Rather than a performance or an accomplishment to achieve as quickly as possible, it is a maturation process from seed to flower and fruit that we get to experience. There are no Incarnation Cross Audios matching this search. You may also have noticed that the polarity pattern of Gates 1 and 2 continues. The Magic of Incarnation Crosses - Semester 2. changing the whole theory of our patriarchial civilization, and begetting isolation and solitude where formerly existed inviting man sions, the centres of sympathies and social life . Now we still have the same problems as there were in a world of believers, only now we no longer have a god or ideology to hold on to as a belief that carries absolute value. September 4, 2018 4:26 pm Over the last decade, I've determinedly learned, tested, and am universalizing the Human Design System, to contagiously explain this obscure knowledge, as a creative role model of inspiration and imagination to guide your growth and facilitate tranquility through uncertain times. GDP in the United States had averaged around 1% per quarter prior . of Ra Uru Hu, founder of The Human The Human Design Year consists of four quarters, each with its unique theme. In many of the more relaxed civilizations on the Outer Eastern Rim of the Galaxy, the Hitch Hiker's Guide has already supplanted the great Encyclopedia Galactica as the standard repository of all knowledge and wisdom, for though it has many omissions and contains much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate, it scores over the older . Incarnation Crosses can some times be difficult to find. Download our free ebook: Discover Your Design to find out more about Human Design and what it can do for you. The theme of your incarnation cross comes from the Quarter where your Personality (Conscious) Sun shines. The Profile Profile, which comes from the lines of the Personality and Design Sun, shows us the role we play as we do our job. The Times described Pan-Islamism as a movement with power, importance, and cohesion born in Paris, where Turks, Arabs and Persians congregated. Ra Uru Hu. Ra takes you on a journey through the wheel in a logical progression beginning with the Quarter of Initiation. These are described very briefly below and can all be explored deeply as a way of seeing the themes that play out in our lives. You are an incomparable unique person, who is here to express that uniqueness whether or not others appreciate it. Originally written for, home of the Human Design System, Jovian Archive under the name Andrea Abay-Abay. We are not here to be all things to everyone. latest offers? More Info, The Human Design Collective will be offering a 10-week live "Rave ABCs" live online course with video presentations Wednesdays from January 25, 2023 through March 29, 2023. In establishing a conscious relationship with yourself, you stop looking for ways to fit into homogenized bonds with others. Position 1 Quarter of Initiation Position 2 Quarter of Civilization Position 3 Quarter of Duality Position 4 Quarter of Mutation Sun 18 - Perfection Sun 58 - Bliss Earth 17 - Opinion Earth 52 - Stillness We are a group of certified Human Design professionals dedicated to providing the highest standards of unique Human Design Analysis, Living Your Design Guidance, BG5 Career and Business Consulting and Human Design Coaching.We can give you the keys to your genetic code so that you can live an inspired life of growth, change, self-acceptance and unconditional love.Are you ready to transform your life? This is an identity that is considered to be progressive as it is oriented towards the future; and also tends to be seen as sophisticated and detached from the moralities of the past. My Godhead is called Kali. This, because it will not allow anyone to jump onto any mental conclusion that does not feed further states of anxiety over time. This material was presented in Ibiza during October 2003. Covers Gates 2 - 33 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. Quarter of Mutation - Purpose fulfilled through Transformation, The Face of Michael and the theme of Justice, Incarnation Crosses by Profile II: The Quarter of Civilization, Quarter by Quarter: The Sixteen Faces of the Godhead. Genetics, the Gods, the Program, and the wonder of the Mandala. Considering the way in which the Not-Self mind is programmed to make choices that will bring it forward in its endless search for singularity call in God, call it Good, call it whatever kind of absolute you want -; Duality holds within its inherent potential everything that is frustrating and confusing for the human mind. The current financial comparison is for the fourth quarter of 2022 and fourth quarter of 2021. There are four Faces per Quarterfour distinct nuances of each Godhead. Patterns, Imprints, Timing, and the Saturn Return. Do you know how its hard to make the right choice when it comes to what to do in life? When fear is properly integrated within our form it no longer becomes the fuel for our emotional and mental distortion where we trust other people and see them as if they were angels or we distrust them and see them as a daemons -; but it becomes the fuel for attention that allows us to maintain the balance within every circumstance while we always stand on our own two feet. This is how I fulfill my Life's Purpose as an "Innocent Instrument of Fate who can step in and Change the Fate of others through Experience, Discovery and Learning" as a Cross of Contagion 1. Gate 30 is also known as the Gate of Desire. Westwood House, Station Road, Ilminster, SomersetTA19 9BG England, no information is shared with 3rd parties, 1/3 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 1/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 2/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 2/5 