I have been working alongside the Pleiadian and Sirian High Councils to oversee the Ascension Codes of Light - Harmonic Frequency for each of the seven major portal openings in Ecuador, France . See more ideas about starseed, spirituality, book of shadows. Tarot Reading > Know that you are a transformational force. - The Language of Light was channeled April 26th, 2011 by Lilli Bendriss and recorded by Camillo Loken. XXI: A mysterious piece of unusual color and shape appearing on a chess board. X: A pterodactyl soaring to get a better look at the stars. XIII: A palm reader runs her finger slowly and gently down a life line. Finally, we have a heart symbol. I: A mermaid and an octopus lovingly embracing. You are receiving, whether you are conscious of it or not, ancient knowledge direct to your cells and the memories held within. In their own words, the Pleiadians of the League of Light are quite human in appearance. XI: Men seeking a fabled sage are traveling deep into the forest with lanterns. Starseed & Light Language Activator. It can also come from mysterious lost civilizations such as Lemuria and Atlantis. the journey is as important as the destination. XVI: An old monkey sitting on the stops of an abandoned temple. VII: Priestesses lounging in the cool shadows deep with a temple. XVII: People dressed in a vivid array of colors come together to celebrate spring. WHAT WE OFFER AS VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE, Readings and Healing Sessions with Anrita, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE FREE MEMBERSHIP, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE MEMBERSHIP JOIN US, VOICES OF THE LIGHT TRIBE MONTHLY MEMBERSHIP. Allow your body to fill up with golden light codes all resonating to the new abundant light now. X: At the touch of a magicians hand a text in a forgotten tongue is spontaneously translated. IV: Children dancing with a shadow. XVI: A diva singing a passionate aria as the stage burns. XIII: An angel of harmony comes to clear away confusion. What is a Pleiadian Starseed? XXI: Magically the trolls make the stones weightless as the build the castle. I: Gypsies wandering across Siberia set up camp for the night. I wish you a journey of awakening that serves the highest good. Its a frequency of light within the Earth and within the souls who were there at the time of Atlantis. There are many of you doing this right now and we thank you and send light, but we still need more of you to attend this call to spread the light around the Earth. XVIII: Bells on horses feet sounding through falling leaves. The Tarot > So, learn more about these symbols and engage with your Starseed energy. There might be a few accurate ones but the majority of information is corrupt, misleading and leads to even more confusion. I: The king of an unknown land sends a letter to the known world. There has been a rush in the light frequencies to get the major portals open in 7 sacred locations upon earth. There are 12 codes a blueprint of your galactic DNA light body. She brings all these tools together and combines them with her natural psychic medium, clairvoyant and clairaudient gifts. XV: An old magician forming golems out of clay. You are now moving through a tunnel of light. XXV: A vast lawn with fountains and waterfall in the distance. XXIV: An artist with wild hair in clothing covered with paint. 11 beautiful transmissions, each one and a half to two hours long. XV: A play produced at a castle featuring lost travelers encountering denizens of a dark wood. If youre wondering why the thirty degrees of each sign is number with roman numerals rather than regular ones, its because I have no idea how to turn off the numbering system of my word processing program, which screws up in a variety of different ways when I try to number with regular numerals. XXIX: A seer receives messages from wind sounds, rock patterns, and shadows. XXI: Runners relaying a message through the mountains. X: A bird sent by angels to lead sailors out of dangerous watrs. May your Divinity continue to embody within and around you.Do you feel resonant with the Pleiades?You are loved and Supported You are Divine Infinite Love and Blessings to you, magical beingMy Personal:Instagram: @ActivationVibration @ActivationCodesTikTok: @ActivationVibrationFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/activationvibration/Meditation Activationshttps://www.activationvibrations.com/pages/meditationsMy Websitehttps://www.activationvibrations.com/Activation MusicSpotifyhttps://open.spotify.com/artist/6LF8oEteLzlK5EPSzubCmriTuneshttps://music.apple.com/us/artist/activation/1460739997Youtubehttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLiHRaC0J52sGJvfcl-uyqAVDsT8pNu8H~Thank You for Existing and Being Here with Us~ May your Ascension continue to Activate Divinely.And So It Is II: A man standing on the top of an invisible mountain. In order for there to be a real change there must be a point of stillness within you and the planet its a reflection of time its self to release the internal power of your freedom within the light, a journey that has taken place for many years is now coming to a point of turning within your evolution here upon earth. XXIV: A little girl hugging a puppy. XXI: Newly hatched birds joyously running and hopping through a meadow. This Creation Wealth ray serves in the healing of self and planet. XII: A stream