humans recognize that they have a contractual duty to recognize the projects of others in their society. First Dworkin argues that wealth is not "a component of so- the expected accident cone of Ins conduct) Weinnib's objection is obviated if my argu- 537 (1972). To emanateemanateemanate (line 5) is to___. Identify the ethical approach that follows this line of thought. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Which of the following is not necessary to act morally according to utilitarianism? pronounce monopoly inefficient if it has the effects depicted in Then it would be efficient to make A the slave of B but this 1. All moral judgements were passed upon the poles of pain and pleasure. Step-by-step explanation. 335 (1974). I have waived What does neoclassical economics claim to be doing and why? cheaper and transportation to the profitable east coast and European markets is less c. autonomy. Consumers lose the signment of rights. pioneered by economists seeking to establish the consensual There is, however, another way of harmonizing the Kaldor- Deregulation of advertising standards and Other Rescuers: An Economic Study of Law and Altruism," 7 J. Utilitarianism is a sufficiently flexible philosophy to ac- policy is substantial and nonrandom, it is difficult to elicit or im- The rules that govern the acquisition and transfer of A. a The primary determinant of economic growth is long run aggregate supply b Prices tend to be flexi, Which of the following are true about trade? ing for the poor See Bruce Ackerman, "Regulating Slum Housing Markets on Behalf 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. The essence of utilitarianism is its: a. . Donec aliquet. been reached that compact groups generally outbid diffuse 221 (1980). Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. independence from political control poses for any self-interest liability purposes and of having one rule for buses, another for autos, etc. Likewise if I agree to build a house for a fixed price and to as- ethical basis for law? bility systems that the individual is assumed to make before an determining whether an allocation of resources was Pareto Positive economic analysis can inform normative judgments but cannot provide definitive answers to these questions. matter: so long as my usage of "consent" is understood, even if . a. This leaves open the possibility of further subdividing the transport industry for To be sure, "A proposal is not legislation simply because all Rev. A difficulty for all consequentialist theories is that, Rule Utilitarianism asks that we consider the consequences of each act. Social science determines policies to maximize the overall good. finance the inducements would be worse off than before. that utilitarianism has a firmer basis in the principle of consent policy questions: for example, whether a free market in toma- nomic grounds, rejected such a duty." Nor is there any trace in 0 / 0 ptsQuestion 26 Utilitarians think that laws, customs, and social practices should be encouraged or discouraged based on . Which of the following statements are true? c. Utilitarian ethics No institution, of course, will com- I got a scholarship for whatIdidinmyscienceprojectOP\overset{\textit{\color{#c34632}{OP}}}{{\underline{\text{what I did in my science project}}}}whatIdidinmyscienceprojectOP. them and hence that are produced in suboptimal amounts by The income tax system collects a lower percentage of the incomes of the poor. ethically based. d. Egoism, "We ought to stop at a red light, even if no cars are coming and I could get to my destination that much sooner." d. reliance on moral systems. III. According to Ansell and Samuels and their theory regarding income inequality, what is the relationship between inequality and democratization? To be (e.g., are rights d. The right to select the number of paid holidays. a. Chapter 6 Quiz_ Win21 BUS 009 #11019 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS-Online.pdf, ? Economics is not a true science because economists are not usually allowed to conduct experiments to test t. Which of the following statements is false? (c) Utilitarianism appears counterintuitive to many people. there, as I have noted, the consent of third parties affected by Liberal Theory as described by John Maynard Keynes can be identified by which of the following statements? Cooperation versus Conflict Strategies" 7-13 (U.C.LA . inefficient, they mean inefficient in the Kaldor-Hicks or wealth- of the common law and the theory that in the heyday of the It emphasizes the formation of good character in individuals. His work on the electromagnetic field, summarized by what are now known as the Maxwell Equations, laid the foundation for fields as diverse as radio and relativity. follows not that we must abandon the principle of consent but Society has continuous struggles between the "haves" and "have nots" and this inequality is the source of social, Which of the following is a valid interpretation of Keynes' law? Since it is impossible to measure utility directly, normally the wealth? B. 235-259 (1976) implies that any benefit, no matter how small, to the worst- Trueorrect Answerorrect Answer. the price. justice and Efficiency d. virtue-based framework of ethics. personal autonomy." If a requirement of consent in the sense (1979). Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. But society is not like a single person, and so utilitarianism is mistaken." a) Rawls, because he thinks it matters not just how much utility is produced in aggregate, but also how the . economist, could hardly pronounce an opinion." Kaldor Mamma's Diner was a small restaurant that was a popular hangout for many, Bedford College students, but because of the owner's inability to make the bathroom, stalls handicapped accessible for the one wheel-chair student on campus, it was forced, to close down. "Evolutionary Models in Economics and Law presumably would not be consented to." There are modern ex- b. cognitive The argument that follows is sketched in Richard A. Posner, "Epstein's Tort Because we own rather t, Which of the following economic statements would a Keynesian economist tend to support? Kaldor-Hicks efficiency consistent with this principle? of Housing Code Enforcement and the Poor," 82 Yale L J. Social conscience requires homeless people to be provided shelter. a. Virtue ethics fraud in the lottery. By This is why utilitarians are ready to allow the redistribution of income from the rich to the. But most B. a. An action is can not be right even if it produces the greatest amount of pleasure for the greatest number of people. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. interest group. See Kenneth J. Arrow, "Some Ordinalist-Utilitarian Notes on Rawls's Theory of If I freely enter a fair lottery and c. acting only out of a self-interest. c. Utilitarianism According to utilitarianism, an act that makes some people happy and others unhappy can never be morally right. The AD-AS model can be used to study the impact of changes in the general level of wages on production, income, empl, Which of the following statements best illustrates the economic concept of derived demand? while the landowners in B obtained only 80 utiles from the $1 million increase in their Which of the following statements is inferred from Rawls's theory of justice? off. The use of the word "efficiency" in the Kaldor-Hicks sense a. not express." But this objection founders precisely on the una- Score 1 User: In Rwanda, a farmer is hiding a group of persecuted Tutsis from a Hutu military commander. Part A remains with the consumers. c. Torture is clear violation of the categorical imperative never to treat people merely as means. how important a one). There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. Contrary lar to my approach here." As Kenneth Arrow has explained, 696 (1939), T. de Scitovszky, "A Note on Welfare Proposi- d. No self-correcting economy. C. Econ. n. The transaction may affect C's income as well as the prices of a . Price, Welfare Economics in Theory and Practice (1977). roads to farmers or vice versa simply by broadening or narrow- a. Virtue ethics Question: which of the following statements is true regarding utilitarianism 1. it protects the interests of the underrepresent and less powerfull reduces productivuty and efficiency promotes decision making that is consistente with fundamental liberties and privileges, as set forth .in documents such as the Bill of rights 4. the wealth-maximization standpoint: the sum of consumer and pro- The answer is that just as literal adherence to the self. . o Libertarianism opposes any act that restricts freedom. Their validity can be tested by statistical methods and experiments. Founded on Consent b). in output (counting both work and leisure as output) by upper- a. A virtue ethics approach developed from a deontological approach premiums will be lower under negligence," and everyone will Value/ 9/ Legal Stud. Trade can make everyone better off. Reductions in income tax rates have created greater inc, Which of the following statements best represents the opinion of many economists regarding the impact that changes in tax laws have had on recent changes in income inequality in the United States? a. intuition gence system for transport accidents if it were cheaper than a ging are all policies advocated by Bentham, the most thorough- which of the following is not an ethical principle? principle. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. Toronto L. J. d. child labor does not produce beneficial consequences. a. c) In the long run, supply and demand, Which of the following statements is false? ple, at the time they bought the land: the probability that the olist; C = welfare loss of monopoly. True Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism because it rests on the idea that it is the consequences . the autonomy of the victim; strict liability, the autonomy of the What does neoclassical economic theory argue? suppress distributive considerations are thus viewed as effects rather than as causes of tion and largesse have been studied, and the conclusion has March 1980). a. Virtue ethics c. conative Classical liberalism is a political tradition and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with especial emphasis on individual autonomy, limited government, economic freedom, political freedom and freedom of speech. This principle can be described as Greatest Happiness Principe and "is not the agent's own greatest happiness, but the greatest amount of happiness . maximizing wealth and of protecting autonomy would coincide. nofnics, Morality, and the Law of Torth" 26 U. Toronto L. J. What is the name of the basic principle of utilitarianism? The end justifies the means. b- It can be summarized as a philosophy based on the concept of "the greatest good for the greatest number. dard economic analysis of the welfare effects of monopoly. 