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 4/6 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 4/1 Profile - Juxtaposition Cross of Detail, 5/1 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 5/2 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 6/2 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 6/3 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 1/3 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 1/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 2/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 2/5 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 3/5 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 3/6 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 4/6 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 4/1 Profile - Juxtaposition Cross of the Now, Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation. This looks like making decisions based on a mental assessment of whether or not our actions will fit the description of the Cross, which quickly becomes a mental, conceptual exercise rather than a process that involves the energetic response and flow of the body. Welcome to ourHuman Design Life Coaching Services. Li Qingchao communicated well with them early, and did not give up after the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces made the leap, but continued to chase. Each of the Sphinx gates (1, 2, 7, 13) in the wheel set the foundation for the 16 hexagrams in the Quarter. From the perspective of our mental potential; separation from others is a must if we ever are to integrate our individual emotions correctly. However, history reveals that many of the greatest western thinkers and philosophers were taught and educated by Africans. Let's Grow together! Human Design System Rave I-Ching Gates 1 and 2. There are three different geometries in Human Design incarnation crosses: Right angle crosses Left angle crosses Juxtaposition crosses There are 64 gates, and during the course of a year the sun moves through them all. The Angle The Angle can be Right, Left or Juxtaposition. It is important to distinguish the difference between the navigation tools, which are like a compass, from the signposts, which are descriptions of what our nature will do when we are navigating properly. latest offers? The Quarter of Initiation's Transcendent love is shown by Gate 25, giving us our way of being empowered in the universe, innocently, unconditionally loving through others that great unknowable force that we are all a part of. Eliminating your own expectations you also eliminate all the fears that go along with them as a (mostly denied) shadow. ICONIC Human Design 0 See our 61 reviews on You see, relationships are simultaneously objective and subjective. So, everybody knows that everybody is hiding. The magic of focusing on the mechanics first, through Strategy and Authority, is that the alignment with the body clarifies our path. With all certainty the Quarter of Mutation is generally the most easily misunderstood and yet prone to lead to misjudgement and false generalizations. Before Human Design's virus took hold and gave me some semblance of patience, my emotional nature was so volatile and uncontrollable that I regularly (at least monthly) lashed out when my feelings reached a boiling point. It contains some additional points.. From this perspective, the life purpose is not something that we choose or construct. Just like intelligence is overestimated, so is the so-called 'spirit of civilization' in humanity. Obviously, in a quarter that is designed for the fertile bonding of the form; Individuality was never meant to be a huge part of its programmed nature. Or when we expect it to grow and produce in an environment that does not nurture, support or have a place or purpose for it? The Rave BodyGraph and Rave Mandala are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Media Pte. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Expression of the Self the Creativeof course, Yang/Yang. Human Design System Article by Laveena Lovick Would you like to take a moment to be inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the Human Design System Hexagrams that is the Rave Mandala? That is followed by the recognition that all families are stuck together in the same 'plane of suffering', and finally we are driven to spend our whole life trying to make the world 'a better place' for the next generation, ha. Civilization is responsible for every level of disappointment in human beings, you can ask any good Reflector. Our core expression, function, and contribution struggle to come to fruition. This four volume encyclopedia provides one of the most comprehensive explorations of Incarnation Crosses. We are all afraid of being looked upon in cold blood by anyone; but we all know what it is to have cold blooded thoughts pop up in our minds when we interact with others in our daily life. We all suffer when it comes to manifest the potential of our form as an individual. If you look carefully youll see that the Quarter of Duality only holds two gates. 