Value Added by a Firm = Value of Output of the Firm Intermediate Consumption of the Firm. The frequency and scope of such replacements can vary by type of capital assets. (a) Expenditure method and = (800 + 50) (400 +100) 40 + 30 Also, it indicates economic balance. (ii) Rent free house to an employee by an employer will be included while estimating National Income, as it is a part of compensation to the employee. = 700+100+10-130 = Rs. + Private Final Consumption Expenditure + Gross Domestic Capital Formation Net Imports Net Indirect Tax (i) Final output or final product method In this method, only final products (goods and services) are added to obtain the GDP. Likewise, sale proceeds of shares and bonds are not included. 78. This is because it only counts the value of the factors of production used to produce the goods and services. Investment4. = 520-490 = Rs. As a result, it provides a more accurate picture of the available resources for consumption or investment. It is represented as follows: GDPFC = GDPMP - Net Indirect Tax #3 - Net Domestic Product at Market Price (NDPMP) (ii) Purchase and sale of second hand goods should not be included. (i) Expenditure on education of children by a family is included in the estimation of National Income as it is a part of final consumption expenditure by the household. National Income (NNPFC) = Compensation of Employees + Rent + Interest + Profit Net Factor Income to Abroad The national income (NI) is an aggregate value of the total production of goods and services by a nations residents pertaining to a particular accounting year. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. It is considered a key indicator of economic growth of a country. Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost(NDPFC) = Private Final Consumption Expenditure+ Government Final Consumption Expenditure + Net Domestic Fixed Capital Formation + Net Change in Stocks Net Imports Indirect Taxes It is represented by: GNPMP = NNPFC + Net Indirect Taxes + Depreciation. (Delhi 2010). Ans. (ii) Payment of interest on borrowings by general government. (ii) Rent free house to an employee by an employer. This means NDPFC - Depreciation - Net Indirect Taxes. In other words, GDP measures the total value of all goods and services produced within a country. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. 5. You can learn more about it from the following articles . 24. 39.Calculate Net Value Added at Factor Cost form the following data: 40. Net Domestic Product at market price includes indirect taxes and subsidies, as well as the depreciation of physical capital. (i) Expenditure on free services provided by government. Calculate sales from the following data (Delhi 2008), Ans. Examples are: Individual income, individual savings, price determination of a commodity, individual firm's output, consumers equilibrium. Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost (NDPFC) This leads to over estimation of the value of goods and services produced. So we use following Steps Step 1 Calculate Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation =Gross Fixed Capital formation =Net Fixed Capital formation +Depreciation =Net Fixed Capital formation +Consumption of Fixed Capital =350+50 =400 Step 2 Calculate Gross Domestic Capital Formation Gross Domestic Capital Formation Calculate NDP at FC from the following data: Direct purchases from abroad by residents households, Direct purchase by non-residents in domestic market, GDP at MP = 400 + 100 + 50 - 150 - 20 + 100 = 480 croresNDP at FC = 480 - 60 - 20 = 400 crores. 25.Giving reason, explain how should the following be treated while estimatingNational Income (All India 2012) From the following data calculate Net Value Added at Factor Cost (Delhi 2008 C), Ans. 400. Consumption2. =Rs. (i) Remittances from non-resident Indians to their families in India. Your email address will not be published. In recent years the US reported the following figures: Clearly, USs gross national income has been on the rise in recent years. Still, it only counts the value of the factors of production used to produce them, excluding indirect taxes and subsidies. 600 lakh, 16.Calculate Net Value Added at Factor Cost from the following data, Ans. 830 crore Calculate Gross National Product at Market Price and Net National Disposable Income from the following data (Delhi 2009 c), 80. It is represented as follows: The NDP MP is the value of total goods and services produced within the nation minus depreciation. (i) Interest paid by banks on deposits will be included while estimating National Income by income method, as it is an income earned by depositors and bank uses these deposits for commercial purposes. = 2600 + 1100 + 500+100 + (-100) + (-50) -250 Net Exports. = 700+ (-20)+ 80+ 60+ 10 = 750 +150 + 220 + (-20) -50 -120 + 20 = 1140 -190=? (ii) Corresponding to production for self consumption, the generation of income of economy to be taken into account. 300 lakh, 19. Ans. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. (i) Gross National Product at Market Price There are only two producing sectors A and B in an economy. Call us @ 08069405205, Want to work at Insights IAS? = 860 230 It is study of individual economic units of an economy. You must give reason for your answer. Thus, national income is calculated by adding up factor incomes generated by all the producing units located within the domestic economy during a period of account. (ii) Profits earned by a branch of Indian bank in Canada is factor income received from abroad. GDP at factor cost is the same as GDP at market prices less net indirect taxes. The $80 million is the amount available for consumption or investment in the economy after accounting for the depreciation of physical capital. (i) Dividend received by an Indian firm from its investment in shares of a foreign company will be included in the estimation of National Income, as dividend is a part of profit and treated as factor income from abroad which is added to domestic income. As a result of the EUs General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). (All India 2012) Thus, from the money value of NNP at market price or NNI we deduct the amount of indirect taxes to arrive at the net national income at factor cost. 805 crore, 55. (iii) Expenditure on machines for installation in a factory will be included while estimating NationalIncome, as it is a final consumption expenditure by factory management. It is calculated by adding indirect taxes, subtracting subsidies, and including depreciation to the value of output, which is the value of all goods and services produced within a countrys borders. NDP is a more accurate measure of a countrys economic output, as it considers the wear and tear of physical capital, which is a key factor in long-term economic growth. A common equation used to calculate NDP is as follows: NDP = Gross domestic product (GDP) - Depreciation Similarly, NDP = Consumption + Government Expenditures + Investment +Exports - Imports - Depreciation Machinery that is put to regular use may need parts replaced regularly until the entire piece of equipment is no longer usable. The depreciation is also referred to as capital consumption allowance. It will lead to the problem of double counting. It concerns with the study of individual choice and. 36. (a) By Expenditure Method (ii) National debt interest will not be included while estimating National Income by income method, as the government takes loan for both productive and non-productive activities. 71. (ii) Net Current Transfers from Abroad (All India 2012), 49.Find out 6. =610 +130-30 -10-40 310 crore, Gross Value Added (GVA) by B = Sales by B + Net Change in Stock of B This has been a guide to what is National Income. What Is GDP and Why Is It So Important to Economists and Investors? Calculate 'Gross Domestic Product of Factor Cost' from the following data: We are given Net Domestics Capital Formation (and not gross), Step 1 Calculate Gross Domestic Capital Formation, =Net Domestic Capital formation +Depreciation, =Net Domestic Capital formation +Consumption of Fixed Capital, In this question, we have to calculate GNP FC, We are given Net Domrstic Fixed Capital Formaton, First we calculate Gross Domestic Fixed Capital formation, Step 1 Calculate Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation, =Net Fixed Capital formation +Depreciation, =Net Fixed Capital formation +Consumption of Fixed Capital, Step 2 Calculate Gross Domestic Capital Formation, =Expenditure on Fixed Assets +Expenditure on Stock, =Gross Fixed Capital formation + Inventory Investment, =Gross Fixed Capital formation +(Closing Stock-Opening Stock), In this question, we need to calculate NDP at FC, In this question, we need to calculate GNP MP, Personal final consumption Expenditure and Persona Consumption expenditure are Sam things, Govt Final Consumption Expenditure and Govt Consumption expenditure are different things, But we need to calculate Gross domestic Capital formation and Nest Exports, =Exports of goods and servives -Imports of goods and services, Step 2 We calculate Gross Domestic Capital Formation, Get live Maths 1-on-1 Classs - Class 6 to 12, CA Maninder Singh is a Chartered Accountant for the past 13 years and a teacher from the past 17 years. Factor cost might have been used to calculate GDP at market prices, but Indian GDP was presented as GDP at . 290 crore =1850 + (400 + 500+1100 + 100 + (-50) = Rs. 600 crore, (NNPFC) = Gross Value Added by A and B Indirect Taxes Depreciation + Net Factor Income Abroad = 600-80-30+20= 620-110=Rs. (i) Bonus paid to employees. (d) GDP at factor cost = NDP at factor cost - depreciation Answer: (c) See The Explanation (ii) It is not included in the estimation of GDPMPbecause loans are not used for production purpose. (i) Payment of fees to a lawyer by a firm. (ii) Interest on a car loan paid by a government owned company. Give reasons to your answer. 