But literacy was their usual weapon, not spells, and many of them picked up enough legal knowledge to fight their corner in civil disputes. The Editor The Tower's professional executioner was away, so a young novice was given the job. Thomas Cromwell producerade en tunika av typen 'Five Wounds of Christ', som pstods vara en symbol fr nskan att placera . She is a former faculty member of the Humanist Institute. Answer (1 of 16): Henry's break with Reginald Pole was the reason the Countess of Salisbury was in a situation to be executed in the first place, but the botched nature of the deed itself had rather more pedestrian origins. More later memorialized her as uxorcula Thomae Mori; her gentle personality is attested to by Erasmuss letters, as he was a frequent visitor to Mores home. On this date in 1541, 68-year-old Margaret Pole, countess of Salisbury, was beheaded within the confines of the Tower of London, as befitted her rank. Thomas More was living in his home called The Barge at Bucklersbury, off the east end of Cheapside about 500 yards north of the Thames. He later studied at . Ursula Pole, married Henry Stafford, whose title and lands were lost when his father was executed for treason and attainted, restored to a Stafford title under Edward VI. He lived in relative poverty, for he held no office and relied solely upon the hundred pounds per annum he collected from a property rental. That was clear to Cromwell almost from the first, and perhaps to More, too. [27] She is commemorated in the dedication of the Church of Our Lady Queen of Peace & Blessed Margaret Pole in Southbourne, Bournemouth.[28]. He has been held up to schoolchildren for centuries as the most. Margaret may have been deprived of her dynastic importance, but her marriage was honourable and stable, and she retained her status, if not her familys great titles and wealth. It seems Margaret was questioned about her contacts with Barton, but she came to no harm as a result and, unlike Gertrude, she escaped without grovelling. She was now one of the richest people in England. The boy, born in 1519, was welcome proof to Henry that he could father a son and that his lack of an heir was entirely Katharines fault. Mores beginnings, however, hardly predicted his spectacular career. In theory, after she married, a womans personal property and real estate were at her husbands disposal. After his marriage to Anne Boleyn and the birth of their daughter, Elizabeth, Mary was sent to join the household of the infant princess. The kings mother, Margaret Beaufort, was protective of young brides; her own body had been wrecked by a pregnancy at 13. It is meant to contrast with the reality of European rule, divided by ideologies and greed and self-interest. Thomas More: A very brief history June 29, 2017; Henry VIII's Westminster Tournament 1511 June 5, 2017; 3.67. She managed her lands quite well, and became one of the five or six wealthiest peers in England. More was not a man to be broken by prison, but he suffered physically. His choice was Jane Colt, the eldest daughter of a gentleman farmer. And the king did not force the issue. It was Gertrude Courtenay, Marchioness of Exeter, who claimed to be brittle and fragile; one of the most persistent of the aristocratic plotters against Henry, she was in trouble in 1533 for her contacts with Elizabeth Barton, the Nun of Kent, whose florid line in prophecy was discomfiting to the regime. As a newly elected representative for London in Parliament and an undersheriff in the city, he was deeply involved in public life. She was attended by servants and received an extensive grant of clothing in March 1541. She was an apt enough pupil to later converse with visitors in Latin. To ease the situation, Margaret devoted her third son, Reginald Pole, to the Church; he was to have an eventful career as a papal Legate and later as Archbishop of Canterbury. In Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, 1473-1541, Hazel Pierce was unable to corroborate Richard Morisyne's assertion that as a young widow Margaret Pole made her home with the other Bridgettine nuns at Syon abbey.However, the household accounts of Lady Margaret Beaufort (held at St. John's College, Cambridge) reveal that this was indeed the case, recording payments to her from . 