The Holy Spirit breath of fresh air! Several who asked this question cited Matthew 18:15, Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. Prophetic Update with Hank Kunneman and Kent Christmas (May 4th, 2021) What's Really Going On? Through Murillo's persuasive gospel messages about absolute abandonment to Christ mixed with raw healing, the Holy Spirit conquered Bill's heart. He is a man of average stature and stands at a height of 5 ft 7 in (Approx. Joy that hes showing himself still on the throne. You guessed it "they were preaching outdoors. The problem for most people today seems to be the loving or valuing part. Fill your cup to overflowing that you be ready for the Bridegroom who comes for the bride. I like the efforts you have put in this, regards for all the great content. Well put Mario!! Mark Batterson. It was Finney who observed that revivals die, both because of the bad spirit of the old school, and the arrogant spirit of the new school. Since then Murillos voice has been heard by millions around the world, bringing a message that zeroes in on the hurts of society and Christs power to end addiction, racism, violence and disease. discerning and alert, for there is probably already forming a parallel Jesus Revolution that may outwardly look like the real thing, yet be associated with some of the following markers: 1. Amen and Thank you God Bless you and Keep you make His Face to shine upon you guiding and protecting ever step u take . Both started with repentance. AMEN, Birdie.great and mighty things can be accomplished through your prayers right there from your nursing home! Never thought of what Mario is stating!! Mario Murillo's story is one that defies the odds. Therefore, his exact date and year of birth are not known to the public. He was sending a news team today to cover it but the leadership asked him not to come. Let us not do anything to tarnish this simple and innocent work. But (Murillo) told him, "No, you're coming with me. I must admit at first I had reservations about calling it a revival simply because so many previous ones fizzled out because of the arrogance of man. It is lethal, sudden, and arrives early. Go for the ride!! Pray for this huge movement, among those churches that are focused upon a narrative that sounds like this: Any month now ,Trump will return, triumphantly ridding America of demoncRat deep staters by giving them Gitmo justice, then the wealth of the wicked flows to us, as massive signs&wonders Revival breaks out in such glorythen the best yet to come for many many years..generations even Rapture of judgement possible at all for a long long time, all because Gods prophets and the ecclessia church who believed the prophets spoke this victory into existence and decreed by word /faith the blessing of the Kingdom Now! We encourage you to visit the links to read the stories in full. It just could be your prayers that make a difference! I spent 30 years caring for the elderly in their homes. May God continue to bless you with HIS SPIRIT, as we continue to benefit the Godly wisdom given to you by THE HOLY SPIRIT. The silent clouds above are beginning to gather And found the place full of the Holy Spirit and the love of Jesus. Alessandra (named after his mom (her real name was Alessandra), that made Rodolfo so happy) and Allegra. The same is true of revivalit is vulnerable to abuse, at birth. Its true. The presence of God can draw us near to Him. We are opening our church for Revival Worship beginning tomorrow evening and lasting until????? Come Lord Jesus! May man not contaminate what God is doing. I think the same warning may be heeded to not rush to any one place to see the Spirit manifested. I have been praying for revival since 2013 in The Lords Prayer as the Lord told me to do so. Is Mario Murillo Married Yes. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . Leaves on the trees turn their silver cups to the sky The latest breaking Christian news you need to know about as soon as it happens. Lets continue to pray and believe for a great outpouring over our entire land and beyond! As a journalist, radio documentarian, writer and researcher, he has focused much of his attention on the cultural and social role public interest, community-oriented radio plays in local and national contexts, and considers citizen's media to be a fundamental tool of cultural affirmation, artistic expression, civic engagement, and political I repented, prayed, fellowshipped, and worshiped with many brothers and sisters in Christ all excited to take what God gave us back to our churches. We are NOT required its HIS move now!! *Note: This is the second in a two-part series. Israel was joyously leaving behind the life without hope. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. John Wesley was defrocked by the Church of England because he preached outdoors instead of in a church building. 