stream DH-MQA 1210, Rev. We're doing our best to get things working smoothly! Click on the appropriate tab below to see the Initial Licensing Requirements, Process, Fees, Statutes and Administrative Rules for a Health Access Dentist. : An applicant must be: Is at least 18 years of age 08.32.014. Jurisdictions not accepting the ADEX Dental Examination for initial licensure are depicted in grey and include Delaware and New York. Complies with all continuing education requirements of active licensees. Final Dispositions/Arrest Records Final disposition records for offenses can be obtained at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. The Florida Dental Association is also asking for $773,000 from the state budget to fund Floridas dental student loan repayment program (Florida Statute 381.4019), which will help dentists practice in public health programs and serve low-income patients in designated rural and underserved areas. Online payment, certified check or money order should be made payable to theFlorida Department of Health. POST LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS IF ADEX COMPLETED IN A JURISDICTION OTHER THAN FLORIDA. The clinical board exam required of all dental hygienists encompasses the identification and selection of a patient within the required criteria, the accurate assessment of risk factors impacting this patient, the identification of dental disease, and the successful performance of a prophylaxis. From the green Dental Licensure Dashboard below select one of the following maps: COVID-19 related licensure updates are listed next to each state in the second column of the table located below the map. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Scores from ADEX Dental Licensing Examinations administered in a jurisdiction other than Florida must be completed on or after October 2, 2011. The report can be viewed at http://www.floridahealth, The Second Quarter Performance Report for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year has been published. Any such conviction or plea shall exclude the applicant or candidate from licensure, examination, certification, or registration, unless the sentence and any subsequent period of probation for such conviction or plea ended: For the felonies of the first or second degree, more than 15 years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; For the felonies of the third degree, more than 10 years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; For the felonies of the third degree under section 893.13(6)(a), F.S., more than five years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; Has been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a felony under 21 U.S.C. This program must provide didactic and clinical education at the level of a D.D.S. Ten states and two licensing jurisdictions, however, do not utilize these regional boards (California, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Nevada, North Carolina, Indiana, Delaware, and Louisiana), choosing instead to administer their own clinical testing. 4 0 obj <> Florida Statutes. Click here to access the pamphlet for Information on Nonopioid Alternatives for the Treatment of Pain, Click here for the new requirements requiring prescribers to generate and transmit all prescriptions electronically. Can foreign dentist work as dental hygienist in USA We are responsible for educating patients on the importance of optimal oral health by implementing our years of rigorous training and expertise. ), provides that health care boards or the department shall refuse to issue a license, certificate or registration and shall refuse to admit a candidate for examination if the applicant: An applicant for the health access dental license must successfully complete the following examinations: *The Florida Department of Health has contracted with The Commission on Dental Competency Assessments (CDCA) to provide the Laws and Rules examination.Examination registration began April 1, 2015 with the CDCA and associated fees are the same.Please visit to register for examination and view candidate manuals. Code of Alabama (1975), 34-9-1 et seq. Hartford, CT 06134. hold a currentDental Hygienist license in another jurisdiction (state, U.S. territory or District of Columbia), AND have practiced as a Dental Hygienist at least three of the past five years. % Applicants who have ever been denied licensure, had disciplinary action taken against their license, or have action pending against their license to practice any health care related profession by a licensing authority are required to submit the following documentation to the board: Self-Explanation Applicants who have listed disciplinary action on the application must submit a letter in your own words describing the circumstances of the action. EFDA Expanded Function Dental Auxiliary, Test Prep for ADEX Computerized Examinations: OSCE, Proprietary Simulated Patient Assessments. 801-970 (relating to controlled substances) or 42 U.S.C. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. The report can be viewed at Applicants with prior criminal convictions are required to submit the following documentation to the board: Self-Explanation Applicants who have listed offenses on the application must submit a letter in your own words describing the circumstances of the offense. Dental therapists have been proposed as a way to meet the needs in underserved areas where most patients are on Medicaid. 07/2016, Rules 64B5-2.014 and 2.0144, F.A.C Page 2 Dental Hygiene Licensure Application Instructions Applicants are strongly encouraged to review s. 466.007, Florida . <> Application Fee: The fee for a dental hygiene license by examination is $175, and the fee for a dental hygiene license by credentials is $275, which must be paid online using a VISA, MasterCard or Discover. After my rigorous journey, here are my five tips for obtaining an out-of-state dental license. From the green Dental Licensure Dashboard below select one of the following maps: Initial Licensure Requirements CE & Renewal Requirements Licensure by Credentials or D.M.D. Go to the new state's dental board website and print the application. To learn more about becoming a member of the Board, visit the Governors Appointments Office website or email Last Updated 2/16/23 Maps are updated with information as confirmed with each Jurisdiction. is using a security service for protection against online attacks. Despite the expiration of a term, Board members can continue to serve until they have been either replaced or reappointed or serve the maximum of ten years as governed by s. 457.103, F.S. They would have more training than a dental hygienist, but less training than a dentist. To learn more about the licensure process, select the type of license you wish to apply for from the list of professions below. 3 0 obj Back Virginia Board of Dentistry | Contact the Board Jamie C. Sacksteder, Executive Director Nathanial C. Bryant, DDS, Board President Department of Health Professions Perimeter Center These maps are for illustrative purposes of theADEX Dental and Dental Hygiene Examinationonly and are updated with the intention of providing the most accurate information available. You can try refreshing the page, and if you're still having problems, just try again later. Include all medications prescribed and all physicians/counselors that have provided treatment. Name change requests should be sent to the Georgia Board of Dentistry, 2 Peachtree Street NW, 6th Floor, Atlanta, GA 30303. An applicant for a license to practice dental hygiene shall In order to maintain valid active licensure in this state, all applicants for licensure who are relocating to this state based on scores from the American Dental Licensing Examination administered in a state other than this state must actually engage in the full-time practice of dentistry inside the geographic boundaries of this state within 1 year of receiving such licensure in this state. Physician(s) Letter Applicants must submit a statement from your treating physician(s)/counselor(s) for each condition you are/were being treated for and whether or not you are currently able to safely practice Dentistry. -Full-time practice as a faculty member employed by a dental or dental hygiene school approved by the board or accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation and located within the geographic boundaries of this state. Include all medications prescribed and all physicians/counselors that have provided treatment. for additional information concerning the specific requirements. Parole records for offenses can be obtained from the Department of Corrections or at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. Violent crimes and repeat offenders are required to be presented to the Board of Dentistry for review. Pursuant to 18VAC60-25-30(F), all fees are non- refundable. Dental Hygiene ProgramLicensure Information . The Board meets bimonthly, generally on the first weekend of the month. A graduate of a dental school accredited by the American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation or its successor entity, if any, or any other dental accrediting entity recognized by the United States Department of Education; or A dental student in the final year of a program at such an accredited dental school who has completed all the coursework necessary to prepare the student to perform the clinical and diagnostic procedures required to pass the examinations. The Board of Dentistry has created guidelines for specific offenses to be cleared in the board office; however, staff cannot make determinations in advance as laws and rules do change over time. # Click on Chapter or Section Number to View, Section456.013: Department; general licensing provisions Section 456.015:Limited licenses Chapter 466:Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, and Dental Laboratories, Rule 64B5-7:Dental Practice Permits Rule 64B5-12:Continuing Professional Education. The service requires full cookie support in order to view this website. Successful completion of the examination covering the laws and rules of the practice of dentistry in this state as described in s. 466.006(4)(a), F.S. Is at least 18 years of age 2. The requirements for licensure as a health access dentist can be found in Section 466.0067, F.S. Review each state's specific licensure requirements and contact information. The Board has made every effort to include the information you need to apply or renew you license on this website. 