28 Little Russell Street But it is difficult to detect in her conduct the heroic virtues assumed by Rome, and easier to see self-protective caution at work. When Arthur married Catherine of Aragon, she became a lady-in-waiting to the princess. More would stand trial for his life. But Lord Montagu attended Annes coronation as he would later attend her trial. We do not know. Their old friendship was past; the kings new advisors were anti-Catholic and pro-Protestant, most notably among them was Thomas Cromwell. Investigating An Anemometer. Her son Arthur joined them, dying young, probably in the sweating sickness epidemic of 1528. Margaret Pole. In 1529, he represented Henry VIII in Paris, persuading the theologians of the Sorbonne to support Henry's divorce from Catherine of Aragon. The two men had first met in 1497 and remained close friends until Mores death. Thomas More is the "Man For All Seasons" in the title of the play. He wore many hats: chief diplomat, speechwriter, advisor. Ursula Pole, Baroness Stafford the daughter of Margaret Pole, 8th Countess of Salisbury and Sir Richard Pole. geralmente . Intellectuals from England and Europe visited; More was a generous and kind host. Mores only communication with Barton had been to warn her against meddling in affairs of state. Margaret, Countess of Salisbury, was born at Farley Castle, near Bath, on 14th August, in or about the year 1473. In practice, pre-nuptial agreements, trusts and the legally sanctioned breach of entails created some flexibility. There wasn't any "relationship" as such. Henry married Margarets cousin, Elizabeth of York, and imprisoned Margarets brother as a potential threat to his kingship. Certainly Henry wanted Mores support. The new pretender, Ralph Wilford, was arrested and killed before the conspiracy bred any action. Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury (14 August 1473 - 27 May 1541), was an English peeress.She was the daughter of George, Duke of Clarence, and Isabel Neville and was niece of kings Edward IV and Richard III.Margaret was one of two women in 16th-century England to be a peeress in her own right with no titled husband. Shortly thereafter, (probably in November 1487) Henry VII gave Margaret in marriage to his cousin, Sir Richard Pole, whose mother was a half-sister of the king's mother, Margaret Beaufort. No one would stage a rebellion in her favour while there were male Yorkists to mount a challenge. Our Lady of Lourdes in Harpenden, Hertfordshire. Soon he was acting as Henrys personal secretary and adviser, delivering official speeches, greeting foreign envoys, drafting treaties and other public documents, and composing the kings responses to Wolseys dispatches. She is a close student of the sources, and careful not to stuff her novels with false excitements. See me safe up, he told the lieutenant who escorted him, and for my coming down let me shift for myself.. Known for:Her family connections to wealth and power, which at some times of her life meant she wielded wealth and power, and at other times meant she was subject to great risks during great controversies. BORN: 1473. In 1487, an imposter, Lambert Simmel, pretended to be her brother Edward, and was used to try to gather a rebellion against Henry VII. Contemporary chroniclers often referred to him as a friend of the poor. He moved into the Carthusian monastery adjoining Lincolns Inn and participated in the monks way of life as much as he could, while still pursuing his legal career. This was an obvious lie; More had never said anything of the sort to any other visitor, why Rich? In May 1539 Henry, Margaret, Exeter and others were attainted, as Margaret's father had been. Susan Higginbotham. The barrel, though, may have been strung on Margaret after her death. To that end, he spent the next three years in study and prayer, wearing a hair shirt next to his skin (a practice he never abandoned), and struggling to reconcile his genuine religious fervor with the demands of the outside world. Perhaps the contrast with the quiet, gentle Jane was too striking. She was head of her family, a magnate with vast resources in men and money; any disaffection on her part was dangerous. Lewis, Jone Johnson. Warwick We can't imagine how Margaret was feeling, she was 65 years of age when brought to the tower in 1539, an advanced age by the standards of the day. Then, her prayers completed, she faced the incompetent axeman. Her son Reginald described himself afterwards as son of a martyr and in 1886, Pope Leo XIII had Margaret Pole beatified as a martyr. Posted By Claire on May 27, 2012. Columbus, Ohio Area. And because of his early education in religious matters, Henry was no mere spectator in religious debate. Whether the countess was up to this is hard to say, but later the Imperial ambassador was to declare that Mary regarded her as a second mother. However, things suddenly change in May 1541 when a decision was made to execute her. Birth City: London, England. Fortunately for the old cardinal, he died before the king could kill him. European rulers keen to destabilise England had promoted the claims of this plausible, glamorous young man, but by the summer of 1498 he was in the Tower, about to embark on the last act of his mysterious life. As widows, or as deputies to living husbands, they handled complex legal and financial affairs with aplomb, while assenting outwardly at least to their status as irrational and inferior beings. Henry VIII married Catherine of Aragon in 1509 and Margaret was again appointed as one of her ladies-in-waiting. Credit: PjrWindows / Alamy Stock Photo. Mores connection to Morton had earlier secured him admittance to Oxford, where he studied for two years, mastering Greek and Latin with an instinct of genius, and studying a wide variety of subjects, including music. She would have been a widow when the portrait was painted, but she holds a sprig of honeysuckle, symbol of love and marriage. In 1539, Reginald was sent to the Emperor to organize an embargo against Englandthe sort of countermeasure he had himself warned Henry was possible.