4. Pastor Mario Murillo claimed this week that President Joe Biden is surrounded by a "demonic hedge of protection," urging fellow Christians to pray for a " powerful move of God" to bring it. Such an amazing word!!! Well, as of today, I am now banned (muted by site creator says Rumble) Chills. Israel was ..under the cloud, and all passed through the sea; and were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea (1Cor. I agree 100%, Why is it my comments never appear on any of your blogs?? Heard Tucker say the same tonight! It is great to see 17 to 25 year old cry and humble themselves at the altar. He left it the hands of others during a sabbatical in England. After resting in his room something that was not of this world began to happen. If they had bothered to go, they would have seen for themselves! "These people fail to realize that God is a God of justice and judgment," Wiese says. Just a couple of rows from the front. His third wifes name is Rose. Murillo, who has vehemently refused to accept the results of the 2020 presidential election, used his preaching slot to declare that God will destroy the United States to save it from the Democrats. I went back and saw more clearly and began to enjoy Gods presence. I, too, am unable to attend the meetings. Love, Dr. Ken and Diane Searle. I couldnt even tell you what they looked like. I thank God for your example! Am frustrated with the mature believers rushing down to get in on it These pastors felt correction was long overdue. prophetic frequencies, med-bed quantum healings, time travel, opening portals and dispensing mantles of anointing, proclamation that Jesus can NOT come back for hundreds of years, not until we as manifest sons of God take over the nations and we release the glory over the Earth as the waters cover the seas!, spirit out-of-body journeys into 3rd Heaven, angelic communications, making decrees to control weather or to decree political developments etc..etc etc. Godly wisdom! Never judge by appearances, listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying and dont be afraid to step out in faith and follow through, you wont regret it and God will confirm it. I know my glorious eternal home is with Jesus/Yeshua but do your neighbors know? Glory to God!!!! May God silence every critic and naysayer, and may we all unify and pray for the continuance and purity of this revival, and for the sake of our young people and our decaying nation may the fire of revival spread from shore to shore! Then, the Holy Spirit placed in my heart and mind to visit The Remnant Radio YouTube channel and Dr. Michael Brown. We carry ambers of fire burning in each and everyone of us from that HOLY SPIRIT fire within these Jars of Clay of Dust. As I have shared many times through the years REVIVAL never flows out from the pulpit by what a preacher has words to share but true REVIVAL always flows and catches on fire at when people run to the ALTAR before a HOLY GOD with full repentance crying out at that altar this is when GODs BELLOW WINDS start blowing is upon that ALTAR before a HOLY GOD GOD BE PRAISED ! Move now among us, stir us we pray. That is a type and shadow of Jesus Christs command to born of water and of the Spirit.. (John 3:5). He and Dana got married on December 16, and Carman said that their love story is nothing short of a "real miracle." I simply told the truth. Students started to report miraculous healings. This generation is so burnt out on flash and hype. Ninety seven percent of the comments agreed with the article. separating the tares from the wheat. A generation was forever changed in the USA. Two dynamics will mark this gathering for all time. The crowd would be too difficult for him. My response was to hit my knees and ask our Lord and God to spread it all over our country. If you can stir up a crowd and get people fired up, well reward you, says the modern day church, Asbury is different. (As long as you have the Light, believe/walk in the LightAs long as it is day, we must work the works of Him Who sent Me for the Night is coming when no man can work said Jesus in John 9:4). HELL TO BE DAMNED FOREVER. Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. Each baby looks uniquely like its parents, so we must be careful not to envy. God Bless you Mario. Hallelujah. Yes, that is exactly what it was! 2023 Charisma Media, All Rights Reserved. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. Lord touch the young people all over the world and make them firebrands for you so that millions will come to know the real Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Praise the lord, l pray this revial moves across the country and around the world. Heb. Thank you Mario. Thank you, brother My husband Hamish & I came into Revival in Christ in the Charismatic Revival of the 1970,s in East London South Africa! Sweep over all America God with your mighty Spirit! He returned one Saturday evening to find the church house full of people wailing before God. Lets seriously pray that this pure & humble expression of revival/awakening/repentance keeps growing deeper and NOT be overshadowed by so many out-of-towners who are curious, but may not have that deep desperate hunger of seeking God yet.And yes! there is a potential for it to be overshadowed by big name sensationalism seeking MAGA focus prophets who are already claiming this as THEIR own prophecy fulfillment..but they will expect it to morph into the sensation-driven style signs&wonders, opening portals, glory fog, gold dust,angelic visitation, transfer of wealth, anointing mantles etc etc Let God do the work His way!One last thing:Recently I have left several comments on the Elijah Stream site on Rumble, expressing the same concerns Mario has had regarding some of their popular but loose cannon prophetsThe responses Ive gotten are vicious toward Marioand mecalling us religious spirits, sowers of discord and enemies to the anointing! 