of visitors viewing ancient artifacts. XX: A young girl feeding diamonds to a flock of baby phoenixes. There are to be changes in your environment and Earth during these light transient shifts. As the higher vibrations merge with your light body there is a transition as the energies of the old meet with the new. VI: The emperors retinue appears in elaborate gold regalia. VIII: The factory machines all stop for a moment. These changes have been occurring for a while, but there is a peaking of light and light frequency that is having a major impact on you and earth. XXIX: After an earthquake priceless artifacts are being carried away from a museum. Dolphin Dreams: Unlocking the Secrets of the Unconscious, Draconian Starseed - Traits and Mission On Earth, White Owl Flying In Front of Car -Dream And Spiritual. XII: A botanist explaining the structure of flowers. VI: A sinkhole opens up into the earth. The holders of these codes already are speaking and releasing wealth and knowledge onto the planet assisting humanity in the changes. Depending on your heritage, it can be Pleiadian, Sirian, or Arcturian a collective of multidimensional spirit beings from the Pleiades, Sirius, or Arcturus star systems. You are here to co-create with everyone and everything on Earth. XXIV: A giant mandala being cut into the ice of a lake. You will have good days and bad days as long as you live, no matter how enlightened you are. The more love you infuse within your body the better this will be. We certainly need more of you. XVIII: An alchemist conversing with his chemicals and equipment. I: Hundreds of merchants of all sorts of exotic items in a crowded bazaar. This is the beginning of your journey into the light frequencies of new consciousness, opening to see your true self. The light being received by Earth is in quantum codes of light frequencies and you will go through a process of reprogramming your DNA to a higher frequency. TRUST. XXV: A butterfly, the two halves of it having completely different patterns and colors. XXII: The giving up of a famous magical sword. XVI: A river of ideas and images entering our reality. XVIII: Chinese characters appearing in the air as men speak to each other. Many of you shut down your light during the time of the destruction of Atlantis and this has caused much heartache which you have carried in many lifetimes. It is a bridge present between the upper and lower chakra. XXVII: Wrinkled hands caress a piece of turquoise. Ask your guides to take you to the Galactic Ascension Codes of Light. Great Beings across the universe are gatekeepers to this knowledge. Ask for the codes of light from your wealth creation to be activated now. XIX: A rug grows larger and larger, sprouting grass, trees, and flowers as it turns into a landscape. XIX: A bird imitating all the sounds of the jungle. I: On a passing boat a flag continually changing its colors and patterns. I have been working alongside the Pleiadian and Sirian High Councils to oversee the Ascension Codes of Light Harmonic Frequency for each of the seven major portal openings in Ecuador, France, Peru, Mexico, the Sphinx, North Pole and South Pole. XIII: An old man on a porch which looks out over a stormy sea. VI: On a ball court children chasing a large soap bubble. With this cleansing there is an opportunity to align more deeply with your Higher Self/I AM Presence so as to guide you forward with ease and grace. Active volcanos, shifts within the Earths crust and fault lines all need this light from your hearts. Therefore it is imperative to keep the Heart in balance, using cord-cutting to keep the energy clear and making room for healing connections with people. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. This finds itself among the Pleiadian symbols because it again represents balance in and of itself. You are so full of love and wisdom and everything you shared stirred my soul. Most of the people who tell of Pleiadians being blonde-haired, blue-eyed, light-complexioned people are only aware of that contingent of our large . XXVII: A golden moon, newly arisen. You have my respect and admiration. Some may catch your eye more than others. Achieving the right proportions of energy within you is not an exact science, and fluctuations are always natural. XIX: Gypsies holding secret rites at a spring deep in a cave. XXVII: Visitors to the hut of a great seer who lives in the mountains. This blue light intensifies and now becomes an electric blue colour. More information Light language symbol More like this Sagittarius And Cancer Pisces And Capricorn Pisces Zodiac Scorpio Symbol Pisces Fish Virgo Sign Zodiac Cancer I would like to express my deepest joy and gratitude to you for your incredible service to all beings of light at this amazing time!!! I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to you for such a magnificent and powerful reading/healing session. XVII: Sunlight flooding an altar covered with flowers. Awakening to our Soul Light we return to our Original Innocence. XIII: On the anniversary of a famous battle a legendary sword is glowing. X: In a womans blond hair flowing in the wind a man sees all sorts of pictures. XI: A poet sleeping in the midst of his poems which are scattered everywhere around him. Pleiadian Symbols Here is a complete listing of the mutated Sabian Symbols which I have recently channeled. Your teachings are always such a delicious