Its common to abuse religious power to degrade others for their lack of "purity." In our multi-faceted world, it can be difficult to understand the complex relationship between spirituality and religion. Spirituality also fosters a sense of interconnectedness with things beyond what we can see and touch. A spiritual atheist is someone who, unlike a religious person, does not believe in any God. Spirituality in Clinical Practice. Members of a religion often also follow distinctive dress codes (especially religious leaders), moral codes, and actions that are mandated by a supernatural being. Religious institutions conservatively guard their practices and values, holding rigidly to the past and the original interpretations of the founders teachings. However, when someone is spiritual, they are able to pick out the things they believe from any religion and combine these truths to formulate their own set of beliefs. Religion emphasizes the content of followers' beliefs and how those beliefs play out in their everyday lives. Those practicing religion fear the consequences of the way they live their lives after they die. The fear of punishment for one's actions is often a principle factor in religion. A spiritual person focuses on the here and now. And religion teaches holiness or that the Divine cannot be touched, directly experienced, or even looked upon because it is that much greater than us. This allows those who practice the teachings to experientially validate them. Without a cup, water spills everywhere. Instead, it favors an inclusive approach. Religion, on the other hand, teaches that heaven is something found in the future (usually after you die). This suggests that most people feel that spirituality is more beneficial than religion for personal growth and development. But there is a sublime opportunity present within the heart of both spirituality and religion. Ultimately, what matters most isnt what you believe but how it helps guide your life and help you become the best version of yourself. Among religiously unaffiliated adults, those who say they believe in God or some other higher power are considerably more likely than those who do not to consider themselves spiritual but not religious (medians of 34% vs. 7%), although majorities among both groups say they are neither religious nor spiritual (59% and 91%, respectively). Your choices and behavior are guided not by fear of punishment, but rather by a desire to end suffering and create a peaceful and loving world for all. On the other hand, a religious person accepts the truth as defined by his or her religion, and these truths are often documented and shared with others. Spiritual people often learn and develop their beliefs through their own experiences (often through trial and error). Through religion, you are taught to have faith in God or the scriptures as being the infallible and ultimate truth of reality. Do you count on an institution to organize your beliefs for you, or do you pick and choose what you want to believe? RELATED: 7 Reasons Why So Many Spiritual People Refuse To Call Themselves 'Religious'. You can create a hybrid of the two concepts, allowing what resonates with you individually to be your guide. Published by Erin Duffin , Sep 30, 2022. Because spirituality is self-directed and all about ones personal connection with the Divine, theres low accountability. A spiritual person looks within themselves to do the right thing and a religious person looks to the outside for guidance. From the early 1940s through the 1960s, people in their 40s and 50s reported attending at least as frequently as those over 60. You can read more in my What is a Mystic? According to Pew Research Center, about 27% of U.S. adults consider themselves as spiritual but unaffiliated with any traditional religious group, demonstrating an increase of 8% in just the past 5 years.. (Meanwhile, the habit of gratitude can also increase your long-term happiness. I have directly experienced both spirituality and religion in their most toxic states, and Ive also experienced the benefits of both. Instead, spirituality helps others focus not just on their own well-being, but for others, nature, or any sacred being. Deepen your well-being practices and develop techniques to teach others with a prestigious Chopra certification. This may be a spiritual teacher you trust, a leader from a religious path you trust and feel safe with, or even a counselor/therapist. A religious person is committed to following the guidelines set by his or her religion. Religion: 5 Essential Differences Everyone Should Know, Spiritual vs. If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! For example, churches are slowly accepting LGBTQ acceptance into their congregation, which before was unheard of. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. WebTraditional religion involves accountability and responsibility; spirituality has fewer requirements. And by accepting the diversity in beliefs and their ability to co-exist, we can all find what works best for us on our own spiritual journey. Ultimately, spiritual paths are what you make of them and what resonates with you as an individual, making them unique. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. Through experience and self-reflection, a spiritual person will express a different aspect to reveal their version of the truth. Studies show that most people in the U.S. describe themselves as both religious and spiritual. The main conclusion was that there were relatively few differences between people who identified with non-religious spirituality and people who identified as traditionally religious, say the researchers. Spirituality vs Religion #1 Personal / Community-oriented While spirituality focuses on the personal connection with the Divine, religion encourages a community The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. In this case, wisdom means a deep and integrated knowing that is expressed through how we live our lives. But if you seek more depth, more enrichment, more support, more ensoulment, why not try to walk this third way? Spirituality is an inward journey that involves a shift in awareness rather than some form of external activity. Keep in mind that the distinctions below are very, very generalized and dont account for the many nuances that exist between religion and spirituality. The mystic experiences spiritual growth and discovery in unorthodox ways and isnt big on intellectualism. Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? Our purpose, according to many religions, is to serve, worship, and obey such beings because, by their very nature, they are holier than us. Im that weird outlier whos hanging out on the outskirts holding up a sign that says BOTH are good and BOTH are bad folks.. Are you a spiritual person or a religious person? Partisan differences are somewhat muted. As such, spirituality is much more about inner understanding than outer worship. 1) The mystic. Listen to your Souls calling. RELATED: 4 Simple But Spiritual Ways To Deeply Connect With God Without Going To Church. So, when asking the question, Can you be spiritual and religious? the answer is yesif your true beliefs fall in line with a certain religion. However, many who are spiritual believe that everyone's ultimate truth is the same, despite any differences among them. ), Spiritual Meditation: 11 Ways to Enlighten Your Mind. Learn how to tell the difference between religion and spirituality. Spirituality: Spirituality, however, leans more toward self-referral or the internalization of your awareness of your soul. However, spirituality encourages people to focus their energy on positive things and to act based solely on love. However, each practice serves as a vehicle to lead you closer to the truth you seek. Its a deeply personal journey that has no outward structure or dogma attached to it. Ultimately, each person must decide for themselves if their spirituality is a part of their religion or not. In addition to those who say they are spiritual but not religious, 48% say they are both religious and spiritual, while 6% say they are religious but not spiritual. Another 18% answer both questions negatively, saying they are neither religious nor spiritual. Weve seen this drive to connect with something bigger than ourselves since time immemorial. Everything you need to live a life in total balance from the authority in well-being. 1) The mystic. Participants from these two groups showed similar patterns on all the major variables of depression, delusional ideation, subjective well-being, and sense of meaning. Let go of perfection. Religion often has a hierarchical system in which God is seen as the ultimate authority and the one who should be worshipped, obeyed, and revered above all else. Before gaining insight into this complex relationship, we must look at some key topics. In either case, there are professionals within each religion who act in positions of leadership and who represent formal aspects of the institution. It's about a search for our life's significance and allows us to feel part of something. Either one can lead to the other, but might not necessarily lead to a creator/god. Whichever path or combination of the two you follow is the personal and subjective expression of your journey of awakening. Whereas within religion, self-sacrifice, devotion, and service to others support us in feeling like we have a mission or greater purpose. :) ). Id love for you to share them below in the comments. Take a deep dive into Ayurveda - the centuries-old proven health and healing system. Heres how you can unite spirituality and religion (instead of spirituality vs religion) into your life: 1. They do not hold on to their memories which may bring you down. For example, if a person is more religious, they run the risk of becoming socially dependent on their church peers. Because every human's essence is the same, it means that any differences are superficial. For example, they may believe in God while asking for positive energy through their journey of self-discovering. While some may find what resonates within the traditional confines of religion, others may take a more personalized approach to their spiritual practice. Why We Hate Religion & Think Spirituality is Woo-Woo, Spirituality vs Religion: 11 Differences (With Pros & Cons), How to Unite Spirituality and Religion in Your Life (Without the Ugly Dogma). It focuses only on good energy to allow people to be the best version of themselves. Spirituality offers an endless amount of potential benefits, while with religion it offers punishments or rewards. The leaders often carry out certain rituals regarding the core beliefs of the religion, which lay the foundation for how one's life should be lived. BEING RELIGIOUS Being religious means belonging to an established religious order, whether large or small. This encourages exploration and understanding of what lies beyond our physical boundaries, including nature, the universe, or even different spiritual realms. 1. With spiritual practice, ideas and interpretations change as individuals, societies, and the world move forward. They are following not a set of external rules, but their own inner call to spirit. As a survivor of fundamentalist religious abuse, her mission is to help others find love, strength, and inner light in even the darkest places. Spirituality: Definition, Types, Benefits, and How to Practice There are many ways to increase your happiness (in fact, in this article we talk about 54 strategies), but one of the top methods that stands out is to go to church. Iconic singer David Bowie famously described spirituality vs religion in the following brilliantly irreverent way: Religion is for people whore afraid of going to hell. Spiritual Experience; The foundation of religion is faith. Spirituality focuses heavily on the now. Experiencing and developing joy, spontaneity, and compassion on the spiritual path helps us to feel as though were truly living life to the fullest. Where the two overlap is each person's individual experiences that impact how they think, feel, and act. Both traditionally Spirituality embraces a consciousness-based worldview that supports all human beings on their path to awakening in unconditional love and kindness. Americans who are spiritual but not religious are somewhat more likely to be women than men (54% vs. 46%, respectively). When it comes to the religion vs. spirituality debate, neither is inherently good or bad. Religion, on the other hand, puts emphasis on humbling ourselves to a Divinity that is usually seen as outside of ourselves. Sign up for self-paced courses designed to deliver balance and health. Read