This is needed to aid you in getting through the difficulties to come. That this special moment called the Valley of Decision would be a time when the Lord would invite the entire world to cooperate with His Divine Will and His Divine Plan. Mother of Salvation: They will present a new red book, with the head of a goat embedded within its cover This will be true wealth, the spiritual wealth of all the Churches gathering as one in Jerusalem with Israel and the Catholic Church. At the appropriate time, when peoples lives are in danger, they will be called by locution (an interior voice) by God, as part of a massive Exodus, to the safety of a nearby refuge. Especially, in this century of time given over to satan and his greatest temptations of evil as mankind teeters on the cusp of the Apocalypse its Great Tribulation and the unveiling of the antichrist, the son of satan, in all his diabolical terror and horrors. In particular, the lack of faith among the popes and the bishops of the Church to believe the words of Our Lady. Then the Miracle/Sign of Garabandal will happen in the Springtime. It is my understanding that the Blessed Mother indicated to the three shepherd children at Fatima in 1917 that a consecration would need to take place, but She said that She would return later when it was time for the Catholic Church to do so. Before I finish this commentary, I need to discuss the importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Immaculate Conception in the Divine Plan of God and salvation history of mankind. The Vatican Deception Worldwide Online Release October 13, 2018 2-Day Rental U.S.$4.99 Heaven is not afraid to call this event the Second Coming of Jesus in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy). Instead of becoming bitter and resentful, you continue to follow your Jesus and see the best in everyone. Note, I will explain in a future commentary why the Consecration done by Pope Francis on March 25, 2022, was not fully accepted by Heaven. No one would overrule His prerogative. While they can be unsettling, they are allowed by Me to make you all stronger in your love for Me. This was not just a simple one-time encounter between St. Gabriel, me, and satan. Meanwhile, it is my understanding based on what has been revealed to me and based on the heavenly messages that I promote on the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that this is loosely the timeline for future events: There will be a Warning (Illumination of Conscience) sometime between September to February of an unknown year. The 144,000 Firstfruits of the church militant will be directly captained by the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael Archangel. The Church came forth from Israel, like a child begotten by a mother, but Israel began to reject her own child. I have attempted to organize these questions by topic, and hope that you find it useful. It does not need to be a physical valley because all the nations are already linked by communications. And so, the reason why I was prompted to write this commentary today, is because of a recent posting found on the Medjugorje news website. I love you all. The second important aspect is that I was and I continue to be truly shocked that I was given this special knowledge from God and Our Lady. First, I want to share an excerpt from the hidden Third Secret of Fatima, which I wrote extensively about in a commentary in 2015 (See The True Third Secret Of Fatima, The Prophecies Of Garabandal And The End Times By a soul, Defenders of the Eucharist. P. Janko: I experienced something on the day of the Immaculate Conception. Basically, guiding me as I have been discerning various heavenly messages about my country, the United States of America, Pope Francis, and other matters vital to the success of the Divine Plan. (Most Holy Name of Mary), Jesus said: My people, you have just heard Pope Francis give out a new Canon Law that would allow bishops to make changes in the liturgy of the Mass to go into effect on October 1st. He speaks to us in so many, so many ways to make us return to Him. This is due to the concerted prayer efforts of those who follow the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), the messages of Holy Love Ministries, and others, etc., such as those who follow this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. Then, according to Sacred Scriptures, as God has Promised, the Resurrection of the Two Witnesses of Revelation will result in the recognition of the God of the Jews and the Christians. While many of My loyal followers are alert now, to the changes coming, so many have no interest whatsoever in the warnings given to the world by My beloved Mother up to now. Links to various supporting heavenly messages and previous special commentaries by me that serve as a chronology of thought on this matter of the conditional Great Chastisement and the unfolding of the Divine Plan. Afterwards, you will rebuild and renew the human race. Then, you will witness a small flame (which is your guardian angel) to follow once you depart your homes for the refuges. Do not be deceived by clergy who do not teach My proper Word, or who teach heresies, or New Age teachings. And I spend an awful lot of time at Confession each monthI often tell the Blessed Mother that I am the scum at the bottom of the barrel. You all are always in my thoughts and prayers. And so, those are my thoughts for today that I desire to share with followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. a soul. This 1,000 years will be the conclusion of the 7,000 years of the biblical week (7 days) to God and the fulfilment of the Lords Prayer for Gods Kingdom to come to earth. This is why there is no burial site for Judas on the surface of the earth. Then, afterwards, they will be calling the entire world to repentance, by their fresh witnessing of the conditional Great Chastisement. God bless! I will renew the face of the earth and you are Children of the Renewal. Tell people to wake up from their sleep. 