[14]. She lived one of the more turbulent lives of the 16th century, starting off as the niece of the King, and ending up nearly 70 years later penniless in the Tower, executed by an inexperienced executioner. Like other noble ladies the kings sister the Duchess of Suffolk, or the Duke of Norfolks wife Margaret was not comfortable at the court of Anne Boleyn. There was a new king, a handsome, athletic young man who had once been destined for the church. Henry and his ministers suspected Reginald of plotting to marry the kings daughter Mary, and unite her claim with his. Most aristocratic women outlived their husbands, and once a woman was widowed she was able to assert her independence and have a say in her family affairs, while cultivating the trope of the defenceless widow in any dealings with the authorities. Afterwards, More's head was displayed on a pike at London Bridge for a month. Henry accepted Mores resignation. It was the Act of Succession, passed the following month, that sealed his fate. A Bill of Attainder disinherited Margaret and her younger brother, Edward, and removed them from the line of succession. Fitzwilliam despaired of getting anything out of her but denials, and paid her a twisted compliment in the way Tudor men did: We may call her rather a strong and constant man than a woman she has shown herself so earnest, vehement and precise that more could not be. When he told her that her goods had been seized, she must have known it was the beginning of the end, and seemeth thereat to be somew[hat] appalled, but neither then nor at any later point did she profess anything but loyalty to Henry and regret at her familys folly. London, WC1A 2HN "Margaret Pole, Tudor Matriarch and Martyr." He was made knight of the Garter, and appointed chamberlain to the young Prince of Wales. To help with her financial situation, she gave one of her sons, Reginald, to the church. Henry VII also decided, about that time, to marry the 15-year-old Margaret to his half-cousin, Sir Richard Pole. He grew up cultivated and cosmopolitan, sensitive, lively-minded. Margaret Pole, N B tc ca Salisbury (ting Anh: Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury; 14 thng 8 nm 1473 - 27 thng 5 nm 1541), l mt nh i qu tc Anh quc.B l con gi ca George Plantagenet, Cng tc x Clarence, em trai ca Quc vng Edward IV v anh trai ca Richard III.Margaret l mt trong s t nhng ngi ph . She answered that no crime had been imputed to her. Marys food, Henry ordered, was to be served with joyous and merry communication. Later that year, Reginald was summoned to Rome, made a cardinal and put in charge of organising a crusade against England economic sanctions first, war if need be. Margarets youngest son, Geoffrey, probably under threat of torture, denounced not only his own family but the Courtenay clan and other prominent members of the old families. He could now only write to his wife and favorite daughter Margaret with a piece of coal or burnt stick on scraps of paper. First I went on the Internet to find some ways of measuring wind speed. John More was a successful lawyer who was later knighted and made a judge of the Kings Bench; he was prosperous enough to send his son to Londons best school, St Anthonys at Threadneedle Street. In 1509, when Henry VIII came to the throne after his fathers death, he married his brothers widow, Catherine of Aragon. Margarets whole family had been elevated with her on the wheel of fortune. And his patron Morton was infamous as the architect of that kings very successful and subsequently very unpopular tax policy. Apainting in the National Portrait Gallery offers a grey-white face, long, guarded, medieval, remote: unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury. He had several other livings, although he had not been ordained a priest. Margaret is the main character of Samantha Wilcoxson's 2016 novel, Dwyer, J.G. But not your principles. When Prince Arthur held court in Ludlow with the 15-year-old Catherine of Aragon, Richard Pole was with him, and a friendship began between the bride and the chamberlains wife which was to outlast Catherines life and have