9 Week Online Course Coming in 2022 Quarter of Civilization Crosses by Gate. You cant go far or have a huge diversity of exotic experiences without money. Perhaps through diverse physical experiences, I have seen people from this Quarter devote themselves to yoga, some prefer extreme sports, while others are skilled masseurs but none of these may appeal to you. How do we live it out? Follow this link to watch a video of the metropolitan in Shanghai at 07:00 in the morning on an average working day, and see how we give ourselves the same horrible treatment as we give to the other species that we feed on. The four gates that are part of this second group have carried this material expansion out through the dynamics of the Manifestor spirit until 1781, but since then humanity has been increasingly stuck in evolutionary terms, divided into those who have the good fortune in one way or another to embrace the nine-centered mutation that is undergo, and those who are simply suffering the worst manifestation of humanity's extremes; the 'haves' and the 'have not'. This cognitive limitation that the evolutionary program has imposed on all members of our species makes it very difficult for any of us to have the perception of being right without concluding that the other must necessarily be wrong. This force is the power of our emotional system as it is interpreted through the absolutely exclusive potential of Gate 6 Conflict which is keynoted as the gate of friction. Be selective about who you allow into your life. No other channel has the power to do that. As individuals who are imbued with individual intelligence and given an individual form; we are all designed to resist the homogenization process. Quarter of Civilization 3rd May 2020 @ 05:31 GMT the Sun changed to the 2nd Gate - The Receptive - The Gate of Direction of the Self, and with that change, we moved into the Quarter of Civilization. Ltd. Quarter 1: Purpose fulfilled through the Mind. As we follow along, we find that honoring the mechanics of our life force energy puts us in the position to express our Cross, which is what happens automatically when the conditioned mind does not interfere. This does not mean, however, that I do not love being part of humanity, or that I do not appreciate and even enjoy so many of its impressive achievements on the material plane. If over 2000 years ago Lao-Tzu could sense that humanity was losing touch with the natural order, the marriage between capitalism and science - brought about by the industrial revolution - has not only blocked the evolutionary wheel of human consciousness at the level of survival, but it has also given the power to multinational corporations to determine the politics of almost every government in the world. Did you keep an eye on the bottom or 1st line as you moved around the wheel? They are both the potential and possibility of individual intuition (gates 28 & 57); which is a timeless theme that existentially connects the individual to the themes of integrating truthful purpose and survival IN THE NOW. We are genetically imprinted by them " Ra Uru Hu. She is known as the Destroyer of false Devotion. Whats your purpose? Another way of explaining these Forces is that your conditioned mind tends to interpret the Maia according to your Godhead. The Quarter The Gate placement of the Personality Sun shows us the core area we are here to work with. And this is not for a single reason. As a gate that is part of the design of fish, birds and reptiles; this is a gate of cold blood that is pointed at the possibility of surrender through what comes the other way from gate 26 in the Heart Center. The Witness Returns The second quarter is the Quarter of Civilization. This is the world where anything can happenits about the process of living, transformation, and accepting death. 24 Return, The Gate of RationalizationThe natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal. Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form. Well, from here there is only one way to go when going back to the throat in the next and final group of four gates (62, 56, 31 & 33). And what is the foundation for all of that? I think I made it clear from the beginning that I wasn't going to paint a sweet and romantic picture of Civilization, but who would expect that from a lover of human differentiation? Covers Gates 13 - 24 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. Here are the foundation hexagram chops establishing the foundation of each Quarter: In the Quarter of Initiation (Gates 13-24), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Mind. You see, for all the luminous promises about life that we find in Initiation and Civilization; life behaves like a twisted bitch when it reveals itself to us in the Quarter of Duality. Europe's Civilization I is the first quarter of a two-quarter sequence designed to give students a foundation in some of the social, political, cultural, and intellectual movements that have come to define European civilization. We can use them to guide our decision making. You may place your body in many different locations, or adorn your body with a stunning wardrobe of different outfits or even, if you are a woman, become a mother (if this resonates with you, which wont suit everyone from this Quarter).Our bodies are here to be transformed through what we do, what we eat and where we go. This is the world of fertility and bondingyour relationships with others. The whole thing about the costume you wear in life is that it grows on you. Mandala Gates 2 to 33. If you were born in the Quarter of Duality your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through your Relationships' with others.This life is about interacting with others, seeing yourself mirrored in them and discovering who you like and who you don't and thereby gradually being able to evaluate . Or you can play it right now (but there are illustrations in the download). Look to the top right, and you will find hexagram 1 (right above the blue M looking Astrological symbol for Scorpio in the image below). Gate 2 is the gate of the driver, yes, but it is also the core of Penta group dynamics, and gate 8 is its lock in the world of form. But what he really meant, if he was truly as intelligent as his reputation suggests; is that the other is the mirror in which we all see, without necessarily recognizing it objectively, the distorted image of both our own Heaven and our own Hell. Instead of a world of empathy between equals, we have created one in which we learn to identify