Thanks so much, I look forward to seeing your pins, tweets, and streams! Are you using a different mod to sync the times? guessing they conflict with each other as to why they arent both listed. , This is an endless list, so Im hiding the part of it under the cut. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial on how to download, install and use it. Thank you so much for the response, I got everything fixed, and the skins look so great! Since simwardrobe is no longer. These are mods that will help prevent corruption in your hoods. Im off to revamp my entire mods folder! For example, I have a single sim that leaves to go to a community lot or go downtown for about 10 hours. Exactly what it sounds like. I personally dont think it makes things too easy. What Im saying is I wouldnt recommend mixing the different systems, because they wont match and will look bad in your game. Heres a before and after: Default replacements are a type of custom content (abbreviated as CC). For the day setter mod how do you use it? Only if you want ALL the hairs replaced in the game. Finally I copied my back up over and replaced the old executable file with the new one. Also, delete the groups.cache and accessory.cache files from your Sims 2 folder. I have so much custom content that I really do not want to have to go through the hassle of trying to figure out which one is causing the problem, I deleted mostly everything that wasnt a .package file, I deleted the cache files, but it still does this. If Sim drinks poison, they will vomit and then die of You have a few options here: Replacing every single outfit in the game is tedious, but doable if you want to devote the time to it. Hopefully its just temporary. would you happen to know how to get rid of that? She marries for money and now she always has headaches because she has no true desire for her husband. Hi! I cant even make them go to class since there are no options if i click on them. everything will be listed down below there all MM so please enjoy! You have inspired my creativity again . What mods do you use with the SP mod so the game doesnt get corrupted and/or crashes? Do you recommend adding so many of these? New Hair System is a set of colors/textures, and P&G are a set of colors/textures. Hi,Cindy! Racks 1st state: Faces 1336 vertices 916 (EA mesh) 2nd state: faces 619 vertices 862. planning. I think the old site is defunct. The Maxis eyes just look sodead and soulless. I dont make any changes to the salary bonus mod. Available in English and French. Hello PleasantSims and my fellow Simmers! Love your videos! Instead, extract the package file to your desktop and double click it. Hi again! So maybe you should add a warning to this post to not use the in game delete button with default replacements since it clearly isnt safe! I decided to replace them with this lovely pair of jeans from Fated Ophelia. I dont have my game patched and I think that might be my issue. Thanks! s2cc s2clothes. You may have to reinstall the game at this point. They come in my palm springs palette. Just backup your game before making any changes and youll be fine. Hi Alex. Could you also make a list of your updates of mod whenever you have updates? Its easy to find them either Maxis Match (MM), realistic, or somewhere in between. I know that there are some other content creators of The Sims 2, but I didnt like their content, and some of them dont appreciate or dont care about the premade sims, so I really like the fact that you love The Sims 2 the same way as I do and I love the way you play it, your guides have been so helpful and making my games so much fun! Probably not XD This time I combined them with Amarylls Patched sweater, because I thought it looks cool like that! I looked online for the Ultimate Collection and I cant find anywhere to buy it. (I know, I know no one is surprised :P). Thank you so much for the recommendationsthey really help keep the game alive and enjoyable. Standalone - Alternate, Lets start with some *drumroll* clothes! If youre unsure, just make a backup of your current game, install it and try it out in a test hood. With those templates, HoodChecker doesnt list any errors (except for some Incorrect Subject Instances in the memories of Dina, Darren, and Dirk). Hi, I have a question concerning the Edukashun Iz Gud mod. Thank you! Also do you have a tutorial or instructions somewhere on how to open a package file? Hey Cindy! 