666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination When Our Lady imparted the Secret of La Salette to Melanie in 1846, Our Lady told Melanie not to reveal the Secret to anyone until 1858. People did not even say Oh My God!. As a result, Pope Leo XIII penned the famous prayer to St Michael Archangel for protection of the Catholic Church and all mankind. For Avoiding the Great Chastisement, By a soul Furthermore, the Rosary of the Unborn was imparted at Holy Love Ministries to help accost the worldwide holocaust of abortion. So, people should not read the Book of Revelation, thinking that all the events Good and evil are fully accounted for and described in Sacred Scriptures. They are supplying arms to terrorist nations. After the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs, all people will know true right from true wrong in their lives. My dearest daughter, you must always trust in Me and know that not one single Message given to you will ever be contaminated. They will know Me instantly and will respond in the way that they know best. Rosary Visions of St Dominic de Guzmn (13th century)Our Lady of Guadalupe (St Juan Diego) (1531)Visions of St Mary Margaret of Alacoque (1647-1690)Mystical City of God (Mary of Agreda) (1655-1660)Writings of St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716)Visions of St Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824)Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (St Catherine Labour) (1830)Our Lady of La Salette (1846)Our Lady of Lourdes (St Bernadette Soubirous) (1858)Vision of Pope Leo XIII (1884)Our Lady of Fatima (1917)Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul (St Faustina Kowalski) (1925-1938)Poem of the Man-God, Notebooks (Maria Valtorta) (1943-1951)The Lady of All Nations (Ida Peerdeman) (1945-1959)Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann (1960-1985)Our Lady of Garabandal (1961-1965)Our Lady of Medjugorje (1981-ongoing)End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty) (1984-ongoing)Holy Love Ministries (Maureen Sweeney-Kyle) (1985-ongoing)Prophetess Christina Gallagher (1985-ongoing)Our Lady of Emmitsburg (Gianna Talone Sullivan) (1989-ongoing)Prophetess Luz de Maria (1991-ongoing)Prophet John Leary (1993-ongoing)Devotion to the Most Precious Blood (Barnabas Nwoye) (1995-ongoing)Girl of My Will in Jesus (2001-ongoing)Moving Heart Foundation (Chris Courtis) (2001-ongoing)Messages of Fr Michel Rodrigue (2009-ongoing)Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) (2011-2015)Locutions To The World (2011-2015)Children of the Renewal (2014-ongoing)Latin-American Mystic, Lorena (2014-ongoing)Gods Foot is on the World: Christ the King Millennium Era Begins (Fr Ignatius Mary Okoroji) (2020), Ron Wyatt, discovery of the Ark of the Covenant, BLOG:A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls In private revelation, it has been revealed that Our Blessed Mother is also known as the Mystical City of God and the principal Holy Tabernacle of the New Jerusalem. This year several thousand pilgrims gathered to pray the Rosary at the Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje. Thus, I knew that writing my Appeal to Pope Francis had pleased God and I knew that the special prayer efforts that previous weekend at Holy Love had protected me from satan so I could do this work on behalf of Heaven. The more that we sacrifice for God, the more that it shows Him that we love Him and that we trust in Him for our Divine Provision. And Jesus said in the message that many people have been confused by the placement of the Children of the Renewal messages on the other website, but it was become clearer over time how the messages are to be read and understood by others. (Chapter 2, 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians). The Warning will be a life review encounter with the Lord and everyone will experience a taste of where he or she would end up if they had died at that moment either Heaven, purgatory, or hell. Three out of four will deny Me She claims to have had regular apparitions until May 7, 1985, and that since then the apparitions occur only once a year. However, during the interim time, the Renewal period on earth, Christianity will spread throughout the world and the world will be rebuilt and populated by those who live through the persecution in preparation for the Second Coming. Yes, Lord. Then, there is an excerpt of the Secret of La Salette that describes the actual chastisement, as well as the related footnote commentary by the main seer, Melanie. Meanwhile, after The Warning, the Two Witnesses of Revelation and 144,000 Firstfruits will be present on earth to help guide and evangelize the masses of people seeking God. Note, the Miracle and Sign will take place at multiple locations Marian apparition sites, on earth. In Their United Hearts, Jesus and His Holy Mother, Mary, will no longer shed tears of sorrow and blood over mankinds sins. I was actually really surprised that I was able to write it so fast without any evil interference involved and