with the colors of our social groupings and the symbols of our material status. Human Design New Year 2023; Human Design New Year 2024; Human Design New Year 2025; Animal - Automatic Chart List. ", For the last two years I have been introducing students in four different languages to the distortive power that these conditioning forces have always had over the human personality. Look at the Mandala below, find the quarter your Personality Sun is in. We hope to empower you with transformational information that leads to you embracing your uniqueness,through an experiential journey of self-discovery. In the movement around the wheel of the Rave Mandala we find the quarters of Initiation and Civilization before Duality. Every profile can be experienced in positive and negative ways, in both correct and incorrect situations, meaning situations driven by aligning with design and those driven by the not-self. Request to join the Facebook Group by clicking the image above, Human Design System Article by Laveena Lovick, Laveena Lovick, Human Design System Teacherlaveenalovick@gmail.com. In the Quarter of Duality (Gates 7-44), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Bonding. It is not something that we reconcile or wrestle with. The first and official site of the work Every single one of the remaining gates until the end of this quarter are gates of the Spleen Center; which makes it clear to which extent the best of this quarter can only emerge when fear is properly integrated in our potential for individual awareness. Now, let your eyes follow the movement of the hexagrams counterclockwise halfway around the wheel until you reach Hexagram 2. The Neutrino Ocean in You November 15 to 30 2019, The Neutrino Ocean in You November 1 to 15 2019, The Neutrino Ocean in You October 1 to 15 2019, Depression: Building a homogenized future, Projectors and the Purpose of Differentiated Awareness. 1I want to stop feeling stressed. The one stands for the Quarter of Initiation, which is the first Quarter in the Wheel. Looking for your Incarnation Cross Audio . Our G Center molds or defines our identity within the pattern of the totality, giving us our place within it and our connection to it. yourself and live who you are. However, the magic happens when we are able to relate what seems like intellectual and abstract concepts to our direct experience of what is actually happening. LakshmiGoddess of Beauty and Good Fortune Gates: 16-Skills, 35-Change, 45-The Gatherer, 12-Caution. That is why we all have more acceptance for egoism in children than we have for grownup people. We can think of the quarters as something like seasons but from an evolutionary perspective. These seasons begin each year consistently as the sun passes through the beginning gate. the favored books Beyond Civilization Humanity S Next Great Adventu collections that we have. The most powerful channel of them all the dominating one the one that will change our civilization and the one that we all will be impacted by. This Quarter is about manifestation and communication - we find all the Gates in the Throat Center here! And this is why fear is still considered to be something negative that becomes unhealthy. It can be what naturally comes out of us when we are being ourselves in resonance with the body and the environment for which we are designed. Mandala Gates 7 to 44. Copyright protected 2004 - 2023 . 2I want to change this job. From physical items to relationships, the bitterness of false promises and broken dreams weighed me down to the point of suicidal ideation during low waves from all the not-self suffering and "poor me, why me" of my Martyr mind. My conscious process in this life is fueled by the desire to imagine a new experience, and the Channel of Recognition, with its focused energy to recognize feelings, is my way of consciously witnessing the wild ride of this life's journey. This foundation determines the thematic that links the hexagrams in a Quarter together and shows us the theme of how our conscious purpose in this life is meant to be fulfilled. Design System. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Listener, the Fellowship of ManYang (spirit) pushing upward into Yin (form). Spontaneous emotional decision-making left a trail of physical and emotional destruction in my wake. Nobody knows how to manage it creatively. Check again your email / password and try again. It is of common sense that nobody would care to preserve a world that has been built on the anger, frustration, bitterness and disappointment of human beings that had to sacrifice their individual lives for it. Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Bonding. Profile is valuable in one way. Nowhere like here can we see the mechanics of the 'form principle' at work, only that its purpose is very rarely fulfilled in the unique form of each individual that is and has ever been born, but its purpose is deeply dehumanized and homogenized into a bunch of 'roles and rules', designed to provide the 'glue' for identification between members and assure the continuity of the group. When we activate all of the gates in this Quarter we see that this forms three channels bringing definition to the bodygraph, creating the only pure emotional Generator through the Channel of Mating, along with the Channel of Discovery and the Channel of Abstraction. Where you can get into trouble is taking the conditioning to its distortion and thinking that your Godhead is THE God. Mesopotamia, 4000-3500 B.C. The individual awareness that is possible in awakening; needs to be rooted in the continuity of the relationship that you can have to yourself through your own personality. If your Personality Sun is in this quarter, youre here to wake up first. Covers Gates 1 - 19 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. This ancient Maya city mirrors the beauty of the physical landscape in which it flourisheda fertile, well-watered mountain valley in western Honduras at an elevation of 600 meters (1,970 feet) above mean sea level. This website uses browser cookies to maintain your user session but no information is shared with 3rd parties. This is the world of fertility and bondingyour relationships with others. Every quarter starts with a gate that belongs to the cross of the Sphinx which provides it with its fundamental direction in life. Amy Lee and John Cole are IHDS Certified Analysts and are available for private sessions including Foundation Readings, Cycle, Family, and Partnership Analysis. I remember what is still a wondrous moment in my decade+ of contemplating Human Design's Rave Mandala. 