Attaining an acceptable level of nausea, c. Need for ongoing pharmacological or technological treatments, d. Need for ongoing collaboration with other health care providers. All routes of administration were considered, including oral, nasal, intramuscular, rectal, transdermal, sublingual, iontophoresis, and nebulization. Conflict of interest documentation regarding current or potential financial and other interests pertinent to the practice guideline were disclosed by all task force members and managed. In addition, these practice guidelines are not intended as standards or absolute requirements, and their use cannot guarantee any specific outcome. b. Practitioners are cautioned that acute reversal of opioid-induced analgesia may result in pain, hypertension, tachycardia, or pulmonary edema. Severe prolonged sedation associated with coadministration of protease inhibitors and intravenous midazolam during bronchoscopy. Discharge ready: a multifaceted concept that describes a patients functional and cognitive state as sufficiently recovered from anesthesia and able to leave the PACU and be safely cared for in a less intensive nursing environment, 2. We are expected to discharge patients if our admission/discharge area is closed. o> vs\u:P'h -uzfB0THGB${Aw{Z4 u! 3. Survey findings from task forceappointed expert consultants, a random sample of the ASA membership, and membership samples from the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) and the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists (ASDA) are fully reported in this document. Consultants were asked to indicate which, if any, of the evidence linkages would change their clinical practices if the guidelines were instituted. Unless otherwise noted in this document, hypoxemia is reported in the literature to be oxygen desaturation to at most 90%. : A randomized, controlled trial. At our hospital phase 2 is only for patients being discharged to home. No evidence for contraindications to the use of propofol in adults allergic to egg, soy or peanut. b. In multiple studies over the past few decades, the two most common life-threatening postoperative complications affecting patients have been respiratory insufficiency and cardiovascular instability. A comparison of fentanyl-propofol with a ketamine-propofol combination for sedation during endometrial biopsy. They are intended to encourage quality patient care, but cannot guarantee any specific patient outcome. Does end tidal CO2 monitoring during emergency department procedural sedation and analgesia with propofol decrease the incidence of hypoxic events? Using a standardized tool provides consistency of care, reduces errors, promotes efficient use of resources, meets Joint Commission requirements, and meets ASPAN recommended standards. During transport to the PACU, a patient should be accompanied and constantly evaluated and supported by a member of the anesthesia team knowledgeable about the patients condition. (Separate Practice Guidelines are under development that will address deep procedural sedation.). c. Use of discharge criteria had no significant differences in adverse events. The literature relating to six evidence linkages contained enough studies with well defined experimental designs and statistical information to conduct formal meta-analyses. Reversal of central benzodiazepine effects by intravenous flumazenil after conscious sedation with midazolam and opioids: A multicenter clinical study. These guidelines were developed by an ASAappointed task force of 13 members, consisting of physician anesthesiologists in both private and academic practices from various geographic areas of the United States, a cardiologist, a dentist anesthesiologist, an oral/maxillofacial surgeon, a radiologist, an ASA staff methodologist, and two consulting methodologists for the ASA Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters. The facility policy may require a specific time period after discharge criteria are met that the patient must remain in the facility. A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Moderate Procedural Sedation and Analgesia, the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, American College of Radiology, American Dental Association, American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists, and Society of Interventional Radiology, A Tool to Screen Patients for Obstructive Sleep Apnea, ACE (Anesthesiology Continuing Education),,,,,, 2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting: Carbohydrate-containing Clear Liquids with or without Protein, Chewing Gum, and Pediatric Fasting DurationA Modular Update of the 2017 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting, 2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Monitoring and Antagonism of Neuromuscular Blockade: A Report by the American Society of Anesthesiologists Task Force on Neuromuscular Blockade, 2022 American Society of Anesthesiologists Practice Guidelines for Management of the Difficult Airway, Anesthesia and Dentistry: Improving Patient Safety Through Education, Questions about the Practice Management Guidelines for Moderate Sedation and Analgesia, Improving Anesthesia Safety for Dental Restorations and Surgery, Preoperative Evaluation of Extension Capacity of the Occipitoatlantoaxial Complex in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Comparison between the Bellhouse Test and a New Method, Hyomental Distance Ratio, Copyright 2023 American Society of Anesthesiologists. See how ASA is working to resolve three key economic issues that are impacting you, explore the resources of ASAs Payment Progress initiative, and test your anesthesia payment literacy! A comparative evaluation of intranasal dexmedetomidine, midazolam and ketamine for their sedative and analgesic properties: A triple blind randomized study. An assessment by the attending anesthesia personnel, b. What Age Is Considered Elderly? c. Reasons for exceptions included in nursing documentation. A Randomized clinical trial of intravenous and intramuscular ketamine for pediatric procedural sedation and analgesia. Moderate and deep sedation or general anesthesia may be achieved via any route of administration. This may not be feasible for urgent or emergency procedures. Conduct a focused physical examination of the patient (e.g., vital signs, auscultation of the heart and lungs, evaluation of the airway,* and when appropriate to