3 Try the first one if you own Sims 2 Nightlife or the second if you do not. In your video, I noticed that you had some sort of mod with your sims taxis (like the one in the video on Nervous Subject). second question is: i saw some of your videos and i liked the way that theres always cars passing by the street in any family you go, i didnt see your video how to beautify your neighborhood yet, im going to when i get home, so i dont know if you explain this in the video. If possible, could you let me know where you got it? Hi Cindy, I need a help. I never had custom content in TS2 but you could try downloading some, I'm sure there's some tutorials to teach you how :) Heres a link to a CC website I found for ya . Hi! Before putting these in your game, be sure to download KittenInTheWindows Kitten Eye Fix! Of course you still have to Theres no way to hide every single one of them. IGNORE last comment. I love it! mom to 2. (I really REALLY love your channel <3 saludos desde Mxico :D!). Thank you! My advice is to use the 50% method to figure out what your problem mod is. I heard people had some problems with it they didnt have with Crammys original mod. Just curious if you know if No Townie Regen needs to load last and/or has any known conflicts? Sorry! They seems to conflict with community lot time. 25 she/her --knowledge/pleasure -- i love tofu and the sims 2 -- sims 2 content only -- wcif friendly! I see one there now for $9.50. Can you please fix it? Hi! If it crashes when you enter buy/build mode, you most likely have a bad piece of custom content. Thank you for your help! Here's a tutorial for changing the maternity clothes of your sims without a mod! Edit: Ive updated the post with the correct information. And I used some textures by Trapping and MDP, and made edits of the lace part. TF Standalone, Download Im so glad youre enjoying it! Careers are also not hard-locked to aspiration, and so Family sims should have greater variety in LTWs now: A sims career want can cross aspirational boundaries if he has a relative who is at the top of the career track to emulate as a family tradition (I.E., all members of the Grunt family of appropriate interest may decide theyd like to join the military, regardless of aspiration). Its called nodormiespawns and its under the NL hacks menu. To open package files, just right click on the file itself and choose open with then select Sim PE. Youll need to apply the 4GB patch (allows the game to recognize more memory) and to use graphics rules maker (for modern widescreen monitors). It does not mean its harmful. I just cant figure it out and really want to use it to adjust the life stages of my sims. These mods affect the in-game hobby system and hobby enthusiasm. Can this be uninstalled? Thank you & keep playing. In your streams, Ive seen the amounts they get seem much smaller than what I see in my game and Id like the same. If that doesnt work, you most likely have a mod conflict. If you are a modder and would like to mod something using these traits, you are more than welcome! Yes, that is what I meant to thank you, the file you sent didnt have instructions so I followed the original for MTS and it was chosen 1 so I was confused. I use these for girls: stuff on the map and to place lots and some hood objects for further Because when you move a Sim to a new lot it is always Monday at 8:00 AM. Yes! WeBluePeace I recently played with the SP mod for like 7hrs straight and once some sims started dying my game crashed. I hope that helps! The face templates that Ive downloaded are not working properly. I will create a new empty default folder since I basically already have it done and upload it here later today. You can find them here: The only problem is my sims now reset when I hover over them or even other sims. Have a look around or click here to read more about me and the site. Hi, Valerie! There is a mod that allows you to choose from the children and teen townies in your neighborhood for adoption. The Sims 2 ACR: Complete Guide to Settings & Interactions! I just found your YouTube channel, and I am in love with your playing style :)) Sentates Pond Skirt with Semllers HiTops Hello friend! Any advice? reinstalled my game and currently reorganizing downloads folder. The link I posted earlier points to what your talking about. The improvement is undeniable. 20 coats on @memento-sims lovely mesh. My question concerns the Sims2Pack Clean Installer. This mod allows Sims to work in ANY career up to level 5 without a degree. You dont put it in your downloads folder. I want to make sure I have the best jobs, and you seem to know what the fuck youre talking about. These cookies do not store any personal information. I really like the idea of it, and Ive started using a lot of your recommended mods so i was wondering if its safe to put them in my game or if it will cause any conflicts or problems with any of the other mods in your list. Please help? Do you know if these mods work for the base game, too? I have the sims 2 on a disc along with some packs and I think Im running into corruption issues. These are mods that affect the baby and toddler life stages. Ill use default replacement hairs again then, because i really love them! These are mods that fix problems with the game or just things I personally find annoying. Ive been playing The Sims series since 2008 and blogging about it since 2018. Sexual orientation actually matters with this mod. Pregnancy Wear Any Outfit - allows your sims to wear any outfit instead of maternity clothes. As for the others, not that I know of. making other Sim drink poison is based on others Sim logic, lucky and Thanks!! Comm skilling allows skill building on community lots Download NL13 4t2 Jacket Open Short Rolled Shirtless AF - Alternate, Download NL13 4t2 Jacket Open Short Rolled Shirtless ~Enjoy your stay Its going to be awesome watching all the Sims from the first generation growing up and becoming adults. Yes, I will absolutely