59. 10. Calculate value of output from the following data (Delhi 2008), Ans. Calculate National Income: (Compartment 2014), = Government Final Consumption Expenditure + Private Final Consumption Expenditure + Net Domestic Capital Formation + Net Exports NIT + NFIA (iii) Entertainment tax received by government. All types of transfer income like old-age pension, unemployment allowance, etc. 3900 crore, Gross National Product at Factor Cost(GNPFC) = Private Final Consumption Expenditure+ Government Final Consumption Expenditure + Net Domestic Capital Formation + Consumption of Fixed Capital + Net Exports + Net Factor Income from Abroad Net Indirect Taxes The NDP also takes into account the other factors such as obsolescence and complete destruction of the asset. = 680 + 20+100- (-5) = Rs. = 5500 + 250- 150 + 100 = 5850- 150 It measures the output generated by a country's organizations located domestically or abroad. Expenditure + Net Domestic Capital Formation + Net Exports + Net Factor Income from Abroad- Net Indirect Taxes (iii) Entertainment tax received by government is not included while estimating the National Income ofIndia as it is a indirect tax and not included at factor cost. It is computed as follows: The net national product at factor cost is the value of overall goods or services manufactured by a nations residents, excluding indirect taxes and depreciation. (ii) Payment of salaries to its staff by an embassy located in New Delhi. (All India 2009). (ii) Payment of interest on loan taken by an employee from the employer. = Rs. = Rs. 810 crore Ans. 700 crore, 11. An increase in NDP would indicate growing economic health, while a decrease would indicate economic stagnation. (ii) Profits earned by an Indian company from its branches in Singapore. 2023 Zigya Technology Labs Pvt. InsightsIAS Headquarters, 62.Calculate(a) Gross Domestic Product at Market Price and NNP FC = NDP FC + Factor income earned by normal residents from abroad - factor payments made to abroad. 330 lakh, 21. Sum up all factor payments made within domestic territory to get Domestic Income (NDP at FC). Using this, they can better understand the resources available for consumption or investment in the country. (a) National Income (NNPFC) = Private Final Consumption Expenditure = Rs. (ii) Pension paid after retirement. It does not matter whether the producer is the normal resident or foreigner. = 400 340 = Rs. The NDP-FC provides a more accurate measure of a countrys economic performance. Meaning. Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost (NDPFC) = Value of Output in Economic Territory-(Intermediate Purchase by Primary Sector+ Intermediate Purchase by Secondary Sector + Intermediate Purchase by Tertiary Sector)-Consumption of Fixed Capital Indirect Taxes Switch; Flag; However, a wider gap between the GDP and NDP shows an increase in the value of obsolescence. Teachoo answers all your questions if you are a Black user! (a)Income method and It helps to solve the central problem of what, how and for whom to produce in the economy. 76. The agriculture sector produces 100 units of crops with a value of $100 per unit for a total GDP of $10,000. (i) Expenditure on fertilisers by a farmer. (All India 2009). = Rs. (i) Gross National Product at Market Price Calculate sales from the following data (Delhi 2013), 3. = Rs. Ans. It is included in National Income. 3. GDP at factor cost measures the money worth of output produced within a country's domestic constraints in a year as received by the factors of production. You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc., Please provide us with an attribution link. (vii) If intermediate purchases are given, then imports are not included. (ii) Earning of shareholders from the sales of shares. Givereasons. GDPMP = Net Domestic Product at FC (NDPFC) + Depreciation + Net Indirect Tax #2 - Gross Domestic Product at Factor Cost (GDPFC) It is the total value of domestic production minus net indirect taxes. Are the following a part of countrys Net Domestic Product at Market Price? (i) Capital gain on sale of a house. This is the market value of output, while income payments made to factors of production amount to Rs. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at Market Price (MP) = Private Final Consumption Expenditure (+) Private Final Investment Expenditure (+) Government Final Expenditure (+) Net Exports 2. (ii) Profits earned by an Indian bank from its abroad branches is included while estimating National Income of India as it is a factor income from abroad. (ii) Profits earned by an Indian bank from its abroad branches. (iv) Income in terms of windfall gains should not be included. 23.Giving reason, explain how should the following be treated in the estimation ofNational Income (Delhi 2012) = 600 + 100 + 110-20-(120-20)-5 Net Current Transfers to Abroad + National Debt Interest + Current Transfers by Government + Net Factor Income from Abroad Calculate sales from the following data (Delhi 2013), 4. (i) National Income . 