Tags. Dursley's abuse and Snape reluctantly becomes parent figure to a very Having his magic suppressed and monitored is one thing, but his Mother's cousin was an entirely different matter. But, in the end, it didnt matter that James had declared that he would never love anyone else but Lily. Then it all came back to me of what had happened the day before. You will do as I say and you will not fight. I nodded in response. By Merlin.. And because I know there would be nobody else to support you, now leave and never come back!" They are the Unsorted. Theres a glint in his eyes of something sharp and calculating. Daddy then took me down to my high chair. Snape Wouldn't Hate Her So Much. How the fuck is Harry going to deal with all of this? One day he is left to his own devices and finds an old potions textbook which may have the answer he needs. Harry Potter | Fanfiction Fantasy Affairs Hogwarts. Chapter 1, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. You will get three swats. Yes theres parental discipline so if you don't like that, don't read it :). 3 never remove diaper without permission. #severussnape. "My name is Professor Snape. What they don't know is that Regulus Black doesn't feel like a celebrity. And I'm really glad. And then daddy was done. "Fine. Got it?" Snape has a difficult time playing with Harry so he disguises it as "teaching" because he feels ridiculous saying things like "vroom" or making animal noises. If you do, then I'll get you a bath toy for your baths. He stopped as soon as he saw the death eater holding Harry. and our "Yes, p'ease, daddy," I whispered. Severus turned back to Harry and took a deep breath. Little did he know, it was mentally causing him to age backwards till he was two in his mind. He through the ingredients together in a large cauldron before stomping over to Harry and forcing his mouth open. Daddy was humming! I really don't know what I'm going to do. And at the end of every tooth is the one truth: Life ends. Does an age of an elf equal that of a human? After the death of Lily and James, Severus Snape took it upon himself to raise Lily's child. We entered the store. Daddy opened the box and pulled out all of the toys he had pointed his wand at. Are you alright?" small Harry Potter. Ongoing. He bent down to my level again. But there's still one debt Harry has to pay. I shook my head at all of the weird, ugly, or girly toys. I looked around at all of the amazing toys! Harry be good! He stopped. Harry Potter deserves a good childhood, one without people fawning over him and one without fame, but also without suffering. When they got to the kitchen, Snape lifted him up and put him in a high chair. Come over to me. Daddy asked. Severus and he had a conversation about the teen's education at the end of the summer. Takes Place: 5th Year - Snape flavour: Comforting Snape, Kind Snape, Spanking Snape, Stern Snape. Youre next.. Because he's so formal he only calls Harry "Potter". Severus Snape loves Lily Evans like a sister. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies The Angry Birds, Harry Potter fanfic where Harry runs away. After two weeks of letters being brought back undelivered by Morte, the potion master gave in. "Code, daddy," I whispered. OR Long fic following the Marauders (Remus, Sirius, James and Peter) through their time at Hogwarts and experiences during and after the First Wizarding War. But now Snape is his Defense teacher, and Draco Malfoy is up to something, and Dumbledore is dying, and the final battle is coming up, and everything is getting very, very complicated. "I don't know. I will try to update every Tuesday and Friday. No way he was going to spoil Potter like his father. "You're going to drain me dry," Harry chuckled. Forced together in a run-down house in Spinner's End, Harry and Severus face their greatest challenge yet: surviving each other. It was July 5th when Angela received permission from Severus to go visit Harry. Then I came up with a potion that would temporarily change his physical appearance to make him look like a two-year-old version of himself. Regulus privately preens and he hates himself for it. Harry slowly nodded. "Yes?" His onsie now hung on him loosely. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Now, I do not like spanking you, nor will I ever. "Because, Potter. Harry defeated Voldemort, yada, yada, yada. It huts!" Harry Potter fanfic, with Snape and a Muggle who becomes pregnant, Harry Potter fanfic: Snape takes care of a baby Harry, Harry Potter fanfic where Harry goes to live with Snape, Harry Potter fanfic called "What Comes After", where Harry is abused and Snape and Malfoy help him. The pain is unbearable but still he goes on. When Harry goes to Hogwarts, he sees a beautiful girl with red wavy hair, green eyes and pale skin. He then squeezed his nose and waited for Harry to swallow. Brandon Dursley was raised knowing who he was and who he will be - but not quite. I just don't want you getting hurt by climbing out. I smiled. I hope it's more of the warm milk in the bottle, that was so yummy! A Baby! Leaving a child to be neglected and hated for his entire childhood on purpose is pushing me too far. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Narcissa Black Malfoy/Original Female Character(s). By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. He accidentally makes Harry cry because he doesn't want to buy Harry a panda shirt. Severus Snape and Lily Evans Potter have been having a secret affair while James is at work for six months. I then began to cry. One year on from Halloween 1981, James is struggling to raise Harry alone whilst drowning in an impenetrable dark sea of grief, determined to never love again. Snily centric, Severitus canon rewrite with a female Harry.Please do not remix or translate without permission. Harry fought and screamed and kicked, but it was no use. Snape has a difficult time playing with Harry so he disguises it as "teaching" because he feels ridiculous saying things like "vroom" or making animal noises. Severus snape est en su laboratorio de . The first few chapters are in Spinner's End, and there's an awkward visit to a store to get age appropriate food and clothes. Because he's so formal he only calls Harry "Potter". Rigel wakes up and opens his eyes and finds him self looking up at a dark blue ceiling with stars that seem to twinkle, he also feels like he's lying on a cloud wait and all snug he rubs his eyes with his fits and cry's out "Daddy Papa where re ou" Sev comes in to the room "oh as our little man woke from his nap"Sev coos and puts him on a changing mat and changes his diaper and puts a nice baby grow on him that's dark green and wraps him in his blanket and puts a dummy in his mouth that has a snake on it "let's go see papa and Draco darling" Sev cuddles him while carries him downstairs "Hello little man you have nice nap naps" Lucius says Rigel just nod in his dozy awake state Draco comes in "I have Little Reg's bottle can I feed him please dad, father" "cause you can Draco here you sit down and I'll put him in your arms" Sev says , once Draco has Reg in place , he removes Regs dummy and gives Reg the bottle of warm milk " that's it baby you drink all your milk It's so yummy isn't it"Draco coos, once he's had his milk and is burped Draco sits him on his lap "Rigel listen up baby we going to give you your rules now any rules broken will lead to punishment punishments are Spankings over the knee either on your diapered bottom or on bear bottom but only a hand will be used Corner time No new toys No sweet milk chocolate milk and strawberry milk Of your a good boy Then we take you to a fun place like zoo or park at weekend New toys Sweet milks So rules 1 never say No if told to do something 2 don't have a tantrum 3 never remove diaper without permission 4 always say please and thank you 5 always tell the truth and never keep secrets from us Do you understand Rigel" Lucius says Rigel takes his dummy out and say "es papa" and does grabby hands papa takes him off Draco and gives him hugs "ok sweet baby let's get you dressed Draco brought you all your new clothes while you was having a nap" Lucius takes Reg back up to his nursery and now he takes in his room it has soft dark blue carpet with a dark wooden crib with a mattress the walls are light blue with broomsticks that move on it then their is a dark wooden toy chest that says Rigels toys on it and a nice book case that has lots of books on it and a rocking chair with foot stool and then theirs the changing table that has drawers with nappy's and pjs and baby grows theirs also a cupboard at one end that contains wipes , powder and cream, near to the changing table is a red door which takes you to his own bathroom and next to the red door is a blue door which is Harry's walk in wardrobe for his clothes and shoes Rigel whispers "fank ou Papa his fow me""Yes darling boy and I'm glad you like it now let's get you dressed" luscious takes off the baby grow and puts some red jeans on and a green t-shirt and a blue jumper that has a grey elephant that's fluffy on it and puts socks on and some brown shoes on their don't you look adorable let's go back down so you can play with daddy and Draco Lucius carry's him down stairs then puts him on the floor Rigel walks up to his daddy and gives him a hug " fank ou daddy fow my woom me Loves it" "awww you very welcome sweetie now what shall we play" daddy asks " pwease can we play blocks" "cause we can, Draco bring the building blocks over so the four of them built all sorts Reg built a big tower with the help of Draco and Sev and Lucius built a castle all was going great until Reg thought it be fun to knock the tower down but Draco got really cross and shouted " what you do that for , you stupid little freak" Lucius got angry and told Draco to go up to his room Reg was crying so both his papa and daddy was giving him cuddles " hey shhhh sweetie Draco didn't mean it and your papa will talk to him but your not a freak and we love you so much shhhhhhh" his daddy rocks him and conjures up some chocolate milk warm and says here drink baby it make it better" meanwhile Lucius goes up to Draco's Room " what was that about Draco I know it's hard to think you have a brother and your not used to shearing but he was abused and the people who abused him called him a freak I'm disappointed in you I want you to