do this! I have a question about Phaenohs Correlated Skins youve listed above is your default replacement one of the other creators skins made from that template (and mentioned in the post), or do you simply use Phaenohs Eugenic Skin from the link itself? I absolutely love your game plays and the sims 2! As I love variety in the game, I was happy about it. Hey Cindy! I was playing in Cassandras house and I buy a car, the most expensive, because they are rich, soo I click on Don to get in the car but he just resets himself alone, like some error or something like that Help me please I also try to remember to like the post I download from if its on Tumblr, even if its from ages ago <3, I dont care how old a download is if theres a button or a thank you button I always poke it, I love CC creators. Hi just a bit confused, do I download all files from the three links in the new hair system box? Each game hair has to have a corresponding default hair or it will just remain the same. What could be the issue for this. Hi Cindy, I am facing a problem and hope you can help. Its great! Sims with more cash get more (or lose more) through investment. 4 notes. If it helps you now, the most recent additions are: Hi Cindy! I wanted to let you know that some of the links no longer worked due to Simbology shutting down. Hey Cindy! I meant adding Sims to a neighborhood using Sim PE (most of the clean templates you linked me to had the Maxis-made townies and service NPCs removed, so Im trying to put them back in using Sim PE. For example, I HATE those ugly knee jeans as I call them from The Sims 2 base game. can click on poison goblet and make your Sim drink poison or put it into i did install the maternity clothes and she doesnt change. Hi! After that several base game hairs disappeared and were all replaced with the basic female long hair hairstyle. Its called the Seasons and Weather Controller. Heres a guide on finding problem custom content: Good luck! Come in the original (?) Are there any mods you recommend installing before running it? and you will get the correct SC4 layout. Sims dont fall in love with one flirt. Tried installing a the moreawesomethanyou mod to stop townies and the object rotate mod but they just crash the game. Its very useful for keeping your hood free of corruption. To use it, you put it in your downloads folder, start your game, load a family, and press play. Rest all mods working fine. Apparently, I use enough of these to give them their own section. I watched every single one of your sims2 streams on youtube and found a mod you were using that would help out: when your sims were moving out of college, there was a popup about transfering simoleons to funds. You can use the Hack Conflict Detection Utility to check for mod conflicts. I deleted the eyes btw. They have fatmorph, come in the original 8 colors (swatch is stolen), and you can choose if you want them slaved to their adult counterparts (that you can find here), or not :), Download MDP 4t2 Retail Low T&E Slaved - Alternate, Download MDP 4t2 Retail Low T&E Thank you, Hi Cindy! Golden Anniversary: Asp==Family AND !Elder AND !Zombie AND !Robot AND !Vampire No notification also come that the sim has brought this much money. Thats what happened. Ive now been playing for a while since downloading it, and random Townies are still being generated everywhere Thanks! If youre playing the vanilla game, the townies are placed in several different households like you described. Thanks Cindy! Hi Julia! I pulled reference from the real life 872 dickiesand used what milkshape knowledge I had to crop some maxis jeans and throw some high tops on em. Hey Sims Lovers New videos everyday! Standalone, Download Amaryll Peacoat Separated Slaved, Download Amaryll Peacoat Separated Standalone, Download But how did you get the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection? I am literally bouncing with excitement in my chair! Hi, Cindy! Do you know if theres anywhere else I can get the lot? What if you try a default replacement and dont like it? In live mode, you can click on it to increase or decrease by 10 min of time. Ive received a lot of questions about using defaults on Youtube and various social media. Hold down CTRL, SHIFT, and C and enter Boolprop ControlPets [On/Off] to gain control of pets. I figured that something must have been corrupted in my game files. Also, if I dont like a default, can I delete it from my downloads folder? When you download the package file, dont open it. I do have one question that you may have addressed in your streams; how do you get the game to run properly on your Windows 10 pc? Hi!! Unless youre talking about the community lot time mod in which case thats also listed above under Community Time Project. Not sure which one you want, but all the mods I use are here. Its very useful for keeping your hood free of corruption file to desktop. Thanks so much for the day setter mod how do you know that some of the links longer! Surprised: P ) dont make any changes to the salary bonus mod talking about but all the replaced... Surprised: P ) to level 5 without a degree I absolutely love your
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