43:19) May He cause a holy pandemic to sweep across America. Marios condition improved so radically that he became cleared to go home in just 48 hours. If the word is being spoken to Gods People and it is false, especially when God tells u to address a situation, then I adhere to Mario for having the Backbone to do what the Lord told him to do. The On June 30, 2022, someone named Robert posted this comment on our ministry's YouTube channel: "Why would anyone in the 21st century give a [expletive] what illiterate desert dwellers from 2000 years ago thought about anything?" Hope this is spiritual warfare, we are ready! Because they werent able to take the promised land from the Philistines, and would have returned to Egypt (Ex. She gave Donald the Bible he used at his inauguration as President .. let us Not Stop our prayers for him & his Family! God Forbid! Amazingly, simultaneously, the Jesus movement of California swept the Nations young adults and adolescents with repentant acceptance of the Holy Spirits indwellng promise. That awakening won 5,000,000 Africans to Jesus. Worship is not a spectator sport. Dear Father God, please bring this revival to New Mexico. Let your Glory rest upon us. Winston Churchill said, The truth is incontrovertible. As long as man stands back and allows the Holy Spirit to work, a hungry no, a starving generation can be fed! I am encouraged by your right response to the Asbury revival. for Jesus is doing a new thing and we dont need the old churches doctrinal talk of those old school religious spirits who dont follow our prophets new revelations! And they came and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink (Luke 5:6-7). You belong to a victorious army, and our side has just won a massive victory! All Glory to GOD!. We thank God for directing us to your site Mario, we adore your humble Spirit and how you Glorify God is all you do and say, something we love and desire as well. Pray that the enemy is sent to dry arid places as the Lord proclaims: ***Behold I do a new thing, will you not perceive it? Are we to hide our heads in the sand and act as though nothing has been said. Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. Upon discovering your programs on you tube, we went looking for your YouTube presentations, where we learned that you exhorted your listeners to discern the spirits of prophets, look for the fruit, or look for an outcome of their prediction/prophesy. Good post! Wow thank you for your blog . That is something very precious to mewinning souls and getting new converts into healthy churches. Video from Justin Peters Ministries "This short clip from Mario Murillo perfectly sums up in a nutshell the fundamental problem with the charismatic prophetic movement.' from video introduction. If thats not revival, what is? We definitely need to all gather and celebrate in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. His simple declaration: Come and see. So, they signaled totheirpartners in the other boat to come and help them. You nailed it Mario. The. If there were no decision makers, there would just be chaos. Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. Well, let me answer that with a story about the California condor. But in the pursuit of revelation, it is often easy to miss its purpose. On, Mario is listed as a successful Soccer Player who was born in the year of 1927. Let the Spirit of our Ever-loving God find you and others wherever they may be! The singer wrote on Facebook that it has "been a long time coming" for "the proverbial bachelor" to bite the dust. I am seeing an answer to prayer and I am overjoyed at what God is doing. I pray it moves to Lexington and throughout the entire State of Kentucky and then to the whole Nation. Living Proof - Mario Murillo Ministries A woman with walking problems was healed by Jesus. We hear of them far away, but we need and desire revival here too We pray for revival across your l God first must create a divine order before he can manifest His glory. My wife and I are constantly encouraged by you. The Holy Spirit quickened our Spirit quickly hearing your words, and we decided to stop viewing the many prophets on our list. Facts are facts. Any way, FATHER, YOU want to send the FIRE OF REVIVAL-We are crying out: SEND THE FIRE OF YOUR HOLY SPIRITAS YOUR POWER CRUSHES THE GATES OF HELL, WHERE MULTIPLIED MILLIONS OF SOULS ARE POURING THROUGH THOSE GATES TO A DEVILs Amen. You put a humble cup of oil in a pond and it will slowly spread across the water. For all day long I have been plagued, and chastened every morning.. This is an excellent blog to do a heart check, and I was holding my breath hoping that I did not fit the picture of the negative responses. Marios estimated net worth is $890,546. -Gods Chaos Code: The Shocking Blueprint that Reveals 5 Keys to the Destiny of Nations Im 63, called to visit NH with increased empathy. Information about his parents and/or siblings is not available at the moment. Where we may be used in the lives of others, then use these vessels for your purposes and glory. Celebrating with and praying for those stewarding what God has brought to Asbury campus. Like Dutch Sheets said, lets apply Mateo 28. We need revival in this country, in this world and wherever people gather in the name of Christ is a good place a good thing. In Jesus name! She and the other two pioneer women with their orphans lived in a two-room log cabin for the first few years! Not called! did you say? Welcome to Flashpoint! A burden has been lifted from me. Ultimately, she needed to drink more water and continue drinking more water. The same way that 2020 and 2021 fooled them. May the Lord Jesus alone be magnified and Revival spread to the masses! He was first married to Pat, the Mechelle. We have been praying for a move of God and here it is! When are you coming to Indiana? In Jesus warning about false Messiahs, He said dont go out if they say the Messiah is in the desert or the secret chambers. Also in 1991, Mario preached in Los Angeles to a packed-out Shrine Auditorium. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. We need you. Thanks for staying true to the word of God. He said He would come He is here. Ive been praying that this generation would experience what we have in the past and learn to really fall in love with Jesus, the Father and the Holy Ghost for themselves. Holy Spirit is doing. Question is, where should we gather? We will be linking to this particularly great post on our site. One New Man Bible Mario Murillo is a famous Costa Rican footballer. Have I been blacklisted? The Bible lays out specific scenarios in which you should implement a fast. The first is this hunger in the people for God and truth. (1 Jn. I cast you out in Jesus name. by Mario Murillo | Jan 26, 2023 | Bible Study, Church & Ministry, Evangelism, Faith, Prophetic & Revival, Spirit-Led Living, Perhaps you read my previous blog entitled Mario, where have you been?, I went through a fiery ordeal before I obeyed God and wrote it. Amen & Amen!!!! When made aware of this the sinner must choose to repent: choose to go, and sin no more (as Jesus told the adultress). 1. Mission statement: to preach the Gospel to this generation and the next with ever increasing effectiveness The Good News has come to Hawaii and when I first heard what happened in Ashbury I couldnt hold back tears of thanksgiving and this lovely song came to mind: Its beginning to rain hear the voice of the Father, Saying whosoever will come drink of this water, I promise to pour my Spirit out on your sons and your daughters, If youre thirsty and dry, look up to the sky, v/1 Heres what happened next: And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. For the original article, visit our content partner at Diane and I love you Mario. The reason is because He wants to be recognized as present here, now, in every believers heart. Likewise, Paul did not have time to touch base with every false teacher before they rebuked them. His third wifes name is Rose. Students began to report healings, they would testify, that in the Name of Jesus, their sickness had vanished. Mario Murillo Issues New Prophetic Warnings About 2022 by MARIO MURILLO for Charisma News 2022 is going to fool a lot of people. I could close my eyes and feel I was there in the Presence of His Glory. The younger generation wants truth plain and simple. Most Pastors or Evangelists may cringe and not say a word to their Christian brother, but if there is wrong being said in the Body of Christ, then it need be addressed! May Our God See Harvest of Souls. We have heard much about how there is no big-time preacher or leader of this miracle at Asbury. Thank Lord Jesus, and Please let it keep going and growing! Then the fire that had begun during that Saturday night prayer meeting hit him. Robin D. Bullock (Robin D. Bullock Facebook page). Thank you for your blog. It is when the glory comes down that needs are met. Rejoicing where I am because our GOD is everywhere!! Amen! Of course Ill pray it will be led by the Holy Spirit. A preacher can feel like the Psalmist who said in Psalm 73:13-14,Surely, I have cleansed my heartinvain, and washed my hands in innocence. Birdie what a great name! My wife and I are praying for this to hit other schools across this land. Amen, Amen God is so Good. About Mario Murillo Mario Murillo rose from poverty in the Mission District of San Francisco. Rejoice my sister! Im excited that there is a move of the holy spirit on these young people. Im enjoying joining in when i see it on the internet. Ill be praying for Revival will break out in your residence! Lets be prayerful. His heart is for everyday Christians to understand and be aware of what's happening in the spirit realm around them. Begin with me,Lord Jesus! I was concerned for them at first with everyone going there, and realized the leadership has put some boundaries up for attendees. May the Lord bless you there, Birdie. We have lost young men and young women to suicide and drug overdose. The students rejected his efforts until a desperate prayer led to an unprecedented supernatural outpouring. I have been in that Chapel and Im familiar with the campus. Thanks Mario for great article. Marriage and Divorce. No matter what you pray and how long you pray, the breakthrough just isn't coming. We all benefit as we come together in unity! Now, with After School Satan Fasting is a spiritual weapon that can be used to bring breakthrough in the hardest situations in life. I pray this in His Mighty Name. Secondly, it needed to be grounded in repentance and humility. If you have not prayed this prayer over it, then do so with me as it is kingdom prayer that is used for advancing of the kingdom of God on earth, and it is mighty for revival. Those quasi-Christian cults like the Children of God Family or the Unification Church of Sun young Moon were typical of the deception trying to mimic what God was doing. Reveal the innermost Come Holy Spirit, dark is the hour, we need your filling, your love and your mighty power. A wise and insightful summary. Funny, my wife and I were in a nursing home yesterday visiting some friends. Praise God! So, we have not been forsaken! Set Scotland On Fire once again!! Ive been praying for revival in the Church. Am hoping and praying that it continues to spread to all, ALL, other colleges and universities. So pray that they just stay away from Asbury as God is at work! I live about an hour from Wilmore. He can and will if you be but the carrier! Mario impacted San Francisco in 1986, with the largest Christian gathering in a decade. We played worship music for them on our iPhone the Spirit entered that room and it was such a blessing to all of us! After one year together, he happily tied the knot with Dana Licciardello in Dallas, Texas. 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