it made me so happy when the next day, Tuesday, August 8, 2017, God the Father said these words at Holy Love: I am Father God Patriarch of all nations. I could be wrong, but I say this based on what was revealed to me about the antichrist by St. Gabriel the Archangel in January 2017 while I was undergoing major spiritual warfare. I then saw a shoe at the end of a red colored trouser leg. The Way To Follow Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: en espaol (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) El camino a seguir Ejrcito de San Miguel Arcngel, to Latin-American Mystic Lorena Holy Communion in the Hand , has Vision during Holy Mass of Jesus Christ and in Tears Cries, No more, for Ancestral Curses and Evil Generational Spirits, Including Resources for, (Refuge Stickers) Compiled by a soul MaryRefugeOfSouls. So, truly, the Warning was going to happen today (December 8th), until the Blessed Mother demonstrated how truly POWERFUL She Is as an Intercessor and Advocate for all mankind. (function(w,d,s,i){w.ldAdInit=w.ldAdInit||[];w.ldAdInit.push({slot:10345542572284774,size:[0,0],id:"ld-834-2854"});if(!d.getElementById(i)){var j=d.createElement(s),p=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];j.async=true;j.src="//";;p.parentNode.insertBefore(j,p);}})(window,document,"script","ld-ajs"); Im very overwhelmed with everything & I believe & I feel it in my heart, pray for me that I also can be able to convert & pray for the Conversion of the world, especially the youth? The Great Miracle and the Great Sign will show the definitive Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Thank you for simply being a true joy to Jesus Heart. Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (13 pages) of this commentary: Secrets and Chastisements Tilting the Earths Axis and Fire from Heaven (PDF), Secrets and Chastisements Tilting the Earths Axis and Fire from Heaven (ODT), Secrets and Chastisements Tilting the Earths Axis and Fire from Heaven (WordDoc), SECRETS AND CHASTISEMENTS It was really, really bad to hear. Alright, so now, let me introduce my overall framework of End Time events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus. Sadly, this constant desire of needing to know ahead of time demonstrates a great deal of lack of faith in that Our Heavenly Father knows best for our needs and to simply trust in His Goodness that things will work out the best for all of us. the date to the world, along with the other Medjugorje visionaries, and Conchita of Garabandal. They will be the backup support at the refuges, predominantly, involved in praying for graces for those on the battlefield and educating the masses of people in the Christian faith at the refuges. St Joseph, also known as the Terror of demons and Patron of a happy death, is also the Restrainer in Sacred Scriptures who has kept the antichrist from entering Holy Mother Church and being seated on the chair of St Peter. This is because in order for Heaven to save the world from satans plans, Heaven must be publicly invited by the people of the world through the Catholic Church due to free will. Amen. Moreover, in private revelation, it has been revealed the Blessing of God given to Abraham as the spiritual Patriarch and Father of All Nations in the Holy Bible was an actual holy object that he would carry concealed near his ribs (spiritual heart). This is so new followers can understand what has been happening these past several months/past years on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. During this event, all six visionaries of Medjugorje and visionary, Conchita, of Garabandal, would experience the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje (Great Chastisement of Garabandal) in their spiritual bodies. Then, as further confirmation by Heaven, the Blessed Mother Mary appeared to young, naive, pleasant girl, St Bernadette Soubirous, at Lourdes, France, revealing the profound theological concept, I am the Immaculate Conception. Now, let me finally address the question of a fellow blog follower. He had his last daily apparition on September 12, 1998, when he received the tenth secret. Furthermore, at the conclusion of WWII, Russia emerged as a superpower in the world, as mankind awakened to a new reality of nuclear weapons and a Cold War fear of usage of such horrible weapons between political state foes. And so, those are my simple reflections about the Great Chastisement. The church was transplanted to Rome because Jerusalem would not survive. Many people took the experience negativelydisbelieving in prophecyinstead of being happy that the economy did not collapse when all the signs of the times were saying otherwise. Michel Rodrigue The Time of the Refuges,, etc., After The Great Warning Understanding Fatima, Garabandal, And Medjugorje So, I want to answer her question and address some things about the chastisements and the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje in this commentary. This is because most people will have seen the fires of hell in their life review. I also know that the antichrist does not fully reveal himself until after the Great Warning takes place. With this FAQ, I have tried to answer some of the most commonly asked questions about Medjugorje. Many wars will now escalate and storms and earthquakes will mount, until the Roar of My Fathers Wrath is felt everywhere. Whether the Great Chastisement happens or not, the Earth will be renewed as in the days of the Garden of Eden. 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