deep and lasting consequences for Margaret Pole. He was first appointed a Privy Councilor and accompanied Wolsey to an important diplomatic mission to Europe. It was the beginning of a fertile new line. After bearing More three daughters (Margaret, Elizabeth, Cicely) and one son (John), Jane died in 1511. For at least five years, Montagu, Exeter and others had been passing information to the emperor through his ambassador, urging the invasion of England, and Reginald himself had assured the readers of his 1536 letter that a host of disaffected subjects were lurking within the realm, ready to support the invaders against Henry as soon as foreign troops landed. [12] In May 1536, Reginald finally and definitively broke with the king. Wolsey was destined to die for his failure to secure the annulment. Answer (1 of 6): Anne Boleyn's death would have been instant and painless - to the extent that we can guess, anyway. International This site requires the use of Javascript to provide the best possible experience. Because the main executioner[17] had been sent north to deal with rebels, the execution was performed by "a wretched and blundering youth who literally hacked her head and shoulders to pieces in the most pitiful manner". In the end, he could not be persuaded. Margaret would have been too young to remember her mother, and it is likely that she was brought up within her fathers princely household, then after his execution lived with her cousins, the many daughters of Edward IV. But his older brother perished and the younger brother was crowned at 18 years old, and quickly wed his brothers widow. [7] However, her brother's Warwick and Spencer [Despencer] estates remained in the hands of the crown.[8]. Higginbotham follows Pierce in refusing to vilify Henry for his treatment of the Poles. But if the weather turns nasty you up with an anchor and let it down where there's less wind, and the fishing's better. Elizabeth Darrell, later Thomas Wyatts mistress, refused the oath; Lady Hussey, wife of one of Marys household, was imprisoned because she would not accept Marys exclusion from the succession and insisted on addressing her as a princess. * Thomas Stafford (1531-4 May 1557) who was captured and executed for High Treason in Scarborough. Reginald replied to books Henry sent him with his own pamphlet, pro ecclesiasticae unitatis defensione, or de unitate, which denied Henry's position on the marriage of a brother's wife and denied royal supremacy. She served later as a governess to Mary. The nun sought out eminent supporters, especially those who, like Margaret and like Gertrudes husband, had a claim to the throne, and pressed on them the contents of her visions: unless he went back to his wife and to Rome, Henry would expire in torments. He had a true gift for friendship and inspired deep loyalty amongst his family and friends. Chapuys also communicated with Reginald through his brother, Geoffrey. More also engaged in a public war of words on the kings behalf with Martin Luther, the father of the Reformation. [6] . The skeleton was not complete, but part of the skull had survived, and certain other bones. Henry wanted Reginald to come back to England and talk the matter over, but Reginald had the sense to keep his distance. It took many blows to finally kill her and this botched execution was itself remembered and, for some, considered a sign of martyrdom. Elizabeth Throckmorton. Unfortunately for More, Henry appointed him Lord Chancellor of England. Reginalds brother Geoffrey was in correspondence with Reginald, and Henry had Geoffrey Pole, Margarets heir, arrested in 1538 along with their brother Henry Pole and others. Mores adolescent years were spent under the reign of Henry VII, the first Tudor king. Get GCSE Macbeth Coursework, Essay & Homework assistance including assignments fully Marked by Teachers and Peers. . Did she, as the regime alleged, burn the evidence that incriminated her? But he could not recognize the kings authority as head of the new church of England. Inventories paint the picture: tableware of silver and gold, Venetian glass, mother-of-pearl, tapestries portraying the journeys of Ulysses and the discovery of Newfoundland; the countess herself, tall, stately, wears ermine, tawny damask, black satin and black velvet. Quite the opposite. Mary's household was broken up at the end of the year, and Margaret asked to serve Mary at her own cost, but was not permitted. In 1539 Henry VIII allowed (or ordered) Thomas Cromwell to throw Lady Salisbury into the . She was no longer, though, the sort of influence Henry wished for his daughter. These are not consistent; and ifas he claimed at one pointPole rejected the Divorce in 1526 and refused the Oath of Supremacy in 1531, he received benefits from Henry for a course of action for which others were sentenced to