through the list of differences between spirituality and religion at the beginning of this article. Lives in the present moment and grateful. Ill explore the differences below as well as the pros and cons of spirituality and religion. So, what is the difference between religion and spirituality? This god helmet generated weak magnetic fields, applied to the temporal lobes. Some examples include Rumi and Hafiz (from the mystical branch of Islam, Sufism), St John of the Cross and St Teresa of Avila (from Christianity), Ramakrishna and Anandamayi Ma (from Hinduism), and more modern Western figures like Carl Jung and G. I. Gurdjieff. Instead, its more of an inner connection to what lies beyond what we can perceive with our physical senses. The way of the mystic is this combination of annihilation annihilation of the illusion of the separate self and embodiment; of fully inhabiting exactly what is. With religion, there is a high level of accountability often built into the structure of religious institutions. Religious People and How They May Differ, Create A Mindful Morning With A Morning Routine Chart For Kids, Increase Your Spiritual Energy Levels With These 9 Habits, 7 Excellent Stretches To Perform Before Meditation, 27 Soul-Searching Questions About Spirituality To Help You Grow, Spirituality Vs. Knowing the differences can help you define your beliefs and arrive at a place of peace with yourself no matter where you lie on the spectrum of religious practice or spiritual growth. A spiritual person cares about people, animals and the planet. You can belong to a religious group and still be spiritual, and vice versa. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases, this means whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on this website, we receive a small percentage of its price at no extra cost to you. Spirituality leans heavily on the personal experience of one's soul. As you can see, there are good and bad things about spirituality and religion. Master meditation and learn how to give others their own personalized mantra. Whether religious or spiritual, its vital that both are used for balance and not for selfish desires. And knowing the difference between spirituality and religion will help anyone decide which path they should take to discover their truth. But generally, in mainstream Western society, both are frowned upon or flat-out avoided. Spirituality is more personal. Even though both aim for balance, the meaning behind spirituality and a religious lifestyle is dynamically different. This includes religions with billions of followings Belief vs. Its focused on internalizing different teachings about the Divine, and is, therefore, more theoretical and thought-based. This process occurs through direct personal experience usually via a lineage of teachings that have been deeply explored and integrated into ones life. WebMuslims vs other people |The world beautiful religion|Muslims attitude status #shorts subscribe my channel (To learn more, here are 10 ways you can be spiritual.). The difference between a spiritual and religious person comes down to how they see God. For a religious person, the concept of God is predetermined, named, and comes with a set method on how to worship that God. A spiritual person on the other hand, turns inwards to find their truth and finds God within themselves and all of life. 1. These figures are the subject of worship and devotion and form the foundation of religious practices and rituals in a community. Being a spiritual person is synonymous with being a person whose highest priority is to be loving to yourself and others. Since people are programmed into their religious beliefs they are nearly always taught that their views are The Truth and are suspicious of anyone on the outside. In fact, some may find that their spirituality is closely linked to a religion, while others may have their own personal relationship with a higher power. A spiritual persons set of beliefs evolves as they learn more through their personal study of their own spirituality. Zhang, H. (Interview) Spirituality, not organized religion, may be the key to finding meaning in life. So first, what are the specific differences between spirituality and religion? Take well-being with you wherever you go with the Chopra app. You can belong to a religious group and still be spiritual, and vice versa. As I explored in my previous article entitled what is spirituality, I define spirituality vs religion in the following ways: The word spirituality comes from the Latin word spiritualis, which means, breath; of the spirit; air. (1,2) Spirituality is connecting to the Divine through your own personal experience. Somatic Bodywork: 7 Types For Psychospiritual Healing, 7 Vagus Nerve Exercises For Nervous System Healing, How to Begin a Spiritual Journal (Start Here! To set things straight, Im not in either the religion is evil or spirituality is nonsense groups. Spirituality embraces everything good, bad, and neutral as it happens without worrying about a future reward. If these were treated as the beliefs they are, it would be less of an issue, but rarely is this the case. The foundation of spirituality is a pure spirit of unifying force. You know something because you have tasted the experience yourself and have allowed it to resonate, as opposed to taking the word of another. WebHistorically, the words religious and spiritual have been used synonymously to describe all the various aspects of the concept of religion, [1] but in contemporary usage spirituality While one truth is being defined, the other is being discovered. And without water, a cup is empty and lifeless. Spirituality seeks its own truth and translates it based on one's experience. Toxic states, and neutral as it happens without worrying about a search for our 's! And others below as well as the beliefs they are, it can be difficult to understand complex! Dogma attached to it the guidelines set by his or her religion for balance and for... More personalized approach to spirituality other hand, puts emphasis on humbling ourselves to a religious and. To teach others with a certain religion these were treated as the beliefs they are religious... Into the structure of religious practices and values, holding rigidly to the past and present, vice! 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