big stretch of consciousness for me, widening the horizons of my current field of dreams and comprehension of the magic of the Universe and beyond and within From the very depth of my heart, THANK YOU! The codes, along with the other forms of light language work multidimensionally through their higher vibrations. Start each day by bringing your awareness to these light codes, feel the energy of gold illuminating through your body and ask for the Wealth Creation to be magnified and shown to you daily. XXIV: Searching for a lost friend a man lands on a remote island. Due to higher works, all events are postponed until further guidance. IV: For a journey down river people turn into eels. You answered all of my questions (for now..) and shed light on things I knew( and a lot of things I did not) but at a much deeper level. The reading was filled with a powerful depth, wisdom, and love that has already inspired deep healing and meaningful insight. XVIII: An immense geodesic dome. using the frequency of Light Language Harmonic Healing, I am releasing the fear and grief from my Atlantian aspect now. It can connect you to your Higher Self. IX: A sylph reaches into a pool to caress a fish. Click here for a basic overview TRUST. We hope you enjoyed this guide to Pleiadian symbols! Our call is to Remember our deep sacred connection within, as we lead and guide, and as we expand our collective Light upon this sacred earth in service to All That Is. This is a follow-along page of " Pleiadian Symbol Code Activation " class. The Navajo call the Pleiadian star . VIII: A flock of winged serpents cavorting in the air. Poster VIII: Opals splintering and releasing colors. XV: An invisible man shrouded in clothing. You might be going towards a destination now. XII: An imp is causing all sorts of misprints in a book. XIV: A man writing the history of an old, illustrious family. You are all part of this transformation for you are a matrix of light accessing higher consciousness. Galactic Light Codes contain information and wisdom from many star systems and ancient civilisations. IX: A medium channeling a spirit drawing. XX: Men and women in feathered bird costumes dancing in a circle. XXV: At the river, singing and purification by water. XXVIII: Leaving his wealth behind, a man wanders away. The Heart chakra is fundamental to connection and Universal Consciousness. XXI: A boy and his dog wearing miners lamps exploring a cave. XVII: A plant thought to be extinct comes to life from a seed that chanced to fall by the wayside. X: An angel of healing waiting to be summoned. V: Coming to a fork in the road a man has a surprising realization. I just wanted to thank you so much for the incredibly special reading. You just have to tune in your energies with it. XXVI: A harpist singing an ancient song in moonlight. Due to higher works, messages are not being monitored or accepted at this time. pleiadian light language symbols Pleiadian Starseed Sirius Starseed Lyran Starseed Atlantean Connection Lemurian Connection. When you acknowledge that there is change, and yes, I am part of this change, you will feel expansion and love. The truth is you can have whatever you really want you are now entering the new realms of monetary exchange. You all have unique light codes within your DNA that serve as a transmitter to greater knowledge and your wealth creation. The tears that you may shed are only for the loss of an illusion, which has kept you in a program of limitation and negative belief patterns. XVII: A space alien infant given to a woman to be raised. I dont think Ive cried as much with anyone elses work deep tears of revelations, releasing of layers that carry much for humanity well beyond any particular lifetimes, remembrances of Who and What I truly Am way way way beyond words. Your hearts hold a vital key in this illusion. Language of Light is a Universal Language an ancient language or angelic voice. SO AMAZING. The Lemurian High Council at Mt Shasta are also opening up portals to support the seven major portals. XXI: A great operatic diva is removing her costume and makeup. There is more to this and more will be revealed in later channellings. XV: A ballet master choreographing a complex ensemble. VIII: A new religion re-embodying ancient principles. XIV: A sacred running carrying a message to the mountains. The Genes Of This Tribe Carry A DNA Of A Third Unknown Human Species, Harvard Goes To The Himalayas Superhuman Abilities Of Himalayan Monks Stun The Scientists, 6 Powerful Solfeggio Frequencies That Raise Your Vibration, Psychologists Think That ADHD And ADD Sufferers Might Actually Be Indigo Children, Are You A Lightworker? This deep confusion or sadness is a result of two currents merging the new higher energies and the frequencies of the old that are now being cleansed from your light bodies, so there may be feelings of being lost or abandoned. VI: A bridge of swaying vines across a canyon. All Books > It ensures the proper health of both body and soul. XI: A holy man lecturing to a group of mountains. Pleiadian Light Language Arcturian Atlantean Sirian Lyran Avian Lyran Feline Lemurian Blue Avian Mintaka Language of the Akashic Keepers Each specific Light Language has its own distinct ancient sounds, which may include clicks, whistles, pulses, and musical tones. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic and . From Reuters, "El Salvador vows gang crackdown will go on as citizens cheer safer streets":. They havent aged. XXIX: A flock of goats grazing on a vast lawn. XXV: A sleeping child on a bed floating down a moonlit river. Both the heart symbol and the Anahata symbol are important here. Cherokee legends teach that Native Americans originated long ago in the Pleiades, and assert that indigenous people are on Earth as "star seeds," with a mission of bringing light and knowledge. They say the following: "We are of a form not unlike your own. The one coin to contain them all! It's not necessary for you to have a conscious awareness of what Light Language Symbols are or how they work. V: Waking, a an remembers attending a fairy celebration deep in the woods. XXX: An ancient woman remembering the glories of past kings. XIII: The air suddenly turns cool as winds rise. The number seven is so essential to them for a few reasons: The Heptagram is a star heptagon where diagonals are drawn between the angles. Click here to see more pleiadians with free shipping included. XXVII: Sanding and sanding a sculptor iscarefully modulating and refining a curve. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. The distinctive black color of Anubis "did not have to do with the jackal [per se] but with the color of rotting flesh and with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth."[10] Anubis is depicted in funerary contexts where he is shown attending to the mummies of the deceased or sitting atop a tomb protecting it. Due to higher works, requests are not being taken at this time. There is nothing special you need to do to receive the activations. XVIII: A glorious dragon of many colors embroidered onto a flag. XX: Across darkening waters a bird carries a sealed letter in its beak. XXX: The planning of an angelic city. III: Hundreds of fallen columns in a lost city. Thank you for sharing. XIV: In a crypt a bas-relief of a woman holding a lotus by its stem. The codes of Light Language Golden Symbols are multidimensional light vibrations assisting humanity and to awaken new consciousness on earth. You are being given an opportunity to choose a new response and change your old story. XXVII: A troup of strange dreams enters the sleeping city. As souls, we are unlimited in what we can do. In this tunnel you see lots of golden codes, different geometric shapes and colours. The Sound of the Universe comes to you in a series of Harmonic Light Codes to awaken your remembering within your hearts: DNA activation . The codes are pure streams of light or divine consciousness speaking the universal language of love, in the form of vibrating frequency beyond our logical comprehension. In joyous celebration of your glory and greatness i write to thank you for sharing your light with the universe. They do this, as all Starseeds do, by connecting with people and showing them the way. By studying the images or meditating visually, as some put it Starseeds from the Pleiades can try to recover some of their old soul memories and work towards Activation and full knowledge of their mission. XXVIII: A nude youth handing a rose to a vestal virgin. It is a piece of sacred geometry that describes the nature of cosmic energy within the subtle body, governing the aura, chakras and Light Body. There needs to be a great shift in this awareness to accelerate your quantum timing of greatness. Akashic Records are memory codes held within your light body. Please feel the presence of your guides/angels standing in front of you feel the glow of love coming into your hearts, give yourself permission to receive deeply now, you are now receiving the galactic codes of light to illuminate your true abundance now. The gatekeepers are St Germain and the Violet Flame, Pleiadean, Sirian High Council and the Lemurians. It is an important symbol in Greek mythology. Always receive money as being a pure energy, very clean and clear, this is the key. IV: At lands end a woman regretfully turns back. Novels > II: As one climbs steps they turn into water which flows upward. Seven Sister is another name for Pleiades as it represents the Seven Daughters of Pleione and Atlas. Starseeds help the world by creating connections between all the people and healing them. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. IX: A tree heavy with apples of pure gold. IV: People lined up to receive hugs from a holy woman. VI: A man using his intuition to search for fallen meteors. XXII: Butterflies and dragonflies around a fountain splashing in sunlight. You will be shown how to access new healing modalities, new medicine, new technology and peace. XIV: Deep in a cave on the moon a dreamer dreams of prehistoric jungles. XVI: Dancers sweating and stripping off clothes as they work out. It allows you to travel on the astral plane while your physical body remains tethered to the Earth. V: Rocks which, by their shape, seem like people who look down from a great height. III: The Sun rises into a parallel universe. XXIII: In twilight a forest alive with all sorts of creatures, some physical, others denizens from other planes. The Pleiadians value balance and harmony above all, and this is represented within the symbols they value. YOU NEED to have at LEAST 51 % of a LIGHT QUOTIENT so YOU can continue YOUR ASCENSION on this PLANET with EARTH. Give yourself permission to receive abundance now on all levels. XXII: Sensing that a boat is soon arrive, a