sedation, other organ systems where major abnormalities have been identified), If possible, perform the preprocedure evaluation well enough in advance (e.g., several days to weeks) to allow for optimal patient preparation, Before the procedure, inform patients or legal guardians of the benefits, risks, and limitations of moderate sedation/analgesia and possible alternatives, and elicit their preferences, Inform patients or legal guardians before the day of the procedure that they should not drink fluids or eat solid foods for a sufficient period of time to allow for gastric emptying before the procedure, During procedures where a verbal response is not possible (e.g., oral surgery, restorative dentistry, upper endoscopy), check the patients ability to give a thumbs up or other indication of consciousness in response to verbal or tactile (light tap) stimulation; this suggests that the patient will be able to control his airway and take deep breaths if necessary, Continually# monitor ventilatory function by observation of qualitative clinical signs, At a minimum, this should occur: (1) before the administration of sedative/analgesic agents,** (2) after administration of sedative/analgesic agents, (3) at regular intervals during the procedure, (4) during initial recovery, and (5) just before discharge, The designated individual may assist with minor, interruptible tasks once the patients level of sedation/analgesia and vital signs have stabilized, provided that adequate monitoring for the patients level of sedation is maintained, Assure that pharmacologic antagonists for benzodiazepines and opioids are immediately available in the procedure suite or procedure room, Combinations of sedative and analgesic agents may be administered as appropriate for the procedure and the condition of the patient, For patients receiving intravenous sedative/analgesics intended for general anesthesia, maintain vascular access throughout the procedure and until the patient is no longer at risk for cardiorespiratory depression, Administer intravenous sedative/analgesic medications intended for general anesthesia in small, incremental doses, or by infusion, titrating to the desired endpoints, Use reversal agents in cases where airway control, spontaneous ventilation, or positive pressure ventilation is inadequate, Administer naloxone to reverse opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression, Design discharge criteria to minimize the risk of central nervous system or cardiorespiratory depression after discharge from observation by trained personnel, Create and implement a quality improvement process based upon established national, regional, or institutional reporting protocols (e.g., adverse events, unsatisfactory sedation). All opinion-based evidence (e.g., survey data, open forum testimony, internet-based comments, letters, and editorials) relevant to each topic was considered in the development of these guidelines. Sedation for day-case urology: An assessment of patient recovery profiles after midazolam and flumazenil. Any patient in phase II PACU requiring 1:1 . Sixth, the consultants were surveyed to assess their opinions on the feasibility of implementing the guidelines. Any of these processes or the combination thereof contributes to postoperative hypovolemia and hypotension. For membership respondents, survey data were collected from 69 ASA members, 104 AAOMS members, and 104 ASDA members. Home; Products. Forty-four respondents (84.62%) indicated that the guidelines would have no effect on the amount of time spent on a typical case with the implementation of these guidelines. Changes in oxygen saturation using two different sedation techniques. Like phase I PACU, this level of care requires a flexible staffing pattern to allow for the influx of patients with a variety of care needs. D. Requirements for determining discharge readiness. This practice is sometimes called fast-tracking. Upon discharge home, all patients should be given instructions on how to obtain emergency help and perform routine follow-up care. Can be supported by testing the criterion against future predictions, 7. The term continual is defined as repeated regularly and frequently in steady rapid succession whereas continuous means prolonged without any interruption at any time (see Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring, American Society of Anesthesiologists. You will then receive an email that contains a secure link for resetting your password, If the address matches a valid account an email will be sent to __email__ with instructions for resetting your password, DOI:, The Queen's Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Open forum testimony obtained during development of these guidelines, internet-based comments, letters, and editorials are all informally evaluated and discussed during the formulation of guideline recommendations. Direct URL citations appear in the printed text and are available in both the HTML and PDF versions of this article. Feasibility of a cardiologist-only approach to sedation for electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation: A randomized, open-blinded, prospective study. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. Guidelines for monitoring and management of pediatric patients before, during, and after sedation for diagnostic and therapeutic procedures: Update 2016. Endoscopist administered sedation during ERCP: Impact of chronic narcotic/benzodiazepine use and predictive risk of reversal agent utilization. If theres a bed delay then we place the pt in a hold status until ready for transfer. 