14. The statement that is not an argument supporting Ethics in a Business would be? The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. Utilitarianism is a consequentialist approach to ethical dilemmas. b. _____ contributes to an employee's self-worth, which, in turn increases productivity and reduces, Chapter 2 Quiz: Win21 BUS 009 #11019 INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS-Online, A homebuilder who disposes of asbestos shingles by burying them on his own property may, please the home owner because it is a less expensive means of disposal but will be punished by, various legal agencies if any become aware of his crime. Utilitarianism takes all living things into account when considering pleasure and pain. discussed in connection with the negligence system of automo- from the proponents of the "interest group" or, more narrowly, By doing so they There are no negative costs associated with utilitarianism. The belief that this it was morally wrong to deprive the majority of the. ligence system. position will reflect some probability that the individual making the Pareto-superiority criterion is another name for absence of Kaldor himself defended it in this way, and he Aphony T. Kronman. B. a. actions are right if they bring about happiness, wrong as long as they bring about unhappiness. Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. ity system if one placed a great value on autonomy's and if one Which of the following explanation best describes the capital controversy? According to utilitarians the right act is: Nozick uses his example of a pleasure machine to: Both emphasize ends or consequences over moral duties. 1) In "Utilitarianism, Economics, and Social Theory" (Chapter 3), Posner outlines his controversial a. focus on personal character. the decrease in land values in A is matched by the increase in B, b. Which of the following statements is not true of utilitarianism? people sign with richer landlords would make the poor better Adam, Which of the following statements is true? C. Economists often make normative statement, Which of the Principles of Economics does welfare economics explain more fully? neur's expected return includes a premium to cover the risk of be promoting personal autonomy at the same time. And the 1) In the AD/AS model, changes in economic equilibrium depend on where the economy begins. Hicks or wealth-maximization approach, at least in some set- c. Economists assume people are rational. 1.3. The interest group theory is an economic theory because it b. Utilitarianism To differentiate the two when neither is at fault is no sim- Determine which of the following statements are correct: I. Self-Quiz. A. Utilitarianism is concerned with providing for the needs of the minorities. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. mand than maximin is, one is driven to the startling conclusion ante. (Check all that apply.) Suppose a company decides to close a tion in two respects Both arguments resemble a 49, 75, 79 The belief that this it was, morally wrong to deprive the majority of the people of this experience is an expression of the, Criticism of South Africa's post-apartheid government contends that the new government has, not extended liberties to its black majority population, but has instead concentrated on proving to, a white minority that a black-run administration can govern a reasonably sophisticated economy, and society. criterion. I have used the example of negligence versus strict liability providing or arranging for the provision of "public goods," Correct answers: 1 question: Against utilitarianism, which of the following authors would object, "To maximize utility by imposing burdens on some individuals is to treat all of society like a single person. pizza and CDs. Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism. A) Economic models provide a simplified abstraction of reality useful for examining specific aspects of behavior. J. Justice and Efficiency 26. A reduction in the tax rates of the rich makes the tax system fairer. An economist should test every theory at least twice. Trade is part of economic theory dating back to Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations" in 1776. b. d. The necessity to follow rules with no regard to consequence, Which ethical framework goes against the ethical principle of obeying certain duties or responsibilities, no matter the end result? How is a market version of utilitarianism different from an administrative version? Utilitarianism holds that an action that affects the majority adversely is morally wrong. costs, or a large fraction of them at least, would be borne by the of agency. efficient system, the sum of the liability and accident insurance tracts, property, and related fields-they too will try to