go downstairs and appologise then after dinner I want you to write I must not be mean to my brother or call him a freak 50 times before you go to bed now get down them stairs" Draco says " yes father and leaves" Lucius follows Draco enters the living room " hi Dad , Rigel I'm sorry I called you a freak your not a freak I just got angry but please know I happy to have you as a brother and I love you" Rigel turns to Draco and says " hats ok Dwaco me fowgiwe ou me happy hat ouwe my bofer too" and jumps off his daddy's lap and gives Draco big hugs Draco picks him up and gives him a kiss on the forehead and reads him a book while Sev and Lucius do the dinner just as Draco has got to the end of the story Lucius shouts dinner time so Draco picks up Reg and Carey's him to the dinning room and puts him in his high chair which is red and yellow striped with a yellow tray table Draco fastens the straps and takes his seat next to it Sev and Lucius sit in their normal seats Lucius at the head and Sev in between him and Reg Sev feeds Reg some mash potato and Reg eats all of it and sits playing with a toy car while he waits for every one to finish so they can start on desert soon it's dessert time and Reg gets fed apple sauce he enjoys it so much he asks daddy " pwease mowe Daddy it's so ummy ummy " Sev laughs and says " no baby you eat it all but if your good you can have some nice juice before your milk at story time before nighttime" " okay daddy me be good me have ju ju" Sev gives Reg a kiss on the nose and wipes his face ok play with your teddy's then it's bath time, Draco you stay here and do your lines while me and your father clean up" once Sev has put Reg on the floor he starts to play with his favourite teddy's which is a grey wolf a black dog a black bear and a white blond bear they all bout to go on a treasure hunt when Reg is his sitting crossed legged in the living room with his back to the entrance gets tickled from behind " ahhhh ha ha pad elp" Reg half shouts half screams to his black dog teddy " they won't help as they know it's your bath time" his daddy and papa say together and before Reg knows it his been picked up and carried in to his nursery and though the red door in to his own bathroom his papa starts running his bath while his daddy has put him on the floor and is getting undressed he watches his papa put in lots of bubble bath and lots of toys including a boat and some bath crayons once Sev has got him undressed he carefully puts Reg in the bath and while Lucius plays with him Sev washes him all over after the bath is over Sev picks Reg out of the bath and wraps him in a silver fluffy towel and makes Sure's his dry then takes him back in the nursery where he re diapers Reg and puts him in some footed pyjamas with dragons and snakes on them and asks Lucius to get Rigel's juice while his papa has gone Rigel asks his daddy " daddy ou waz goin to tell me what you did at gingots to make my boo go way" "ahhh yes well darling do you know what magic is ??" Daddy set me down, handed me my dummy, and we began to walk out the door. Harry continued to sob. The Draught of Asphodel by Ttime42 [ Reviews - 35] Updated! I gulped. But only because he's Lily's son. "Potter, I know your adult side is still there, so listen to me. Do you understand me?" As the two forge a path ahead, the mistakes of their youth are cast aside and they learn the one immutable truthtrue love never dies. Daddy picked me up. Snape then flipped Harry over and hugged him. Theodora was the sunshine that Severus needed in his gloomy life and he was crestfallen when he suddenly lost contact with her after graduation. You did it! Professor Severus Snape (January 9, 1960 - May 2, 1998) was a half-blood wizard who was the son of the witch Eileen Snape (ne Prince) and Muggle Tobias Snape.During his lifetime, Severus Snape was Potions Master (1981-1996), Defense Against the Dark Arts professor (), and Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (which he attended as a student from 1971 until 1978). The difference in the fate of this story, the Potters werent killed on that Halloween night, in fact, they were very much alive. Yay, now I can be the tall one. Part 1 - Before HogwartsPart 2 - 4th yearPart 3 - 5th yearPart 4 - 6th yearPart 5 - 7th yearPart 6 - After Hogwarts, [SEMI SLOW BURN INFREQUENT UPDATES][Previously named Unstable Lover], Started: Jan 4th, 2023Ended: N/APublished: Feb, 6th, 2023, Aprs la guerre bien des choses ont chang, commencer par le "Survivant". Harry came, his essence leaking from Severus onto his thighs. Can a private person deceive a defendant to obtain evidence? rev2023.2.28.43265. And then he undid the tapes. But when a storm interferes with plans, Severus realizes why Harry runs away and a change of plans ensues. Listen to Harry's account of the story of how he came to be Severus Snape's Adult Baby. Grudgingly, and with many death stares, Lucius and Arthur Weasley schedule play dates and visits. Regulus Black is a famous actor, and James Potter co-owns a coffee shop. I sorry!" Harry begged in between gasps of breath. Daddy took me up to my room and lay me on the floor. "Yes." Contains very mild corporal punishment. he asked. It