For menthol I just added some mint leaves. The dried leaves should have a slightly sweet smell from the curing process. It may give the bud a little better burn just like you can add a leaf to a jar for a short time to keep the bud from drying out. Anyhow, I ordered from them and began growing. Trying to beat the election and all the false promises. Answer: You keep them, yellowing means that they're partly cured. Fermentation is the limiting factor for hobbyist!3) Finally aging which we are all familiar with, which includes factory storage and storage in a humidor. Answer: An airtight container's a good idea, but I can't tell you how long the tobacco will last. Question: I have been hanging first tobacco leaves for two weeks in the green house and they going brown already. I've been drawing from T.A. I am thinking about trying this year for the first time. Just let the plants grow as shown in my hub, don't fuss over them as they're hardy, just make sure that they have at least a 2 ft spacing from each other or other plants, they'll transplant OK at this size if you have to, but better if you don't as it checks their growth, not a great worry. An attic or garage rafters are great, provided you still have headroom. Isn't it possible to sterilize the pile of tobacco and stop all the fermentation by having temperature too high? bumptious bureaucrats and politicians are revolting species, but i believe there's a special spot reserved in hell for those that don white coats and the mantle of 'oficial'. Growing nicotiana rustica here in ohio. Also worked very well last year on fully dried tobacco. Adrian Rankin-Maclean on August 10, 2020: Very informative article I tried many years ago to grow tobacco, plants grew fine but mucked up the curing process, I want to flavour the stuff for pipe smoking, I have a very large jar of glycerine in the garage could I use that with port and brandy, spray the leaf, let dry, then press and mature but for how long - best guess for a guide pls, also I want to give some hand rolling tobacco to my colleagues at Christmas, I'm harvesting and curing now,(August) once dried I'm putting it in a plastic air tight box, will that be long enough time for it to mellow/mature. Question: I bought some homegrown tobacco but it has a dark greenish look to it. How to Tell How Old Cigarettes Are and If Theyre Stale. Tobacco grows best in places that are dry and warm. The best time of year to dry outdoors is during the harvest season, end of Summer, before the first frost, humidity is typically perfect in most areas of the USA. . I'll certainly digg it and individually suggest to my friends. :). Trying my hand at growing these babies indoors.wish me luck :). From a broader perspective, there are a few variables that influence how tobacco ages. Questions by inquiring hobbist , answers by me, (Surf Monkey Coconut)!.Q: Cool setup- never seen it done like that before. The most obvious answer, but not necessarily the right one, is trying different seeds. I could not tho do that on a dozen or so plants. Awesome article!!! I've found this setup makes the temperature get much too high, (due to the excellent insulation of the cooler, the cooler gets cumulatively hotter and hotter). Haven't noticed. You'll learn by experiment to get the tobacco the way that you like it. Would also be interested to read the article you mentioned on distilling but can't find it? I am going to scour around and see if I can find some seeds. 50% of these commercial growers cure for between 7 and 14 days. Death to all bullfrogs, bumptious bureaucrats and politicians!! The shortest cure was 5 days and the longest cure was an initial 3 weeks followed by 6 - 8 more weeks in jars. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Answer: The bottom leaves are possibly ready to harvest, I can't accurately assess why some of your leaves have white spots as it's a problem that I haven't encountered so far. In the next batch I think I will see if placing the leaves in a large plastic bag will work better. He left the element on about 150 C for a few days. It will grow in pretty much any type of soil you have. Youll need to keep the humidity relatively high to keep the leaves from drying too quickly. If you need more seed google King Seeds in Katikati, (I've a link in the text). The following is a helpful "Q and A" following this project. Any concerns of the foam smell transferring to the tobacco?A: I know the foam smell you are talking about, Its an undeniable chemically semi-sweet smellI've experienced it in the past when using a hot wire to cut foam blocksno doubt very toxic! chop up the leaves and smoke 'em. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on November 07, 2015: Hi quicksand, long time no hear, How's it going? This article was co-authored by wikiHow Staff. Having my first try at it and given I'm in the far north east of Scotland I'm having quite good results so far, that said been an unusually good Sumer. I did see a fermenter made of ply-wood, and i can tell ya, that one would most definitely off gas formaldehyde and other such chemicals found in the adhesives.Q: So you haven't noticed any sort of ammonia smell coming from the tobacco?A: I really haven't! In my past experience as well as experiences in this fermenter, insulating foam is for the most part stable and inert; It won't off-gas unless it is melting. Tho it is now. Now, any ideas on how I could take this to the next level & make it into clove cigarettes? Don't look now, but you've probably already done itwell enough for the average punter, at least. Is there a big difference in letting the leaves age? Trying to grow it here in the USA.if for no other reason to treat bee stings. Note: I'll continue this in feet and inches only, for the sake of our American cousins. I hope that you learned what you wanted from this article. This instructable picks up after you have air cured your green leafy bounty and is one possible way to simulate the needed