3 Marks Questions Why is study of problem of unemployment in India a macroeconomic study? (i) Income from illegal activities like smuggling, theft, gambling, etc, should not be included. Giving reason, explain the treatment assigned to the following while estimatingNational Income (All India 2011) = Rs. NDP is a measure of a countrys economic performance that considers the depreciation of physical capital, unlike GDP, which only reflects the sum of all goods and services produced within a countrys borders. (b) GNP at factor cost = GNP at market price + net indirect tax (c) National income = Domestic income + Net factor income from abroad. = 100+10+ (20-5) + 75 National income is the total value of all economic activities carried out in production capacities owned and run by a nations residents. An increase in NI does not always indicate growth but may result from rising commodity prices.2. (b) Net National Disposable Income from the following data (Delhi 2008 c), Ans. (iii) Expenditure on providing police services by the government = 5000 + 2000 + 500 + (-30) + (-150) + 100-50- 800 = 7600-1030 = Rs. 340 lakh, 20. 2010 crore (i) Payment of fees to a lawyer engaged by a firm will not be included while estimating National Income, as it is a kind of intermediate expenditure for the firm. Ans. Calculate 30.Giving reason, explain how are the following treated in estimating NationalIncome method (Delhi 2010 c) = 790-500-20+60 (i) The value of intermediate goods should not be included. (i) It is not included in the estimation of National Income as it does not involve any production of goods and services. (All India 2009). = Rs. 232, Block C-3, Janakpuri, New Delhi, (ii) Operating surplus (rent, profit and interest) at Factor Cost (NVAFc)+ Depreciation + (Sales Tax-Subsidy) Here, final products are only those products which are ready for end use or consumption by their final users (consumers or producers). (v) Transfer earnings like old age pensions, unemployment allowances, scholarships, pocket expenses, etc, should not be included. 1600 crore Calculate (iii) Interest received by an Indian resident from its abroad firms. 1360 crore, 45. 42. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Gross Value Added at Factor Cost (GVAFC) = Value of Output (Sales + Change in Stock)- Purchase of Raw Materials Indirect Tax (Sales Tax + Excise Duty) Net Value Added at Factor Cost (NVA FC) = Sales + Change in Stock (Closing Stock- Opening Stock)- Purchase of Intermediate Goods - Consumption of Fixed Capital - Indirect Tax = 500+ (80-60)-350-90-50 = 520-490 = Rs. This measure is useful for policymakers and investors. 64. 2010 crore, 74. (Delhi 2008). Thus, it provides a clearer picture of a countrys economic performance. Net Value Added at Factor Cost (NVAFC) = Value of Output (Sales + Change in Stock)-Purchase of Giving reason, explain whether the following are included in domestic product of India. 60 lakh, 18.Calculate Net Value Added at Factor Cost from the following data, Ans. (iii) Investment expenditure or gross domestic capital formation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 555 crore, 83. (b) Personal Disposable Income from the following data (All India 2011), 53.Calculate How will you treat the following while estimating National Income? It is that part of economic theory which deals with the individual parts of the economic system like individual households, individual firms, individual industries, etc. (i) Imputed rent of self occupied houses are included while estimating National Income, as it is a factor income. (a) Net Domestic Product at Factor Cost (NDPFC) = Wages and Salaries + Rent + Interest Paid byProduction Units + Corporation Tax + Dividends + Undistributed Profits + Social Security Schemes by Employers NFIA is added to domestic income (NDP FC) to get the National Income (NNP FC ). (All India 2010) (ii) Yes, it is included while estimation of National Income as it is considered as a change in stock during the year. NDP at FC = 480 - 60 - 20 = 400 crores. = Rs. (iii) Net Factor Income from Abroad Value of Output = Net Value Added at Factor Cost (NVAFC) + Depreciation Calculation of Natinal Domestic Prodeuct (NDP) at Factor Cost (FC) 1. You are free to use this image on your website, templates, etc., Please provide us with an attribution link, Net Domestic Product at factor cost (NDP-FC), Gross Domestic Product vs Net Domestic Product. The manufacturing sector produces 50 units of goods with a value of $200 per unit for a total GDP of $10,000. From the following data calculate Net Value Added at Factor Cost, Ans. 12800 crore, (b) By Production Method We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Cost from the following articles earned by a Firm 860 230 it is a Factor Income Rent free to! $ 80 million is the amount available for consumption or ndp at fc formula in the country as follows the. 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