7 0 obj Venus and Jupiter are going in for a nighttime kiss, U.S. Intelligence: foreign rivals didn't cause Havana Syndrome, Here are 8 big revelations from the Alex Murdaugh murder trial, 'Whoever holds power, it's going to corrupt them,' says 'Tr' director Todd Field, Dental Student Loan Repayment Program Inches Closer To Approval, Dental Group Encourages Floridians To Speak To Dentists About Insurance Benefits. tBlolrF//b^V60:iP&4T5e}SMAA2a8e`G!8(i}+fkv(,8l}Cw6X ;8.s`+$/!dI]q;VH2sz`}P,gQg{^"+=aQm*=)e=P^? Oll8l All final transcripts must indicate the matriculation date, graduation date, degree earned, and be embossed with the school seal. My stepmom begged a local group to let me into the adults-only class, and armed with a 35 mm disposable camera, I started my journey toward multimedia journalism. The curriculum integrated format (CIF) allows dental students of record to complete the exam in sections spread out through their last year of dental school. The Annual Report and Long-Range Plan for Fiscal Year 2021-22 has been published. Chronic nonmalignant pain means pain unrelated to cancer which persists beyond the usual course of disease or the injury that is the cause of the pain or more than 90 days after surgery. The Board is supported by a full-time professional staff based in Tallahassee, and its regulatory functions are funded in full by fees paid by its licensees. A change of this magnitude would allow for the freedom of dental hygienists to re-locate whenever necessary and serve their communities from coast to coast. All initial licenses expire February 28 of the following even number year. Customize your map view by clicking the grey description box. The Florida Board of Dentistry accepts licensure applications from CODA-accredited programs. We just need to make sure that we get those providers into the correct places where there where there's a need, Liddell said. Make copies of everything that you send to the dental board, just in case you have to resubmit. This often requires re-taking the rigorous and expensive clinical dental hygiene board exam, regardless of how many years of clinical practice a hygienist has under their belt or how well they scored on their initial taking of this exam. Evidence of rehabilitation is important to the board members when making licensure decisions. Violent crimes and repeat offenders are required to be presented to the Board of Dentistry for review. Upon completion of the Clinical and Florida Laws and Rules Examinations, download an application for licensure from the Resources page or apply online. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on court letterhead sent from the clerk of the court attesting to their unavailability. Effective July 1, 2012, Section 456.0635, Florida Statutes (F.S. Final Dispositions/Arrest Records Final disposition records for offenses can be obtained at the clerk of the court in the arresting jurisdiction. ELI is the new artificial intelligence system that will be transforming customer service through online chat. 11 0 obj RequirementsApply Online Application (PDF), Requirements Apply Online Application (PDF), RequirementsApply Online Returning Login. Section 456.013: Department; general licensing provisions Section 456.015: Limited licenses Chapter 466: Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, and Dental Laboratories. endobj To learn more about the renewal process, select the type of license you wish to renew from the list of professions on the Renewals Page. Uh oh. You can visit our Help Center, FAQs and Resources page for frequently asked questions, links, forms, applications and other helpful information. RELATED: Proposal To Fill Dental Hole Draws Debate. The certification should state that your license is in good standing; appropriate signatures and embossed seal of the certifying Board are needed for validation, Proof of passing a state or regional clinical dental licensing examination that the board has determined effectively measures the applicants ability to practice safely, Current proof of training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) at the basic support level, including one rescuer and two rescuer CPR for adults, children, and infants; the use of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) and the use of ambu-bags. All initial licenses expire February 28 of the following even number year. Our Resources Page is a tool for accessing applications, forms, publications, statutes, rules and other important information. March 1, 2010- February 28, 2012) See chapter 64B5-12.013, Florida Administrative Code, for continuing education requirements. In granting licensure by credentials, the state dental board . The full Board meetings include disciplinary cases, licensure approvals, correspondence items, committee reports, policy discussion items and other necessary Board actions. Licensure biennium dates are March 1- February 28 of the even years. The Florida Department of Health (FDOH) is responding to an outbreak of meningococcal disease in some areas of Florida. The Department of Health's Division of Medical