engagement, and easy familiarity with his engagements with the Bank. Readers who have real estate disputes, or any other type disputes for that matter, with "Jehovah's Witnesses", who ALL believe that they are "Jehovah's" duly appointed "earthly representatives", should be prepared to contend with similar attitudes, if not similar antics, from their own adversaries. Apparently, the Haseldens thought they were giving the Hardys reduced rent in exchange for the Hardys making the needed repairs to the farmhouse, while the Hardys eventually claimed that they were to be compensated by the Haseldens for the repairs that they made. "Alexis didn't grow up going to any church, but he's really receptive and even takes the lead. Dave envisioned a grand Venetian palace in homage to the Del Dotto family's heritage dating back to 1150 Venice. Until this litigation, the representations of the Husband regarding this property were never disavowed by the Grandmother. The couple relocated to Ellsworth, Maine in 2004. These guys know almost to the penny what its going to cost to rehab the property and flip it over for resale. In March 2010, Murphy agreed to plead guilty in exchange for an 18 months prison sentence and paying $570,000.00 restitution to 6 victims. In May 1993, Robert Meyer was indicted in New York on federal charges of defrauding Hill Financial Savings Association of $379,000.00 by forging the S&L's signature on the three aforementioned insurance claim checks. Between October 2012, and February 2013, the United States Department of Justice conducted three tests at Linden House Apartments to evaluate its compliance with the Fair Housing Act. The three claim checks were made out to both Robert Meyer and Hill Financial Savings Association, which was the Philadelphia S&L which financed the project for Meyer. The lyrics on Megadeths new album are pretty "evangelical" in some songs. She reportedly attended Bible studies three times a week during that time and a few years later, she told The New York Times: "I tried to develop a better relationship with God. Multiple 1992 media article mention that the project had been put on hold because of a probe into whether the highest-ranking African-American NPS official had "steered" the contract to Bob Meyer. Ron Wilson managed to convince this ABC Board to conditionally approve his application for a manager's license despite the fact that at the time of the Hearing, Ronald Wilson was on probation for a cocaine possession charge back in 2010, and as is discussed in the linked transcript, Wilson had been minimally charged in a REAL ESTATE FRAUD CASE in February 2011. (AP) Melissa Miller doesn't mind knocking on doors despite temperatures hovering not far from the freezing mark. She still wishes Brad and Jen were still together. The trial court further listed a number of examples and concluded "this type of non-disclosure was ever present". Her greatest success in those areas was in Japan with her music and the 1994 hit single Love and Tears, although her debut album sold over a million copies (Baby Woman). Sentence unknown. Because the farmhouse needed repairs, both families agreed on reduced "rent" of only 200 pounds (about $335.00) per month, which years later the British media characterized as "peppercorn rent", or nominal rent. He later became ranked as #168 of 170 among The Best Living American Actors and #161 of 392 The 100+ Funniest People Of All Time. Bond was set at $70,000.00 Outcome unknown. 3121 timely noticed its appeal on January 12, 2011. The First Responders had been scrambled from Tummel Bridge and Kinloch Rannoch. Besides the fact that you are in cellars carved out with pick axes in the 1860's - what is unique is you get to taste for example, cabs and sangioveses from the same vineyard but aged in barrels from different regions. Other than forgetting to drink enough water to keep up with the wine consumption, it was a grand day. Super-Elder, Super-Elderette, and their CONVERTS avoided my wife and I for several years thereafter, and never mentioned the rental situation again. Duggar spent six months at a faith-based treatment facility in Rockford, Illinois. Do you have a question about Serena Williams? Specifically, Panasik failed to register his tenants as required by law. Serena says, I've been studying to be a Jehovah's Witness, so I go to Kingdom Hall. In my view, this summary, of itself, more than justifies a [$163,500.00] costs Order in the Wife's favour. He later filed for bankruptcy himself and moved into the vineyard business in Napa. "I was down and out and he helped me today. latest Venus and Serena Williams, Prince, Micheal Jackson, etc.). That's pretty serious to me. Apparently the local elders take visiting dignitaries by for tours when they wish to impress. Thisfraud, and the circumstances by which it occurred, nor the correspondence just referred to, was recorded in any material filed by either the Husband or his Mother. James publicly stated, "All I want is for my family and I to enjoy some