death. The chronology defeated observers, as if her life stretched back into a fabulous era when dragons roamed. After her husband's death, Margaret acted as regent for her son James V, from 1513-1515. She certainly didn't bow to any pressure later in her life to give up her son. Nothing worked. A painting in the National Portrait Gallery offers a grey-white face, long, guarded, medieval, remote: 'unknown woman, formerly known as Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury'. She was by necessity hostile to the Catholic church. Margaret Pole, Tudor Matriarch and Martyr. Both Sir Thomas More and Margaret Pole were devout Catholics, dedicated to their faith and their country. The little Earl of Warwick remained alive and shut away. Margaret was a daughter of George Plantagenet, 1st Duke of Clarence and Isabella Neville. Those two could only get along for short while before things got heated. And so, when More returned from a diplomatic mission to France in summer 1527, the king laid the open Bible before his favorite councilor. By 1527, the king was in his mid-thirties, and his wife six years older. Her father was Shakespeares false, fleeting, perjured Clarence, who died in the Tower of London at the age of 29, attainted for treason and supposedly drowned in a butt of malmsey. Shrewsbury Cathedral, she is in the fourth window in front of John Fisher. Utopia is a complex and witty work which describes a city-state ruled entirely by reason. Thomas More was beheaded in 1535 for his refusal to accept the Acts of Supremacy and the Act of Succession (1534) of Henry VIII of England and swear allegiance to Henry as head of the English Church. Born in 1473 into a world of bloody dynastic feuds, she survived under the first Tudor and thrived under the second, until she and her family, long suspected of plots against the regime, were destroyed. Richard III sent the children to Sheriff Hutton Castle in Yorkshire. [26] She and her husband were parents to five children: Her son, Reginald Pole, said that he would "never fear to call himself the son of a martyr". England became an embattled nation. For these reasons, More had no cause to suspect his monarch of anything less than fealty to their shared faith. The eldest daughter of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York, Margaret was the sister of Henry VIII. He is an English lawyer, eventually promoted to Chancellor and assistant to the King after Wolsey 's death. There are panel paintings of Pole in the following churches: There are stained glass windows of Pole in the following churches: On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The Bishop of Rochester John Fisher is executed on the same charge. Margaret if it is she wears coral and ermine. It was also due to Henrys deep and unfeigned friendship with More. Both Henry and Reginald Pole were attainted in 1539; Geoffrey was pardoned. They married less than a month after Jane Colts death and More had to seek special dispensation from the church. And More determined that their daughters would receive the same education as their son. This is what Margaret is now, besides paper and ink, and the ruins of her palaces: pieces of breastbone and pelvis, a single finger bone and four vertebrae. After his death, and for centuries thereafter, Sir Thomas More was known as the most famous victim of Henry VIIIs tyranny. Margaret Pole was one of only two women in the 16 th century to hold a peerage in her own right. But polite prevarications only worked for so long and soon More was a genuine courtier, with all its attendant duties and benefits. When not at Court, Margaret lived chiefly at Warblington Castle in Hampshire and Bisham Manor in Berkshire. Birth date: February 7, 1478. The accounts differ slightly; Marillac's report, dispatched two days afterwards, recorded that the execution took place in a corner of the Tower with so few people present that, in the evening, news of her execution was doubted. His father recalled him to London and he trained as a law student at New Inn and later Lincolns Inn. He was the child Margaret had been carrying when her brother Warwick was executed. (Along with Margaret her sister-in-law Eleanor Pole was also a lady-in-waiting to Katherine. When Henry imposed an oath which recognised him as head of the church in England, the countess and her household complied. Margarets daughter Ursula would have 13 children, and three of her four sons would marry heiresses and have large families. So yes, the Pole family were cousins to de la Pole family. Looking to her last end, Margaret commissioned a chantry at Christchurch Priory. Reginald also urged the princes of Europe to depose Henry immediately. His months of peace ended in 1533, when he refused to attend the coronation of Anne Boleyn. 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