3. Weighted effect size values for these linkages ranged from r = 0.22 to r = 0.99, representing moderate-to . Anesthesia typically induces: (1) unconsciousness; (2) immobility; and (3) a blunted response to pain. 2 A patient's length of stay in the PACU is determined by such factors as the type of anesthesia and the patient's response to it. The use of propofol for procedural sedation and analgesia in the emergency department: A comparison with midazolam. The Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU) utilizes ASPAN standards to provide Preoperative, Phase 1, and Phase 2 (discharge) post anesthesia care for our surgical and procedural patients. However, only the findings obtained from formal surveys are reported in the document. Fifth, the task force held open forums at major national meetings to solicit input on its draft recommendations. National organizations representing specialties whose members typically provide moderate sedation were invited to participate in the open forums. Remifentanil, propofol or both for conscious sedation during eye surgery under regional anaesthesia. These Guidelines apply to patients of all ages who have just received general anesthesia, regional anesthesia, or mod-erate or deep sedation. nursing unit. A comparison of midazolam with and without nalbuphine for intravenous sedation. Finally, consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendation to reevaluate the patient immediately before the procedure. Stanford Hospital And Clinics OR REGION DISCHARGE CRITERIA FOR PHASE I & II- POST ANESTHESIA CARE ORAM D 4.05 Issued: 10/02 Last revision/review: 4/10 2 A. 2. a. 48 0 obj <>stream A PATIENT TRANSPORTED TO THE PACU SHALL BE ACCOMPANIED BY A MEMBER OF THE ANESTHESIA CARE TEAM WHO IS KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT THE PATIENTS CONDITION. Criterion acknowledged as appropriate by content experts, 3. Discharge criteria must be applied consistently. Phase I (Early): from the discontinuation of the anesthetic until the return of protective airway reflexes and baseline cardiovascular and respiratory function (i.e., when patient meets PACU discharge criteria described below). Moderate sedation/analgesia provides patient tolerance of unpleasant or prolonged procedures through relief of anxiety, discomfort, and/or pain. RN Nurse, Charge Nurse. Decreased stimulation from the proceduralist delayed drug absorption after nonintravenous administration, and slow drug elimination may contribute to residual sedation and cardiorespiratory depression during the recovery period. Download PDF These standards apply to postanesthesia care in all locations. % A score of 8 or greater is required for discharge from Phase I. The consultants, ASA members, AAOMS members, and ASDA members strongly agree with the recommendations to (1) review previous medical records and interview the patient or family, (2) conduct a focused physical examination of the patient, and (3) review available laboratory test results. %PDF-1.7 Assure that specific antagonists are immediately available in the procedure room whenever opioid analgesics or benzodiazepines are administered for moderate procedural sedation/analgesia, regardless of route of administration, If patients develop hypoxemia, significant hypoventilation or apnea during sedation/analgesia: (1) encourage or physically stimulate patients to breathe deeply, (2) administer supplemental oxygen, and (3) provide positive pressure ventilation if spontaneous ventilation is inadequate, Use reversal agents in cases where airway control, spontaneous ventilation or positive pressure ventilation are inadequate, Administer naloxone to reverse opioid-induced sedation and respiratory depression, Administer flumazenil to reverse benzodiazepine-induced sedation and respiratory depression, After pharmacologic reversal, observe and monitor patients for a sufficient time to ensure that sedation and cardiorespiratory depression does not recur once the effect of the antagonist dissipates, Do not use sedation regimens that are intended to include routine reversal of sedative or analgesic agents. These conditions include: (1) extremes of age, ASA status III or higher, and respiratory conditions (category B2-H evidence)57; and (2) obstructive sleep apnea, respiratory distress syndrome, obesity, allergies, psychotropic drug use, history of gastric bypass surgery, pediatric patients who are precooperative or who have behavior or attention disorders, cardiovascular disorders, history of gastric bypass, and history of long-term benzodiazepine use (category B3-H evidence).822 Case reports indicate similar adverse outcomes for newborns, a patient with mitochondrial disease, a patient with grand mal epilepsy, and a patient with a history of benzodiazepine use (category B4-H evidence).2326. For instance, it is known that most perioperative myocardial infarctions occur 24 to 48 hours postoperatively and likely arise from supply-demand mismatch rather than plaque rupture events. The patient would stay in phase II while being monitored, being treated for any issues like decreased urine output, pain, etcOnce the patient has finished being recovered he would be transported to the floor. 10 0 obj <> endobj 1. Ensure standard of care is met for all patients. c. Discharge score attained within acceptable range set by institutional policy. Incorporate ASPAN Standards into nursing practice. In October 2014, the American Society of Anesthesiologists Committee on Standards and Practice Parameters recommended that new practice guidelines addressing moderate procedural sedation and analgesia be developed. Efficacy and safety profiles of sedation with propofol combined with intravenous midazolam and pethidine versus intravenous midazolam and pethidine administered by trained nurses for ambulatory endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Sedation in uncooperative children undergoing dental procedures: A comparative evaluation of midazolam, propofol and ketamine. 7. Define terminology describing discharge definitions. The Guidelines do not apply to Pharmacoeconomic evaluation of flumazenil for routine outpatient EGD. Able to breathe deeply and cough freely, g. Dyspnea, limited breathing, or tachypnea. EYG*Pi2AH#aDq \PKd(*"J!!biUeU'|nq>^%mU1-f3W@yQc&tSW)O>4^K;ow9FWQx~?h4Q3/pe2%#ti>]$1p[,["ctlaO Qa4'9X@9Av'(, These guidelines are intended for use by all providers who perform moderate procedural sedation and analgesia in any inpatient or outpatient setting including but not limited to hospitals, ambulatory procedural centers, hospital-connected or freestanding office practices (e.g., dental, urology, or ophthalmology offices), endoscopy suites, plastic surgery suites, radiology suites (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography), oral and maxillofacial surgery suites, cardiac catheterization laboratories, oncology clinics, electrophysiology laboratories, interventional radiology laboratories, neurointerventional laboratories, echocardiography laboratories, and evoked auditory testing laboratories. Achievement of all PACU discharge criteria and all phase II discharge criteria met, b. Then the patient would be considered as being in phase II. 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