1. Duality, what a seductive trap that our genes have created for our human vanity. MaiaThe Mother Goddess Gates: 2-The Direction of the Self, 23-Assimilation 8-Contribution, 20-The Now. But there is one thing they can never give you: yourself. When we are moving along our natural path without resistance, the costume naturally fits us better and the expression is a clear and natural outgrowth of that. So, the shadow side of this Quarter can be an unhealthy materialistic focus.Your purpose is also fulfilled through communication by what you say to others and what they say to you, how you articulate what you say and how your unique body expresses itself in language. It is one of those ironies that reveals that the program never wanted us to wake up as a species, because while the mental purpose in Initiation is carried out through a collective direction (Gate 13), the purpose of form in Civilization is carried out through a direction that is entirely individual (Gate 2). But the truth is that we can root all of its understanding in something as highly primitive as the division of humankind in the two halves represented by gender differences. Where something that would be easy to take for granted reveals itself as fundamental and obvious. A whole new world could have arisen here if women had not given away their YIN power more than 2000 years ago to the monotheistic spirit of the masculine powers that shaped our families and societies until today. She is available for consultations through, Course registration is open for those interested i, New Podcast Episode: Gary Christen with a brief hi, Once you have completed the Living Your Design wor, The January 7th workshop is full and so we're offe, Courses, Community, and Guidance for Empowerment and Inspiration, Generators, Projectors and Type Relationships. A simple way to engage with all of this is to experiment with your inner guidance: your sacral response (Generators), your sense of recognition and invitation (Projectors), your impulse to act and ability to inform others (Manifestors), your moon cycle (Reflectors) and then make your decisions through Authority: your splenic knowing, your emotional wave or whatever your authority might be. These names put a face to the thematics shaping humanity. And this is certainly the cause of so much of the resentment that is at the root of the inability of men and women to communicate with each other as equals. The Quarter of Civilization Just like intelligence is overestimated, so is the so called 'spirit of civilization' in humanity. Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation - Human.Design Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation Home / Audios If you were born in the Quarter of Civilisation your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through Form'.This means living your life by experiencing uniquely through your body. The most powerful channel of them all, the dominating one, the one that will change our civilization, and the one that we all will be impacted by. Quarter of Duality the Realm of Jupiter. Join Ra in looking at each gate in its three corresponding Incarnation Cross variations (Right Angle, Juxtaposition, & Left Angle) as he explains how the qualities of the hexagram provide the building blocks for humanitys development and maturation process. news, updates, and all the Quarter of Civilization, the Realm of Dubhe Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form Mystical Theme: Womb to Room Gate 23 < Gate 8 > Gate 20 This Gate is part of the Channel of Inspiration, The Creative Role Model, linking the Throat Center (Gate 8) to the G Center (Gate 1). And it is the love of the body that pulls us all into a direction of life empowerment through self-preservation. It is supported and refined by the major cycles we go through in life. More Info, The Human Design Collective will be conducting the next "Rave Cartography" course online from January 13 to March 31, 2023. However hidden it is, it will invariably be recognized and mirrored back by those human beings that you directly interact with in the establishment of personal relationships. We are endowed with particular gifts that serve the world. Get precise Advice for a life of your highest fulfillment. The Human Design Collective is offering the "Living Your Design" workshop in a hybrid online self-paced format with two live workshops. The G Center's physiology is the Liver and blood. The 16 archetypal themes inherited from our 7-Centered ancestors impart their qualities to the four respective gates within each Godhead. Highest fulfillment hard to make the right choice when it comes to what to that... For you ' in humanity to the cross of the Rave Mandala we all! Something like seasons but from an evolutionary perspective '' workshop in a logical progression beginning with the of., home of the Rave Mandala of contemplating Human Design Year consists of four quarters, each with its direction... 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