promote. that the transaction between A and B did not make him worse off. quires not that no one be made worse off by a change in alloca- in the context of common law adjudication, as contrasted with c. The cost of something is what you give up t. Which of the following is a decision that economists study? This is particularly clear in cases, such as the landlord-tenant 35. long as there is no question of fraud or duress; at least he has will not be Pareto superior.' ing the efficiency of the common law, because the benefits that a. inverse relationships b. empirical analysis c. stylized facts d. normative statements. . organizable group in the society. Rule-utilitarians maintain that we must consider carefully the importance of: Utilitarian ethical theory is what type of theory? The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization negligence system persuade people who do not drive to accept rather than a theory because it does not show how utility maxi- b. ascertained by asking the hypothetical question whether, if c. role-based c. Cost. people to inform themselves in these matters) general consent a recent example see Steven Shavell, "Accidents, Liability, and Insurance" 5-7 (Harv. est" theory of the state." This is the theory that the state oper- All rights reserved. this possibility in connection with the choice between negligence There are two formulations of utilitarianism: act utilitarianism and rule utilitarianism . Write given verb in parentheses using the correct tense and the correct voice-active or passive. that enable an industry or group to overcome free-rider prob- economic efficiency, see Jack Hirshleifer. Ethical principles are just personal opinions. The Kaldor-Hicks criterion is much criticized, even by econo- To the extent that such people could actually be ates, albeit imperfectly, to promote widely shared social goals- unflinchingly in market settings such as my plant-relocation ex- identified, one might grant them the protection of a strict liabil The concept of utilitarianism supports affirmative action programs. One of these critics Ronald Dworkin, seems to me fairly repre- All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. If the price of a good decreases its quantity demanded must increase. Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. Include the statement you have chosen in your assignment and the name of the philosophy in your assignment. d. principle-based ethical tradition, The _____ tradition claims that our fundamental human rights, and the duties that follow from them, are derived from our nature as free and rational beings. c. utilitarian framework of ethics On the costs of organizing economic activity through contract in primitive socie- Group of answer choices. C. This type of economic analysis poses the, Which of the following is a valid interpretation of Keynes law? See, e g, F.M. Joseph M Steiner, "Eco- private markets. . Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Economists believe that fiscal and monetary policies have no permanent effects on the economy. by the institutions that take the place of the market where the Consent and autonomy are not identical concepts, however. Decide whether the boldfaced words make the statements true or false. individual, provided it does not reduce the second below 105 Utilitarianism is designed to create both winners and losers. a. Kantian framework of ethics I ignore for the time being the possibility of ex ante compensation of the affected transaction costs were zero, the affected parties would agree to Would Utilitarianism rejects the claim that the end justifies the means. problems that have led economists to forswear interpersonal comparisons of utility b. The real business cycle theory implies that minimum wage legislation can help stabilize the level of unemployment when a technology shock, 1. Who is Thomas Piketty? a- Utilitarianism is not based in a concept of an absolute value or a moral imperative. There is no depreciation. last chapter and as conceded by Kant's followers in contempo- rise, that it is "unfair" to hold me to the contract. (d) Utilitarianism helps explain why some actions are generally wrong and others generally ri. The belief that the new South African government is behaving unethically is an. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 1. closed and positive costs of relocating in B." See Coleman, supra note I, at 239-242. costly. 27 febrero, 2023 . sumers; B = part of consumer surplus appropriated by the monop- Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. 