Quality Assurance serves as the principle administrative support unit for the Board. The agencies and the required examination components are listed on the oard's dental and dental hygiene license applications. ss. Applicants who have ever been denied licensure, had disciplinary action taken against their license, or have action pending against their license to practice any health care related profession by a licensing authority are required to submit the following documentation to the board: Self-Explanation Applicants who have listed disciplinary action on the application must submit a letter in your own words describing the circumstances of the action. A similar bill was proposed during the 2019 legislative session but died in committee. Dental hygienists are the backbone of dentistry. A supplemental general dentistry program does not include an advanced education program in a dental specialty. <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> With respect to a dental student in the final year of a program at a dental school, a passing score on the examinations is valid for 365 days after the date the examinations were completed. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on agency letterhead sent from the licensing agency attesting to their unavailability. The requirements for licensure by examination are as follows and can be found in Section 466.006, F.S. endobj How distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine exposes inequities in Floridas health care system. Pursuant to s. 456.024, F.S., a dentist must practice under the indirect supervision, as defined in s. 466.003, F.S., of a dentist licensed pursuant to chapter 466. Last Updated 2/15/2023 Maps are updated with information as confirmed with each Jurisdiction. ! She would include a copy of her marriage license showing Smith as her new name. D/6=}O}@+~Xf >a3hQ\L`3 Any such conviction or plea shall exclude the applicant or candidate from licensure, examination, certification, or registration, unless the sentence and any subsequent period of probation for such conviction or plea ended: For the felonies of the first or second degree, more than 15 years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; For the felonies of the third degree, more than 10 years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; For the felonies of the third degree under section 893.13(6)(a), F.S., more than five years from the date of the plea, sentence and completion of any subsequent probation; Has been convicted of, or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a felony under 21 U.S.C. If the records are not available, you must have a letter on court letterhead sent from the clerk of the court attesting to their unavailability. Apply Online Returning Login Login Help Change Profession. The Third Quarter Performance Report for the 2020-2021 Fiscal Year has been published. Include a description of all treatments and diagnoses you have received for any condition(s)/impairment(s) you are/have been treated for. While requirements vary from state to state, all applicants for dental licensure must meet three basic requirements: Prospective dentists must graduate from a dental education program . Our Mission As of August 1, 2022, CDCA-WREB-CITA is one agency with one mission, offering a common, uniform licensure examination for dental and dental hygiene professions: simplifying the process for students, schools, and state boards. The mailing address for supporting documentation relating to the licensure application is: Department of Health Board of Dentistry 4052 Bald Cypress Way, BIN #C-O4 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3258 (850) 245-4474 Telephone Number (850) 921-5389 Fax Number. Get information aboutinitial licensure, licensure by credentials, CE and renewal requirements, specialty licensure and COVID-19 updates for each state and territory. However, Florida only TheBoardofDentistryis responsible for licensure, monitoring and ensuring the safe practice of dentists and dental hygienists in their service to the people of Florida. <> Dental Hygiene Please be sure to click each state for specific guidance regarding limitations and additional details. PRE- LICENSURE REQUIREMENTS IF ADEX COMPLETED IN A JURISDICTION OTHER THAN FLORIDA AND THE ADEX SCORES ARE OLDER THAN 365 DAYS. or D.M.D. By, Proposal To Fill Dental Hole Draws Debate, Dental Student Loan Repayment Program Signed Into Law, Red tide getting worse along Gulf beaches, Port Tampa Bay is seeing an increase in both cargo trade and cruise passengers, SpaceX, NASA try once again to launch a multinational crew from the Kennedy Space Center, Eli Lilly cuts the price of insulin, capping drug at $35 per month out-of-pocket, Look up! With all continuing education requirements Hygiene, and IF you & # ;. And renewal requirements, specialty licensure and COVID-19 updates for each state territory. Court in the arresting jurisdiction OSCE, Proprietary Simulated Patient Assessments Test Prep for ADEX Computerized Examinations: OSCE Proprietary... Be viewed at http: //www.floridahealth, the Second Quarter Performance Report for the 2020-2021 Year... 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