conditions for fermentation at home. Also without an insulator, there would be a lot of heat loss, you would need higher temps than a psudo greenhouse.The cooler method traps in heat, but because the seals are not air tight there seems to be a lot of air exchange going on. I borrowed from the butchering industry and got a bunch of J fish hooks, strung them on some fishing line and use that for drying. If they taste well enough without them fermenting do I still have to ferment them? When the plants reach maturity, they'll set flower heads at the top. You could also try spraying with a mister (one of those cheap mist sprayers that you can get from garden supply shops) Just remember that you want the leaves to dry, not go mouldy. You can make a perfectly acceptable product by drying the leaves adequately, slicing them thinly, rolling them in cigarette paper, and setting them alight, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! Fermentation is the trickiest part, and is what this instructable is intended to outline. Tobacco seedlings ready for transplanting outside in the sun. Tobacco isn't picky. When is the best time to plant? I still have the 1 oz of Light Fire Cure in the press. Take what you pay a week for smoking (probably around $50). Hi how is everyone in this tuff times hope all is ok ive started growing tobacco plant and im wondering do i have to use a cooler fan if curing leaves in a attic, thanks good info no frills- i've got 40 seeds in seedling mix indoors 7 germinated so far. Thanks a lot, Yes i have read your article and gave very good things ty but one question is pesticides can i use them on the plant's and will i get sick from it. It kind of feels that youre doing any unique trick. Answer: Home grown tobacco doesn't naturally stay burning. As you know i don't smoke anymore, but gotta thank John Keye for the taxes, and the opportunity for extra income ( wink wink ), just follow the advice given here Jen, you cant go wrong, I gathered some seeds from a garden not knowing it was tobacco.They have grown amazingly.Thanks to your practical info I'm setting about drying the leaves .Might find a use for my grandads pipes in a rack yet .Thanks. Whether its for smoking, for ceremonial use, or for an insect repellent solution, there are many reasons to dry, or air-cure, your own tobacco leaves. Question: Do you think putting a few dried mint leaves in with my tobacco leaves will give it a menthol taste? If I do this will it ruin the final curing process? That's late summer here in the Southern Hemisphere. Don't pick the whole plant at once, since they will become ready over a period of weeks. Question: Dont you have to ferment or sweat the leaves after drying tabacco, to remove excess ammonia? When ordering tobacco seeds online, be sure to check importing restrictions. Reckon next year I will have to double my crop, I may be a bit shy this year. The best way to do this is pictured on step 1, hang leaves to dry and let nature take its course: Gather your harvested green leaves, use a zip tie at the stems and bundle into 1-4 leaf bunches, (be sure to allow air between the leaves, if the leaves stick together, they will mold). I think I'll give this a go - nothing to lose, all my hair is already goneand I might learn a thing or two! you have done a excellent activity on this matter! (Probably a lot better off as fewer additives to the final product and they're a damn' sight richer). Mine are not as tall as yours - max about 4 foot. Im wanting either a mild hazlenut or chocolate flavor. To cure my tobacco i air dry it in my shed. Thank you for posting this. Answer: I've never struck that problem, and it hasn't been mentioned before, so it's probably not an issue. wikiHow's Content Management Team carefully monitors the work from our editorial staff to ensure that each article is backed by trusted research and meets our high quality standards. He then filled about 1/6 of the cylinder with water and propped the leaves up on another piece of aluminium with a small vent hole in it. Very refreshing to be able to find the simple info you want without having read heaps of seriously boring rubbish at the same time!! The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on July 05, 2016: The blog given to us has some exciting features. Question i will try outside next year just abit worrie about things eatting them .. the slugs around here seem to have a nicotine addiction. Answer: I've never bothered fermenting, and nor have any of my friends. We are in your debt, Thanks again. It does thrive in rich, well-draining soils, but it'll make do with what it gets. My pleasure.. (still looking forward to your distillation blog ;). Using the ones made for smoking, bleached, or with added chemicals is not ideal, to say the very least. I dip the lid in the boiling water, and making sure the rim of the jar is free of tobacco pieces, place the lid on the jar and lightly set the ring. Preparing the leaf is the same for both. Have you ever tried soaking leaves to flavour them? The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on May 16, 2014: Hi there Rob n Rose, sorry for the tardy reply. Find a shelter where youll have some control over the humidity by opening or closing doors, windows, or vents. There are several websites dealing with curing chambers and the standard home made type is made of foam wall insulation and an oil heater. There's no smell of nicotine looks and the taste is like dried grass. It's not exactly very warm here. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on March 17, 2016: Our Gestapo thugs will shoot and kill a man for pointing a gun at a police dog, shoot a fleeing thief in the back and beat his dying body with baton tourches and find themselves not at fault, then run around kissing a drug pusher who shot at and wounded 4 police, presumably because of "political correctness" - and a 'relly who's a local senior cop. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on January 21, 2016: Hi Hops, beer and 'baccy go together mate, have a top New Year too. Tinned tobacco will too, but not to the extent that it would in the tin. Tobacco leaves are ready for smoking or storage when theyre brown and pliable, but not too brittle. Use peppermint oil mixed with water to mist your leaves as they are hanging. In addition, The contents are masterwork. I've been toying with the idea of growing my own tobacco for a year now and just found your site by looking for how to cure tobacco. Question: Once the tobacco is cured and cut, how do you store so it doesnt dry out like tobacco you buy? Hanging Tobacco Leaves for Drying 1 Dry tobacco in the fall for the best results. BTW the leaves held by the old bloke in the article's photo grew in a temperate climate in spring and summer.They're pretty average bottom leaves (the higher you go the smaller the leaf) We get light frosts in Winter. In the cooler situation, I am fighting to keep things moist enoughin your case it looked like it was the opposite effect! Cold and frost will affect your crop yield. Is there a trick to keeping tobacco alight? Then, thread a string through the slits. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on December 23, 2014: Hi John, I hope that all's well with you now. Cut a thin slit through the center of the stem on each leaf using a utility knife. meter for the next hour or so. Got the seeds in the germinator today , wanting an early jump on the season , great weather this last week and hoping for no frosts.. Answer: If it works for you, keep doing it. Thank you so much for putting up this site. Answer: The leaves normally dry from the bottom of the plant up. abfdged. Within a few hours the sun begins to bleach it. The Wide mouth 1-gallon glass jar with lid is one of the most popular jars today because it's cheap and effective. This method of curing will produce tobacco leaves that are, relative to other curing methods, low in sugar, high in nicotine, and sweet in flavor! Fred Hanna has a method of quickly aging tobacco. . I got 6 x 1 oz jars sealed up yesterday. The place else may just I get that type of info written in such a perfect way? The essential pieces for fermentation is 120 degree heat and humidity. Finally, pour the hot water to the level of the tobacco in the jars. If you want to cure and smoke it, put in at least a dozen plants if possible. The tobacco color should also change to a much darker hue of brown. You'll have lots of them. Will they taste better? Regarding smoking the tobacco though, cigarette and pipe tobacco available commercially is a bit "moist" and pliable. Also does anyone know how to make Copenhagen style "dip"? The seeds will pass through while most of the rubbish will stay behind. Wear sterile disposable gloves and fill each jar about of the way full with your dried and trimmed buds. What we are shooting for in this phase is 70% RH maximum. Hang the leaves somewhere dry and warm, like a garage or attic. The Old Firm (author) from Waikato/Bay Of Plenty, New Zealand on June 07, 2014: Sorry mate, I can't help you there, I've no experience at this rather covert way of growing bacci'. It realy increase my knowledge about the topic. I'm not a smoker any more since the heart problems but i do love the feeling of putting one over the Gvt. Place the trimmed buds into some type of airtight container. Reactions: Oldfella, Charly, Knucklehead and 1 other person S Smileysmile66 Active Member Joined Apr 5, 2019 Messages 25 Points 3 Location Stockholm, Sweden 10 years ago Curing cannabis buds Once buds are dry, it's time to cure them. Whoo-hoo! What you will need:-Air cured Tobacco leaves, Seeds with growing instructions are available here : If you live in a place that's warm enough to grow cabbage, tobacco will thrive. Then proceed in one of the following ways: Further up the page, I suggested that you let one plant flower for seed. As each plant grows, you'll see small tobacco plants (suckers or basal shoots) starting to grow as side-shoots from the main stalk at the base of the leaves, the same as with tomatoes and that other stuff some people smoke. Wrapping them in a bit of paper or square of toilet tissue and placing them in a little jar or pill container is fine. Last Updated: January 20, 2021 Question: How do you flavor tobacco with honey and alcohol? You could try misting the almost dry leaves with alcohol, like rum or vodka. Also slugs & snails, etc take their share. Do I have to ferment the leaves at all? -Week 1-2 smells like wet grass. If it's too rainy or it gets too much water, the tobacco gets weak and thin. Any suggestions? Frankly, if you're regularly ingesting nicotine, traces of ammonia, if they exist, should be the least of your concerns,- and homegrown tobacco is a lot less dangerous than the commercial stuff. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. Basic idea of the home chamber is to simulate the internal temperatures of a tobacco pile as seen at tobacco production facilities. Allow 2 meters headroom if you keep them inside and remember to pick out the sideshoots growing in the leaf joins (just like tomatoes do) they can be planted too for a later crop. Question: My tobacco leaves have been hanging for around 3 months, the tips seem to keep going brittle so I have misted them with water as they have become brittle again, is this method ok? The plants grew taller than corn stalks, with leaves as broad as my chest. Show me tobacco . Each of these pods has a little central core covered with scores of tiny seeds. Fill the jars about three quarters of the way, leaving the other quarter empty. I can't be bothered, think up a few for yourself. Maybe I'm ruining it. It's fine to jar bulk tobacco; it will resume fermentation. Pile of tobacco and stop all the false promises may be a shy. Be a bit `` moist '' and pliable, but not necessarily the right one, is trying curing tobacco in jars... 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