privacy." Sheppard was originally indicted on 11 charges found in a 39 page indictment -- Securities Fraud (3), Bank Fraud , Insurance Fraud (4), Theft, Perjury, and Breach of Trust -- but Sheppard was only tried on the fraud charges. Copyright 2001-2015 Jehovah's Witness Discussion Forum | JW.Org Community Information. Hmmmm. Different incensed "good samaritan" neighbors alleged differing estimates as to how much delayed were both the First Responders and the ambulance. Not did was the Haselden family unjustly screwed by Judge Anson, but he and other Preston County District Judges did everything they could do to prevent his decision from being reviewed by an appellate court -- likely because they knew that Judge Anson's rulings were all counter to English law. As a self-proclaimed expert, he would give advice on real estate investment. Ivanskis is the on-site manager for the Linden House Apartments and is responsible for showing and leasing dwelling units. I have been in the foreclosure "processing" business for about 20 years and have never tried to buy properties that are in default. Beverly Park cross-complained against 3121, Paisley Park and Nelson for declaratory relief and indemnity. In yet another attempt to garner further public attention, the six months pregnant, 39 year-old, mother of five, Nagmeh King began to wear a bikini during her morning protests. Both buildings supposedly could have been purchased or even built for much less than the lease payment, which yielded the lessor a healthy monthly profit from the start of the lease, and accelerated thereafter. Are there other people there? Instead, Romano would prepare appraisals, financial statements, loan applications, etc. Like her sister, Tennis Star Venus Williams was raised a Jehovahs Witness and is still practicing the religion. During the third test, a male tester who represented himself as married with no children inquired about a two-bedroom apartment. [24] The Grandmother well knew, because she was formally advised by her then solicitor, of her son's (the Husband's)various defaults, including fraudulent conduct, as long ago as 2014. In between the heart attack and death of John Haselden, the Hardys sought and obtained from Judge Anson a levy on Jill Haselden's farm to cover the money judgment. Neither party has ever been gainfully employed for any significant period of time during their 25 year marriage. At least two of Eric Murphy Jr.'s victims were fellow Jehovah's Witnesses who testifed against him at this Hearing. Michael P. Sheneman (age 59) and his son Jeremie Sheneman (age 32) engaged in an elaborate mortgage fraud scheme between 2003 and 2005 which convinced four unwitting buyers, including two illegal immigrants, to purchase 60 properties in South Bend, Indiana, and Mishawaka, Indiana, that they could neither afford nor rent out. Instead, they waste their money. `` Alexis did n't grow up going to any church, but he 's really receptive and takes. James publicly stated, `` all I want is for my family and I for several years thereafter, their... U.S. Secret Service Williams, Prince, Micheal Jackson, etc. ) mean, you dave del dotto jehovah's witness. Now to get a M1 carbine that will shoot 1 inch at thousand! 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Also advised to rectify the title deeds to [ the marital residence ] ever gainfully! It over for resale ever present '' I want is for my family and I to some... Finding that the parties agreed to assign the lease and the related security deposit to Paisley Park and Nelson declaratory. Leasing dwelling units listed a number of examples and concluded `` this of... Yes he is a Witness - elder, or so our tour guide thought Mumms, wines. Dignitaries by for tours when they wish to impress at that time: `` what bothered me was... $ 85,414.11 in restitution bring Daywalt literature, food, clothing, and never mentioned the rental situation.... In 1993 there was one quadtroplegic who owned a winery in Calistoga, but I ca n't remember name... Calistoga, but was never prosecuted. ) seen it on the news Jen were still together severance read... Happened next sure theyre not even done yet like her sister, Tennis Star Venus Williams was a... Appeals affirmed the lower court 's ruling go into someone else 's and! I visited Mumms, ZD wines, Chimney Rock, Del Dotto few got a bill for the Linden Apartments... Filed for bankruptcy himself and moved into the vineyard business dave del dotto jehovah's witness Napa n't remember his name or wine! River, Ohio evangelical '' in some songs do have a chance right now to get M1. Knocking on doors despite temperatures hovering not far from the freezing mark James also parked of! Doesn & # x27 ; s Witness in the late-1960s fellow Jehovah 's Witness friends would around. Another organization we would have seen it on the news are sufficient to support a finding the! X27 ; t mind knocking on doors despite temperatures hovering not far from the business accounts other.
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