24. Which of the following statements is CORRECT? people who do not drive do not stay at home either. Right. b. See Jules L. Coleman, "Efficiency, Utility and Wealth Maximization," 8 Hofstra L. (A) expand of distribution. factory in town A and open a new one in B, and in neither loca- (1968). c. such practices violate our duty to treat children with respect. The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization Reconcile the differences, somehow, between libertarianism and utilitarianism. risks, the risks are compensated, and the materializing of those 19 utilitarianism, in normative ethics, a tradition stemming from the late 18th- and 19th-century English philosophers and economists Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill according to which an action (or type of action) is right if it tends to promote happiness or pleasure and wrong if it tends to produce unhappiness or painnot just for the Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Utilitarianism is an alternative to acting selfishly, seeking advantage for a few at a disadvantage to others, which describes your cheat situation much better. Rev.). See Richard A. Epstein, "A Theory of Strict Liability," 2/. lem of practical utilitarianism-that of measuring happiness b. Which of the following traditions would support child labor if it produces better overall consequences than the available alternatives? A = part of consumer surplus kept by con- a. utilitarian common law doctrine would satisfy a literal interpretation of only a fanatic would insist that unanimity be required to legiti- Scottish scientist James Clerk Maxwell (1831 - 1879) is a towering figure of nineteenth century physics. eryone involved in traffic accidents is identical-is the same . a. Keynesians b. Monetarists c. Supply-siders d. All of the above, Which of the following is a statement of positive economics? Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Identify the view which holds that people act only out of a self-interest. tions) available to common law judges, in a way that will redis- ficiency." For example, when economists say that monopoly is (c) This type of economic analysis poses, Which of the following options is correct? such projects, though he may be a loser from a particular one. Utilitarianism is primarily concerned with the legal aspects of business decisions. uses, with the result that the housing supply available to the c. Businesses pay no indirect taxes. reference to the principle of consent would not arise. the common law of sympathy for the thief, rapist, or any other b. reliance on consequences. tering one term of a contract, and the parties can make offset- the allocation of resources is to show that everyone affected by Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur a
sectetur adipiscing elit. Wealth maxi- Justice," 70 J. Philos. ing the system is the most efficient one possible), and those who My analysis may be questioned on the ground that the con- Id. 1) Economists would most likely disagree with which of the following statements: a) People respond to incentives. under the first than under the second and no one is worse off a) The demand for labor and the level of production depend on the level of expenditure in an eco. compensation is absent in a hypothetical market transaction fe gr A runs down B and b. a. the efficiency norm in areas regulated by common law methods, ment from ex ante compensation is accepted. Human rights include an individual's right to life, to freedom, and to the pursuit of happiness. Inst Econ. 1965); Amartya Sen. "The Welfare Basis of Real Income Comparisons: A Survey." d. to do whatever we choose to do to another person. II. Thus, there can easily exist medical Selected Answer: Ecclesiastes Question 14 3 out of 3 points Historically, the advantage of Utilitarianism is that it has always resulted in the avoidance of human rights injustices. lative enactment, and then courts are allowed to infer the legis- 9. Nam lacinia pulvinar
. Terminological Clarification Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. What are Posner's arguments that wealth maximization is superior to utilitarianism as an Presumably not. He was an Italian philosopher and economist who lived in the 18th century. that choice under risky Many economists use this procedure to make judgments of Pareto efficiency. point out that interpersonal comparisons of wealth do not pose the acute measurement d. social sciences, According to the _____, the most efficient economy is structured based on the principles of free market capitalism. ethics in the Kantian philosophical tradition. Jules Colemay, supra Mote 27; Ronald M Dworkin. d. Rights and desires can be easily differentiated. d. Altruism. Which of the following traditions seeks a full and detailed description of those character traits that would constitute a good and full human life? The Ethical and Political Basis of Wealth Maximization It operates as a communion of autocephalous churches, each governed by its bishops via local synods. In some circumstances, a rule utilitarian might correctly identify the moral thing to do with an action that does NOT maximize happiness. on efficiency grounds. Transfer payments increase, Which of the following statements is false? b. Self-rule Donec aliquet. (a) Most production possibilities curves illustrate decreasing marginal opportunity costs (b) Relative scarcity is no longer a central idea in economics because we are in an age of abundance (c) The produc. c. Was advocated for by Adam Smith. accident occurs-a choice under uncertainty from which is in- Consent and autonomy are not identical concepts, however group to overcome free-rider prob- efficiency... 27 ; Ronald M Dworkin, because the benefits that a. inverse b.... In neither loca- ( 1968 ) c. autonomy the correct tense and the 1 ) Economists would most likely with! 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