means that the boy has been already missing for two months and no one knows where he is. This time though she's gotten a little more than she thought was possible. At this the rooms stills. Remus Lupin receives a summons from the One and Only Dark Lord Voldemort. Always. Harry was sitting in the library, doing his DADA assignment when Dobby suddenly appeared, startling him. A chance encounter in the pits of Azkaban gives Severus hope for escape and furnishes him with everything he could need to enact revenge against all who have wronged him. I quickly grabbed the potion in my pocket and gave it to him. Harry never knew his Father James Potter had a little sister. "Because, they already saw my face back at the castle and everybody thinks you're dead. I shook my head. Sadly, several others saw my face, so I guess a friend of mine will have to be your "daddy" and I'm very sure he won't be kind to you. Daddy bent down to my level, although I hate it when he does this, it makes me feel short. Third story in the "Like None Other" universe. Could it be that the stone cold heart of Severus Snape is in-fact the thing Remus has been searching for all along? Multiple universes Harry Potter by JustJReadsFanfiction. Tom Riddle's diary becomes a plot point, as in they want to uncover the secrets of the diary. The shattered remnants of people that the war left behind. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. One year on from Halloween 1981, James is struggling to raise Harry alone whilst drowning in an impenetrable dark sea of grief, determined to never love again. Meaning Snape would have been a lot more eager to . The waiter, who was actually an old death eater, sat Harry on a bed and used his wand to tie Harry down very tightly to the bed. Cookie Notice Pretty soon his eyes closed. We got to the house. Yes, of course he participates and gets treated as such. Daddy asked as he set the now empty bottle of milk down. I had another Canon-OC (not ship) Harry Potter spanking work, but this idea just shined strongly in my mind I just had to plaster it and share it lol. Harry's pov (this takes place in the morning). It's basically harry being raised by different people. Harry begged in between gasps of breath. Harry shrugged and slowly got up on his knees. Harry calls Snape "'Nape" and himself "Pot" or "Pot-pot". A chaotic story written by three bored alters with the consent and help of their system. . - , . Two months after the war and Harry is struggling to cope with life. Having faced his mortality, and being plagued by incessant nightmares from the battle, he becomes a recluse as Summer gets underway. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. During his final year at Hogwarts, relationships will splinter as Harry confronts secrets long-buried and faces the greatest challenge of them all. Okay, now relax." Snape shrugged and walked downstairs with Harry following. He smiled back and lifted me up and put me on his shoulders. And drowning, too, considering the fact that he survived the cave in 1979 and faked his death for two years, popping in to give Sirius the fright of his life on Halloween. If you don't like, don't read it. I yelled. -this a very very very insane AU younger me made and Im deciding to honour it and write it sodont like dont read.i shall add to the tags when i add more chapters. Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? +17 more. Its the first thing Severus Snape sees when he runs into the lost boy on Diagon Alley, and it haunts him after he looses track of the child. I'm doing it because you caused for my son to go to Azkaban when you killed my master. Groaning in despair, he hurried over, securing the child once more in a horizontal position. He hated sounding so small and little! When the wipes hit, I tensed some more. It wasn't Quidditch. Snily centric, Severitus canon rewrite with a female Harry.Please do not remix or translate without permission. Although he was the heir of the House of Black, Sirius disagreed with his family's belief in blood purity and defied tradition when he was . (Other than Cedric, of course.). Suddenly I felt a pull in my tummy. Moony Sirius whispered and gently shook his boyfriend.Hum Remus mumbled, frowning and burying his head in the pillow.Moony! Sirius repeated, a bit louder.Whatcha needRemuss muffled sleepy voice made Sirius melt, and he leaned to murmur directly in the ear of his lover:Its snowing! "P'ease! Having inherited Snape's knowledge and memories, the self-insert resolves to be the best teacher ever, while simultaneously having fun and trolling the Wizarding World in the process. I nodded. When he came back, Harry was standing - albeit with a bit of wobbling - in his bed, supported by one of the bedposts, waving happily at him as he entered. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. "Harry, do not fight this. He was big again. Harry took a deep breath and tried to mask how bad he had to go, but he wasn't sure how long before Snape found out. Wow, that was a lot of toys. Harry shook his head and clung to me tighter, the occasional tear slipping down his face. I held out my hands to take it, but my stupid clumsy baby fingers dropped the bottle. When everyone turns against him, Harry finds out that the one person who he thinks hates him the most is the only one who will care to help or listen. Me pueden ayudar a encontrar est historia va algo as: La escuela a sido tomada por los mortifagos, snape se a convertido en director y el trio dorado se a hido para buscar la forma de derrotar a Voldemort. I started by counting them. Snape taped Harry's napkin back up and clipped his onsie up. I was just laying on the floor, real uncomfortable. This seems well enough in terms of standing commit for any twenty-something to have to contend -. Yes. At last Harry did, causing his body to quickly and painfully shrink down. Daddy nodded. #baby "Do you think you can go back to sleep now?" So can you drink your milk?" # 4. Work Search: Me se dokonce pesthovat do jin zem, nechat svj star ivot za sebou a s nm i svou minulost. "P'ease! Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. Ive taken up fishing. He said blandly. "Harry, listen to me. Boys. He whispered, getting to his feet and heading over to crib, shivering when he had to step over Lilys corpse. This is a WIP so read at your own risk as updates are sporadic. When Harry is called as the fourth champion he does something that changes the course of the future. She died protecting them. And then it was over. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings; Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent; Severus Snape Adopts Harry Potter; Summary. Who took you out? One for not being thankful, and the last will be for continuing to say no and to fight. He loved Hogwarts so much, in fact, that he considered it his home. A strange request is made of him and he feels obligated to acquiesce. You remember that favor you owe me from the time in Austria? Snape turned to him and raised an eyebrow. I woke up in the early morning as daylight was beginning to stream through my window. Oh and I don't own Harry Potter or make money from this story .). Why did these things have to happen to me? I opened the door. Additional Warnings: Some sexual Age play. Harry, sweaty, out of breath, and completely worn out sat there in front of him. Oh, so good! It's a little sappy in places, but still good. Severus je konen voln a sna se dlat to, co je sprvn. Lucius Malfoy gets custody Harry Potter with malicious plans in mind, but what he didnt factor in was that hed get attached to his adoptive son, and go soft. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Harry Potter is changed into a baby and Severus Snape must watch over him. They sat in silence for a bit, casting glances at one another over the tops of their respective cups. I am trying to do what's best for you. Meanwhile, he's trying to patch things up with his brother, reconnect with an old flame, and figure out how to deal with all these children. His friends have noticed, his classmates have noticed, hell, even Severus Snape has noticed. He might have been called a "guardian" to Harry on paper, but the love he had for Harry was as strong as the love a father has for his son. "Nape, how come you nice?" I quickly grabbed my wand and hurried out of my room down the hall. In the Harry Potter series, one of the main antagonists is Severus Snape. Maybe it's because I finally get a son. Fanfiction.Net Author's Summary: Lily and the Marauders go into hiding right after Voldemort attacks them, they can't bring harry, Harry is left in the care of snape, They don't return until Harry turns 13, having grown up knowing Snape for his father.They try to take him and cause some 2.5frogs Some baby scenes then a 1 st year fic redone. The older man's neck was thrown back, and he seemed to adore the way Harry would continuously brush over his overstimulated insides. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Now I want you to take a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. Everyone gets tested and classified at the age of seventeen, except Harry Potter. Harry James Potter was born on 31st July 1980. Harry did not hug him back. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. "Harry, got it?" gave me the new clean nappy and taped it up. I wasn't a good boy. Harry Potter grows up spoiled and bratty, but you cant really get rid of that internalized bravery, can you? He doesn't want to be coddled by anyone who feels for him, who wants to ease his pain. front, eating a stick of bamboo. Daddy smiled weakly and put a hand on my cheek. Through Theodora's kindness, Severus gradually learns how to love and accept himself and falls in love with her as she helps him raise his son. "Daddy! #severussnape. The last was especially painful. ? Some will be added later in the story. He didn't know why, but his pinky toe was so ticklish, he laughed trying to wash it in the shower. Don't you want your toys?" AU from the end of Philosopher's. Involuntarily, his gaze wandered over the fit body of the young man who looked to be in his early 20s. Harrison Potter-Black was transported into the past during the 1940's with his friends. Of people that the stone cold heart of Severus Snape and Lily Evans Potter have having. 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