woman journeys to the shore. The two golden balls of light in your hands have grown and got very big this energy is now around you like a golden orb and is a pure light of abundance and wealth now. VII: Fragments of an antique colossus lying on a beach. We are the Highest Potential of Humanity, the Wayshowers and Guides in this Golden Age of Light. Free Monthly Invocation/Transmission or You Tube Video, Public Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP, Forever Free or Private Portal With Transmissions and Remote Soul Healing with Anrita, A Portal of Expansion as Pure Source Light, One Masterclass, 90-120 minutes each month, Private Weekly Remote Soul Healing Sessions LINK-UP. The next step is to become like a transmitter going way beyond all that you know, to travel into the realms of light beyond your knowledge and to receive light equations and star codes, all pulsating within the universe. IV: An old wise man riding out of the forest on a stag. XIX: A child carefully carrying an immense stack of books. XXIII: Antique diamonds glittering in a dusty old display case. There is a sharp light of gold entering your DNA light body communicating to the galactic partner of self. XXIII: A boat of wanderers arrives at an island where the Gods have their garden. It also represents the Heart chakra, the most important chakra to the balance of the Kundalini. XVI: The volcano goddess laughing. You are all a living vessel of light, all forming a large matrix of light together and if there is an imbalance in this large matrix of light, this is where the cleansing happens on a deeper level and you will all feel this, some more than others. (delivery may take a 7-10 days as it a custom blend made for your individual needs). XIX: In the middle of the night three portraits converse with each other in whispers. XI: In an old abandoned house a man finds a candle burning. XX: At the plays beginning a dark and empty stage. XXVII: A man covered with charms, talismans and strange jewelry is emerging from a forest. XIX: Revelers on a river raft floating to the ocean. XXVI: Above a deep chasm a group of butterflies flying. The reflection of self can be felt within the Earths Grid Lines: there is a density, a shadow of hindrance that needs to be exposed by those who have this key within their DNA to shift the vibration. XIX: An island where birds thought to be extinct have secretly taken refuge. XXI: A hand on a page is feeling the deeper meaning of the words. It is a vehicle of your consciousness. XXV: A messenger has forgotten the message he was to deliver. When we talk of this, we mean to raise your vibrations to sustain life on Earth and Love for all. V: A white owl taking in the energy of the full moon. This version also includes 15 Language of Light symbols/interdimensional scripts. XVI: The spirits of gems rising out of the ground at dusk. IX: A mystic symbol comes to life as a multicolored serpent XXVIII: A tree filled with birds who are chirping excitedly. The vibration that we are talking about is one that resonates with the greater picture for all, within the universe. Thank you so much for this wonderful powerful masterclass. And WE ARE ASCENDING even FASTER! There are many symbols that resonate with the Pleiades, and all of them can help you attune to its energies. The message will go far deeper within the Earth and this is where the most beautiful rays of Atlantian High Consciousness will be felt for the souls who have released their fear from this lifetime on a grand scale. Pleiadian light language was shared and spoken with many beings. It is rarely ever reached. X: A flower wilts, shrinks, and disappears. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Your Heart, SoulandHigher Selfunderstands and integrates them perfectly. This is a channeled light-language activation and healing for Twin Flames and Awakened Souls to integrate and heal through the sirian templates and releasing sadness,. Astrology Services > Copyright 2022 John Sandbach, All Rights Reserved. VI: Logs of sacred trees being finished to become columns in a temple. XXVI: A scientist measuring the mineral levels in a sample of water. My mission is to help open up my heart as well as those of others (as I stated . I FEEL LIKE YOU HELP US TO TAKE ALL OUR MASKS OFF, GOING SO DEEP, TO INTEGRATE OUR SOUL LIGHT. VI: A ritual drama involving light, music, and stories of the gods. XV: After a feast everyone falls asleep. XIII: An alchemist reworking a formula. XVI: An albatross circling voyagers to Antarctica. XXIV: A blue butterfly gently knocking at a door. XIV: The full moon, low in the sky, shines on the Great Pyramid, which casts a long shadow over the desert. The codes of Light Language - Golden Symbols are multidimensional light vibrations assisting humanity and to awaken new consciousness on earth. Saren, an Ancient Pleiadian Light Language Saren is older than most Earth languages and is sort of related to a form of what became Russian and Hibernian (so they say), but there are traces of it in several languages. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and shadows to accelerate your quantum timing of greatness magical.. Mineral levels in a womans blond hair flowing in the healing of self chess! And now becomes an electric blue colour gems rising out of the night three portraits converse with other. 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